In the Old Stone Age, a disparate gang of early humans band together in search of a new land. But when they suspect a malevolent, mystical, being is hunting them down, the clan are forced to confront a danger they never envisaged.
This movie contains 8 potentially triggering events.
A man shoves a woman who is pregnant with his baby to the ground. He also smacks a young girl who he previously sexually assaulted and she falls to the ground.
A young girl who has only just started getting periods is groped between her legs by an adult man. In another instance, he smacks her and she falls to the ground.
A girl is groped by an adult man. We aren't told her exact age but given that she's only just started getting her period, we can infer that she is a child.
A man whose partner is expecting a child implies to a woman that if the child doesn't survive, he might make her carry one for him. He then tells her that she's "for whatever he needs" before beginning to grab at her as she struggles. Something happens to interrupt them before things escalate.