Twin brother and sister Dipper and Mabel Pines are in for an unexpected adventure when they spend the summer helping their great uncle Stan run a tourist trap in the mysterious town of Gravity Falls, Oregon.
This tv show contains 86 potentially triggering events.
In the episode "Dreamscaperers", a British dog-man is seen that Soos apparently has nightmares about. It ends up being killed in a non-graphic way, but it should be noted that it's just a thought form.
ford is sucked into the portal and disappears for thirty years without saying goodbye to stan. they are eventually reunited though, and everything ends up okay :)
Gideon is rude to both Dipper and Mabel and at the end of season 2 Dipper gives a dramatic speech thing and Gideon decides to be better, but I don't think Mabel or Dipper outright forgive him. Also I don't think Grunkle Stan is abusive especially once his intentions are revealed^-^
The antagonists of the show tend to stalk others constantly, a notable instance is in the episode "Soos and the Real Girl", where Soos finds out that a video game character has been stalking him.
No, but in episode 2 Stan tells the joke "My ex-wife still misses me, but her aim is getting better!", and follows it up with "It's funny because marriage is terrible", which sort of alludes to domestic abuse.
Several antagonists are gaslighters. In "Sock Opera", Bill Cipher tries to get Dipper to stop trusting his family. In "Soos and the Real Girl", Giffany attempts to manipulate Soos into staying with her forever, claiming that he could never find a real love interest. Gideon also constantly gaslights other people by pretending to be innocent, but eventually gets his comeuppance in the season 1 finale and later redeems himself.
There is not directly alcohol, but some episodes reference Mabel drinking orange juice (child alcohol?) by chugging it down and making a bitter face. I'm pretty sure Grunkle Stan also drinks "expired apple cider" which is kind of an alcohol reference. Not abusing alcohol, but just a warning for those who want to avoid those kinds of jokes :)
There is a scene where bill makes all the teeth get ripped out of a deers mouth. The deer doesnt get hurt and he reminds time and places them back. The deer runs away like nothing happened.
Some taxidermy (or at least presumed taxidermy) is seen in most/all episodes, including mounted animal heads that come to life in a brief but fairly disturbing scene in "Northwest Mansion Mystery".
Mabel's pig Waddles gets taken by a pterodactyl, they all go look for him and talk about how he's "probably dead". They find him unharmed and take him home
In Little Gift Shop of Horrors, Stan is talking directly to the viewer. When “you” don’t buy any of his merch, he gives you a potion and the screen goes fuzzy. You “wake up “ in an exhibition box called the Cheapskate. Bit claustrophobic and also made me feel dizzy. Wasn’t expecting it.
Reiterating the other comment for details, the gnomes impersonate a singular teenage boy and turn out to be several white bearded gnomes (besides 1.) They first date a 12 year old girl and then try to forcibly marry her and fail. It’s not done in an overly serious way, but might be triggering.
No, but the entire episode Fight Fighters focuses on Dipper trying to avoid getting beaten up by Robbie. It almost happens towards the end, but Robbie gives up.
No, but in "Boss Mabel", Soos approaches a woman while he's in a fairly revealing outfit. He has no intent of doing any harm, but she is shocked by his behavior and begins pepper spraying him. Gideon is also seen harassing Mabel on multiple occasions, though nothing too out of line happens.
Absolutely not. No mention, nothing. These two “yes” answers? I don’t understand, I hope they were an accident bc this is supposed to be a helpful website 😭
in a cutaway at the end of an episode after McGucket says "its almost like I can remember" A metal object flies into Stan's hand, causing it to bleed slightly.
A few mentions of cannibalism, notably in "Carpet Diem" (Soos switches bodies with a pig, and McGucket still wants to try to eat him even after he's back to normal), "Society of the Blind Eye" (A gnome mentions resorting to cannibalism), and "Northwest Mansion Mystery" (Preston says that they'll have enough food to last them a week because they'll eat the butler). The Manotaurs (shown in "Dipper vs. Manliness") are also heavily implied to be cannibals, as they are cow-like beings that eat beef jerky and their leader is briefly seen eating an old Manotaur.
