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0 supporters
This trigger is for people who are upset by the death of a canine companion. Dogs are often portrayed as loyal friends in films, and their death can be very triggering.
190 supporters
This trigger is for viewers who are disturbed by scenes of animal cruelty or violence. This can include physical abuse, neglect, or forced fighting.
166 supporters
This trigger is for people who are upset by the death of a feline companion. Cats can form strong bonds with their owners, and their death on screen can be emotionally difficult to watch.
142 supporters
This trigger is for viewers who are concerned about the ethical treatment of animals in filmmaking. Some older films or films with unrealistic stunts may have used methods that harmed animals.
122 supporters
Dog fighting is a cruel and illegal activity that involves forcing dogs to fight each other. Even depictions of dog fighting can be very disturbing.
106 supporters
This trigger is for viewers who are generally disturbed by the sight of dead animals on screen.
80 supporters
This trigger is for viewers who are affected by scenes depicting animal sadness or distress. This could include animals separated from their young, injured animals, or animals in captivity.
51 supporters
This trigger is for people with arachnophobia, a fear of spiders. Even brief appearances of spiders can cause anxiety and distress for some viewers.
33 supporters
This trigger is for people with entomophobia, a fear of insects. Even brief appearances of bugs can cause anxiety and distress.
17 supporters
This trigger is for people with ophidiophobia, a fear of snakes. Even brief appearances of snakes can cause anxiety and distress for some viewers.
5 supporters
This trigger is for people with a fear of sharks. Even scenes that don't show shark attacks can be triggering for some viewers.
4 supporters
This trigger is for people with a fear of large reptiles, such as herpetophobia, a general fear of reptiles or amphibians.
1 supporters
This trigger is for viewers who are specifically upset by the death or mistreatment of rabbits. Rabbits are popular pets and can be seen as vulnerable creatures.
1 supporters
This trigger is for viewers who may be attached to a fictional creature's well-being, even if it's a fantasy element like a dragon. This can be especially true if the dragon is portrayed as a sympathetic character.
0 supporters
This trigger is a broader category encompassing the death of any animal companion, including dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, etc.
0 supporters
(besides a dog, cat or horse)
This trigger is a broader category encompassing the death of any animal depicted on screen. It's useful for viewers who are sensitive to animal death in general.
0 supporters
This trigger is for people who are upset by the death of a horse. Horses are often seen as majestic creatures, and their death can be a difficult scene to watch, especially for animal lovers or horse enthusiasts.
90 supporters
This trigger is for people who have a strong emotional connection to animals and are affected by depictions of animal neglect or abandonment. It can be distressing for those who have experienced the loss of a pet or have concerns about animal welfare.
6 supporters
This trigger is for individuals who have experienced sudden departures or unexpected endings in relationships. It can evoke feelings of rejection, betrayal, and uncertainty.
0 supporters
This trigger is for individuals who have experienced or fear abandonment, particularly in childhood. It can evoke strong emotional responses related to loss, fear, and insecurity.
79 supporters
National Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-799-7233)
This trigger encompasses a range of abusive behaviors within intimate relationships, including physical, emotional, sexual, and financial abuse. It can be triggering for survivors of domestic violence and those who have witnessed or experienced unhealthy relationships.
32 supporters
Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation where a person is made to question their own sanity or perception of reality. This trigger can be distressing for survivors of emotional abuse and those who are particularly vulnerable to manipulation.
22 supporters
Stalking is a pattern of unwanted and intrusive behavior that can cause fear and anxiety. This trigger can be distressing for survivors of stalking and those who have experienced harassment or threats.
0 supporters
Seeing abusers be forgiven or absolved of their actions can be very painful for abuse victims, particularly when the forgiveness is portrayed as something the victim "owes" to the abuser or the victim is portrayed as being bitter/ungrateful for things the abuser did for them/selfish/otherwise bad or in the wrong until they forgive the abuser.
0 supporters
National Child Abuse Hotline (1-800-4-A-Child)
This trigger specifically focuses on the abuse of children, which can be particularly disturbing and upsetting. It can be triggering for survivors of child abuse, those who work with children, and individuals who have a strong protective instinct towards children.
0 supporters
National Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-799-7233)
This trigger depicts a cycle of violence where a victim of abuse becomes the perpetrator. It can be triggering for survivors of abuse who struggle with feelings of guilt or shame, or those who fear repeating the cycle.
