Taking place in a dystopian Australia in the near future, Mad Max tells the story of a highway patrolman cruising the squalid back roads that have become the breeding ground of criminals foraging for gasoline and scraps. After some grisly events at the hands of a motorcycle gang, Max sets out across the barren wastelands in search of revenge.
This movie contains 66 potentially triggering events.
The main antagonist is named Toecutter. A man’s hand is ripped off by a rope attached to a cat. It is implied that another man attempts to cut off his own foot
There isn't exactly a trans character but there's some stuff with gender/sexuality coding that a person who's especially sensitive might find troubling
One character has a stutter which is played for humor. Someone is called a cr*pple. A grievously burned character is referred to as "a thing, not a person."
Young women are objectified with few lines when they have any at all. The hero's wife is sexually objectified while wearing a bikini, beach cover-up, oversized men's shirt with no pants, etc.