Spiders are a pretty big factor of this film! If you're opposed to them, the main scenes are: Peter will be in the classroom with Miss Devine and one will pop up that they let outside. And then as soon as Sarah is on screen, spiders will be seen Constantly in her hair and on the walls.
It's not seen how it happens but the dad has a huuuuge scratch going down his arm that he says was made by a nail. Very bloody and very obviously a cut/scratch.
They vomit blood, though it looks black on screen. This scene starts right after the dad looks at Peter after the family is eating and no more vomit is shown after the stairs scene!
I actually can't 100% remember but Miss Devine will be driving toward the end of the film and will suddenly stop as a child is in the road. Can't remember if her brakes made a screech sound but jic!