0 supporters
This trigger encompasses a broad range of parental abuse, including physical, emotional, and psychological harm. It can be deeply traumatic for survivors of child abuse and those who have witnessed or experienced parental dysfunction.
0 supporters
This trigger specifically refers to physical abuse involving a belt, which can be a particularly visceral form of violence. It can be triggering for survivors of physical abuse and those who have fears of bodily harm.
0 supporters
Many women are victims of physical violence and abuse. Women in media are often made into narrative props that get used as targets for violence, for shock value. This may overlap with some cases of other categories, but encompasses the broader range of situations where women are made into hapless victims of brutal treatment, for shock. Being able to know, beforehand, whether a piece of media includes this trope would be greatly beneficial to many women.
20 supporters
This trigger refers to the broader concept of addiction, encompassing various behaviors beyond substance abuse. This includes process addictions such as gambling, sex addiction, workaholism, and other compulsive behaviors. It can be triggering for individuals struggling with any form of addiction or those supporting someone with an addiction.
20 supporters
This trigger involves depictions of excessive or harmful alcohol consumption, which can be triggering for individuals struggling with alcohol addiction or those affected by alcoholism.
9 supporters
This trigger encompasses the use of various illicit substances and can be distressing for people recovering from drug addiction, those with family members struggling with addiction, or individuals concerned about the negative impacts of drug use.
54 supporters
Sexual assault on a male might be played of as funny or less serious than if the victim were a woman.
31 supporters
A character is unknowingly given a substance that alters their mental or physical state without their consent.
27 supporters
A character is physically prevented from moving freely through the intentional use of force or physical barriers.
24 supporters
A character's head is forcibly submerged in water, preventing them from breathing.
22 supporters
A character is physically attacked and injured by another person who is aggressive and intimidating.
22 supporters
National Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-799-7233)
A female character is struck forcefully on the face by an open hand.
15 supporters
A character's mouth is blocked or covered, preventing them from speaking or breathing.
0 supporters
Sexual assault of any kind is mentioned, whether it might be recounting an event or a tasteless joke.
0 supporters
Pedophillia is shown or mentioned.
Bodily Harm
92 supporters
Overwhelming amounts of blood, violence, and bodily fluids.
83 supporters
Depictions of inflicting severe pain or suffering.
51 supporters
Depictions of injuries to fingers or toes.
49 supporters
Depictions of injuries to teeth.
38 supporters
Depictions of a severed head.
34 supporters
Depictions of humans consuming human flesh.
31 supporters
Depictions of people suspended by a rope or other object around the neck.
30 supporters
Depictions of a person being compressed to death by extreme force.
28 supporters
Choking, suffocation, strangling, hyperventilating, and other depictions of difficulty in breathing.
27 supporters
Depictions of limbs being removed.
27 supporters
Depictions of a person being buried while still alive.
22 supporters
Depictions of bone fractures.
18 supporters
A person is strangled or suffocated by having their throat constricted.
18 supporters
Depictions of injuries or harm inflicted on hands.
16 supporters
Depictions of a person being wounded by a sharp object.
9 supporters
Depictions of uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain.
4 supporters
A person loses consciousness due to injury, illness, or other causes.
1 supporters
Depictions of a person being consumed by fire.
0 supporters
Depictions of a fatal fall.
0 supporters
Depictions of self-harm or other cutting actions.
0 supporters
Graphic depictions of heads being crushed or compressed.
0 supporters
A person is deprived of oxygen, leading to unconsciousness or death.
0 supporters
Does some sort of experimentation, mutations, or other event happen that warps the body. Graphic and disturbing depictions of physical bodies.
0 supporters
Depictions of joints being forced out of their normal position.
0 supporters
Graphic depictions of injuries to genitalia.
0 supporters
Graphic depictions of injuries to the throat or neck.
0 supporters
Depictions of a person falling down a flight of stairs.
0 supporters
Graphic depictions of injuries to eyes.
0 supporters
Depictions of injuries to the Achilles tendon.
107 supporters
Depictions of children in a sexual manner, including suggestive poses, clothing, or language.
56 supporters
Depictions of a child's death, whether accidental, intentional, or from illness.
0 supporters
Depictions of a baby or infant being taken away without permission.