At the end of the finale, Robbie and his parents are shown in a cemetery. Zombies are slowly coming out of the ground, but they are pushed back into the ground with no resistance.
weirdmageddon 1 has probably the worst body horror scene, where bill turns preston’s face into this weird amalgamation of body parts, i’d skip their conversation together if this is a trigger for you
In the last mabelcorn, they knock out the unicorn and her saytr servent to steal her hair. At the end of an episode blendin gets possessed by bill and is breifly unconscious when bill leaves his body, in the same scene bill makes mabel pass out. Theres also a few comedic "dramatic fainting" scenes
When Bill is summoned by Gideon, there is a part where Bill gets all of a deers teeth to fly out and throws them at gideon to scare him, and the. put them back
In season 2 episode 4 ("Sock Opera"), [SPOILERS]: after Bill possesses Dipper's body, he descends the stairs by throwing himself (in Dipper's body) down them. This doesn't seem to bother Bill at all, despite this being the body he is inhabiting, and while we know this causes injury to Dipper's body, not much of said injury caused during this moment is visibly shown after the fact.
There's also that scene in Weirdmageddon where Preston Northwest (Pacifica's dad)'s face gets literally rearranged, with all the orifices switched around.
No kids die, but most (if not all) episodes involve kids/teens in danger. There are also a few moments that come very close: in "The Inconveniencing", multiple teenagers are trapped in parts of the convenience store, though they end up being freed. in "Double Dipper", a 12 year old clones himself multiple times, and by the end most of the clones die off. In "Summerween", a monster eats a child alive, but towards the end of the episode it is revealed that he survived and makes it out okay (despite claiming to be traumatized). In the "Weirdmageddon" arc, many characters in the show end up being frozen in stone, including kids/teenagers, though they make it out okay in the end. There is another clone/imitation of a kid that ends up being destroyed as well. Additionally, the primary antagonist explicitly threatens to kill the main characters during the finale.
Mabel frequently crushes over boys but 90% of the time it’s with people in her age group and doesn’t go beyond what you’d expect from a “weird tween girl”. YMMV on underage romance plots but I personally vote no
nahh, mabel eats too much candy and goes on a kind of “sugar trip” and i guess what can kiinda be seen as an OD? it didn’t bother me and i’m triggered by OD’ing
The journals are destroyed by Bill in the "Weirdmaggedon" arc, and Dipper is obviously distraught as he watches. They're not exactly toys, but they are objects that mean a lot to a certain character, so I think they count. (Should be noted that according to the tie-in "Journal 3", the journals were restored along with most other things Bill destroyed, however.)
Season 2 Eps. 19-21: Multiple residents of Gravity Falls are turned to stone by eyebats, and kidnapped from the streets for the throne of Bill Cipher (which he unfortunately never uses). Season 2 Ep. 17: Stanford Pines is kidnapped by a security droid from the UFO in Gravity Falls, but is saved by Dipper. Some other examples of characters being held hostage: Tourist Trapped: Mabel is kidnapped and tied down by gnomes. Double Dipper: the Dipper copies lock Dipper classic (the real Dipper) in a closet. The Deep End: there is a boy in solitary confinement in the pool. Boyz Crazy: Mabel keeps Sev’ral times hostage in the attic of the Mystery Shack. Land Before Swine: Waddles is kidnapped by a pterodactyl. The Golf War: Pacifica is kidnapped by the Lilliputians to win Mabel’s favor (and is planned on being killed). Little Gift Shop of Horrors: Stan’s hands are taken from him by a hand witch. Society of the Blind Eye: multiple characters are kidnapped throughout the episode including Lazy Susan, Dipepr, Mabel, Wendy, Soos, and Fiddleford (Old Man) H. Mcgucket. Blendin’s Game: Dipper and Mabel are kidnapped by the Time Paradox Avoidance Enforcement Sqaudron and Blendin Blenjamin Blandin, and forced to partake in Globnar. Not What he Seems: Stan is taken into custody by the government. Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons: Dipper and Stanford are captured by Probabilitor (the wizard) and planned to have their brains eaten. The Stanchurian Candidate: Dipper and Mabel are kidnapped by a possessed (by Lil’ Gideon) Bud Gleeful and put in a mountain to be trapped.