Creepy Crawly
17 supporters
Depictions of bedbugs or evidence of a bedbug infestation.
11 supporters
A character intentionally dies to save others.
1 supporters
The death of a primary or beloved character.
1 supporters
A general term for the death of a person.
0 supporters
The death of an animal or fictional creature.
32 supporters
The use of a derogatory term against people with intellectual disabilities.
0 supporters
An able-bodied actor portraying a character with a disability.
14 supporters
A person dies or becomes seriously ill due to taking an excessive amount of a substance.
24 supporters
The death of a parent, leading to profound emotional trauma and life changes.
8 supporters
A family member is taken away against their will, leading to fear, anxiety, and trauma.
1 supporters
A romantic partner engages in infidelity, causing betrayal, heartbreak, and relationship breakdown.
1 supporters
The death of a relative, causing grief, loss, and family disruption.
0 supporters
The loss of a beloved toy, symbolizing emotional security and comfort.
62 supporters
Sudden and unexpected moments of startling noise or visual effects.
23 supporters
Depictions of clusters of small holes or bumps, which can trigger a fear response in some people.
16 supporters
Depictions of clowns, often associated with childhood trauma and fear.
15 supporters
Depictions of sharp blades, often associated with danger and self-harm.
7 supporters
Depictions of spirits of the dead, often associated with haunting and supernatural phenomena.
2 supporters
Depictions of large, deep bodies of water, often associated with the unknown and danger.
1 supporters
Depictions of life-sized human models, often associated with uncanny valley and unease.
1 supporters
A person is controlled by a supernatural or evil entity.
0 supporters
108 supporters
Depictions of a person expelling stomach contents.
45 supporters
Sound effects that depict violence, injury, or bodily fluids.
34 supporters
Depictions of a person being consumed by another creature or entity.
10 supporters
Depictions of a person expelling saliva.
9 supporters
Depictions of flatulence.
0 supporters
Depictions of a person defecating on-screen.
0 supporters
Depictions of a person urinating or defecating on themselves or in their pants.
Large-scale Violence
0 supporters
Depictions of the September 11th terrorist attacks.
Law Enforcement
34 supporters
Propaganda that portrays law enforcement in a positive light, often ignoring or downplaying issues of police misconduct.
1 supporters
Depictions of imprisonment or confinement.
50 supporters
The use of derogatory terms against transgender people.
39 supporters
Using a person's deadname or birth name after they have transitioned.
24 supporters
A person's sexual orientation or gender identity is revealed without their consent.
23 supporters
Depictions of infidelity involving a bisexual person.
0 supporters
Portraying a transgender person as inherently dangerous or predatory.
0 supporters
The destruction of a valuable or irreplaceable object.
30 supporters
The use of sharp objects to inject or withdraw substances.
28 supporters
Scenes set in a psychiatric facility.
21 supporters
The use of electrical current to treat medical conditions.
12 supporters
Scenes set in a hospital environment.
3 supporters
Depictions of a woman's menstrual cycle.
0 supporters
Depictions of a person diagnosed with cancer.
Mental Health
82 supporters
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255)
Depictions of a person taking their own life.
78 supporters
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255)
Depictions of a person attempting to take their own life.
48 supporters
Abuse targeting individuals with autism spectrum disorder.
34 supporters
Inaccurate or stereotypical depictions of autism spectrum disorder.
32 supporters
Scenes that trigger misophonia, such as repetitive sounds, eating noises, or other sounds that can be intensely irritating.
31 supporters
Depictions of individuals experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder.
22 supporters
Inaccurate or stereotypical depictions of dissociative identity disorder.
22 supporters
A person experiences a sudden surge of intense fear or discomfort.
18 supporters
Depictions of confined spaces that can trigger fear or anxiety in individuals with claustrophobia.
11 supporters
Depictions of individuals struggling with mental health conditions.
10 supporters
A person experiences a sudden and overwhelming emotional outburst.
1 supporters
Depictions of applied behavior analysis therapy, which can be controversial and potentially harmful.
1 supporters
Portraying individuals with mental illnesses as inherently dangerous or violent.
Depictions of a person feeling detached from their own thoughts, feelings, or surroundings.
0 supporters
Depictions of individuals with disordered eating patterns.
0 supporters
Depictions of a mismatch between a person's physical sex and their gender identity, otr otherwise feeling dissatisfied with their own bodies.
0 supporters
Depictions of a character experiencing a distorted or fragmented sense of reality.
0 supporters
Depictions of individuals intentionally causing harm to themselves.
0 supporters
Depictions of individuals with an excessive preoccupation with perceived flaws in their appearance.
45 supporters
A handheld camera technique that can create a sense of disorientation or unease.
40 supporters
Unexpected loud sounds that can startle or frighten viewers.
17 supporters
Depictions of a crying infant, which can be irritating or distressing for some viewers.
16 supporters
Depictions of people screaming, which can be distressing or alarming.
8 supporters
Scenes set underwater, which can be disorienting or claustrophobic for some viewers.
6 supporters
Offensive or vulgar language or gestures that can be disturbing or offensive.
1 supporters
Rapidly flashing lights or images that can trigger seizures or discomfort in some viewers.
14 supporters
Depictions of a character being observed without their awareness, creating a sense of unease and paranoia.
1 supporters
The character directly addresses the audience, blurring the lines between reality and fiction, which can be unsettling.
30 supporters
The birth of a dead baby.
27 supporters
The spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week.
27 supporters
Depictions of the process of giving birth.
26 supporters
The death of a pregnant individual.
18 supporters
The termination of a pregnancy.
15 supporters
Depictions of a baby or unborn child.
45 supporters
Using an incorrect gender pronoun or term to refer to a person.
45 supporters
The use of derogatory terms against LGBTQ+ individuals.
43 supporters
Language or actions that discriminate against or stigmatize people with disabilities.
38 supporters
Jokes that mock transgender women or men who do not conform to traditional gender roles.
35 supporters
The use of a racial slur against Black people.
34 supporters
The death of an individual who identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer.
33 supporters
The use of language that promotes hatred or violence against a particular group.
31 supporters
Prejudice or discrimination against Jewish people.
26 supporters
Depictions of minority groups in a stereotypical or harmful way.
22 supporters
Prejudice or discrimination against asexual people.
0 supporters
Jokes that mock or ridicule people based on their weight.
0 supporters
A trope in which Black characters are disproportionately likely to die in media.
35 supporters
The wearing of makeup or costumes to imitate or mock Black people.
0 supporters
A significant difference in age between romantic partners.
14 supporters
Depictions or discussions of religious beliefs or practices.
11 supporters
Depictions of supernatural beings or a place of punishment in the afterlife.
81 supporters
Depictions of sexual acts involving animals.
58 supporters
Depictions of sexual acts or behaviors.
43 supporters
A person is treated as a sexual object rather than a human being.
25 supporters
Depictions of bondage, discipline, dominance, submission, and masochism.
15 supporters
A person engages in sexual intercourse for the first time.
0 supporters
Depictions of naked bodies.
0 supporters
National Sexual Assault Hotline 800.656.4673
Sexual relationships between close family members.
0 supporters
Depictions of a male character being mocked or shamed for expressing emotions.
12 supporters
Depictions of individuals experiencing a stroke, a sudden loss of brain function.
1 supporters
Depictions of individuals living with long-term health conditions.
0 supporters
Depictions of individuals with progressive cognitive decline.
0 supporters
Depictions of individuals with a life-threatening illness.
15 supporters
Philosophical discussions or exploration of the meaning of life and existence.
1 supporters
Depictions of individuals without a permanent home.
0 supporters
The use of costumes to make actors appear overweight.
0 supporters
Depictions or discussions that oppose abortion.
5 supporters
Depictions of characters revealing the truth about fictional or mythical figures, such as Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, or the Tooth Fairy, to children who believe in them. This can lead to disappointment, disillusionment, and a loss of innocence.
0 supporters
A conclusion that evokes feelings of sadness or loss.
0 supporters
Additional content shown after the main credits.
20 supporters
Depictions of a person being struck by a vehicle.
19 supporters
Depictions of a car accident.
9 supporters
Loud noises made by vehicles, which can be startling or irritating.
0 supporters
Depictions of an airplane accident.
56 supporters
Depictions of blood, violence, and bodily fluids.
27 supporters
Depictions of violence involving firearms.
25 supporters
Depictions of a person being submerged in water and unable to breathe.
8 supporters
Depictions of a powerful explosion caused by nuclear energy.
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