There are probably more instances than this, but in "Summerween", two children show Stan a jumpscare video; it starts off with a video of a kitten, but quickly cuts to a video showing a monster. It's not too scary, but I can see this being potentially upsetting to those who have been tricked into watching these kinds of videos.
Stan is also seen about to get into the bath in "Summerween", and his towel falls off, frightening two children who were initially presumed to have seen him naked. It is later revealed that he was just in his underwear. Also, in the season 1 finale we can see a gnome bathing in a bathtub full of squirrels (it's just as weird as it sounds).
The most notable incident is probably the episode "Sock Opera", in which Dipper is possessed by the series villain for most of the day, while Dipper follows his body around as a ghost. The demon abandons this by the end of the episode, when Dipper's body is too tired to keep up. No permanent damage is done, though.
only electric ones but just in case:
“dipper vs manliness”: skip around during the training song, there is a short clip of mabel trying to shave stan’s insanely hairy back
“weirdmageddon 2: escapes from reality” skip around after scrapbook mabel says “what, you have a wig?”. scrapbook dipper will pull out a razor and shave his head
First episode a character gets thrown against a tree and when they get back up they vomit. It is shown as a rainbow.
I believe there are also some instances of characters making retching sounds but not showing anything beyond that.
A one-off, unnamed background character is implied to wet himself, but nothing is seen/heard and he is seen later in the background to be completely fine.
Grenda also says "I wet myself" very matter-of-factly in the Summerween episode but it's very quick and no other attention is drawn to it.
A character is arrested and taken in for questioning by the police. No jail cells are seen or anything of that nature, but they are put in a room and handcuffed to a chair. Episode: "Not What He Seems".
In other episode, there is a very brief flashback scene that shows Stan sitting in a jail cell with two inmates. It's a one-off joke that only lasts a few seconds. Episode: "Dreamscapers"
Not of an actually queer person from what we know but Mabel photographs Dipper giving CPR to a man (“kissing”) and says she’ll use it as blackmail. This is played as a joke and I wasn’t thrilled to hear it.
it doesn’t take place in a mental hospital but in boss mabel two people having panic attacks are taken away in an ambulance after seeing their worst nightmare. it’s quick so look away after the couple looks into the gremloblin’s evil eye.
During the episode "Sock Opera", when Dipper is possessed, the demon possessing him has Dipper hurt himself in various ways, including stabbing his arm with forks, deliberately falling down a staircase, and slapping himself. The demon seems to enjoy this, stating that "Pain is hilarious!"
There is a mentally ill character who is often putting people in danger and talks about creating a homicidal robot. It can be argued that many of the antagonists in the finale fall under this category as well.
The eating sounds usually don't sound much like actual eating and aren't heavily focused on, although it could be worth mentioning that there's some throat-clearing occasionally.
Dipper has a lot of anxiety and at one point almost even shoots someone (in self defense) during an anxiety attack. Also another character is at one point during a flashback shown to be extremely paranoid and threatens someone with a crossbow.
in season 2 ep 1 when mabel and dipper are fighting zombies, they throw a disco ball into one of their mouths and it flashes pretty slowly over the next few seconds. not sure if it's bad enough to bother anyone, but thought i'd mention it.
The episode "Little Gift Shop of Horrors" mostly consists of Stan talking directly to the viewer. There's also some camera interaction, including Stan knocking the viewer out and putting them in an exhibit. This episode is non-canon and doesn't really have any impact on the series, so you can skip it if this is triggering for you.
Cartoon babies appear occasionally. There's a brief scene in "Carpet Diem" in which there's a fairly realistic drawing of a fetus shown in a book, although this is only onscreen for a few seconds.
Yes, in the episode Double Dipper there is a character called “paper jam Dipper” who has trouble communicating and is visually different compared to the other paper clones. Spoiler alert: when the clones start to disintegrate after getting water poured on them he says “ it’s better this way for paper jam Dipper” referring to dying which isn’t great. I don’t think the shows author intended this to be harmful but nevertheless it’s a little unsettling.
A wax figure of Larry King gets called a "goblin man", but this was very likely to be unintentional considering the creator of the show is Jewish himself.
In S1:EP20, Dipper and Mable get the gnomes to help them by promising that Gideon is an even prettier girl than Mable and he is referred to as 'she' for the next few minutes.
There are two characters in the show that are rather heavily indicated to be LGBT+ throughout the series. (Spoiler) One of them ends up being frozen in stone in one of the last episodes, as well as a lot of other characters in the show, but he makes it out okay.
Soos the handyman admits to being called "Big Dude" by Robbie, which hurt his feelings. He's also on occasion been called a "large hairless gopher" by Ford and possible others, saying "he gets that a lot." Stan has also self depreciatedly refereed to himself as fat and out of shape.
In “Bottomless Pit”, Mabel, Soos and Dipper are, in a flashback, in a stereotypical “cowboys and Indians” themed pinball machine. Mabel is wearing a feather on her head, and stereotypical Native American clothing, simplified and stylised for her fashion sense and the shows style. There are worse misrepresentations but these have been stated already. :)
Not from what I remember, but there is something that may be worth a mention: a recurring theme throughout the series of Dipper (age 12) having a crush on Wendy (age 15), and although they're only about 3 years apart, Wendy later comments that their ages are too far apart for each other.
This is a show aimed at kids, so obviously there isn't anything explicitly sexual, but innuendos and adult humor are fairly frequent. Very mild nudity in nonsexual contexts is occasionally seen, and puberty is sometimes referenced as well, to name a few.
Adding to the previous commentor, I'd say that it's pretty clear that there is no BSDM. Bill knows that Ford doesn't want to face death threats or be mind controlled. While he gives justification for his actions by trying to claim that Ford either should or would be okay with his actions, it is clearly contextualized as an abuser trying to create justifications for himself, not as an actual belief of consent. Also note that this only occurs in a book with extra content intended for primarily teen/adult audiences.
An older character exhibits memory loss and strange behaviors. It is not caused by Alzheimer's but the real cause isn't revealed for several seasons. His symotoms are very redolent of dementia.
The character of Old Man McGucket lives at the dump. He is mistreated by some of the local teens with the little property he has getting spray painted, but I don't remember what episode this happens in. His homelessness is explicitly caused by a mental decline and others shunning him for it, if that impacts you. In the end he does get a house.
The show is set in summer, Santa is mentioned once when a character says old man mcgucket looks like Santa, that's it. The tooth fairy and the Easter bunny are never mentioned
Yes, in the episode summerween sous hits a monster with his car and it explodes. There is also a very brief but unnecessary scene at the very beginning of the episode Legend of the Gobblewonker where Stan’s car comes close to hitting an animal. It gets away safely but it’s still a little disturbing.
S1 Ep10 fight fighters, S2 Ep1 scary-oke, S2 Ep4 sock opera, S2 Ep10 northwest mansion mystery, S2 Ep15 the last mabelcorn, and all three parts of weirdmaggedon.
There are a few scenes with a sci-fi style gun wielded by one character, but no bullets, gunfights, or serious gore involved. The only uses of that gun, as far as I can recall, are an unsuccessful attack on the main villain, and the scene at the end silently threatening the bus driver.
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