Episode 6, a dog is seen on screen barking at a person but the dog is completely unharmed. However, later in the episode someone references being forced to "poison a dog" in the past (reference to WandaVision). No dead dogs are seen on screen as of episodes 1 - 7
Spoilers for e6 Teen dies and his mind is replaced with another persons spirit. He faces a lot of worry and anxiety from his parents wishing he would just “remember who he is”
This is more “show abandonment” than characters doing the abandoning. A goat is shown walking and staying with Agatha and Nicky, then just disappears, never to be seen again. No acknowledgement of what happened or anything.
Yes. Episode 5 - A mother is verbally /emotionally abusive to her child. **Could be triggering to read ** the mom says to her daughter, "I ought to have k!lled you the moment you left my body." It is very hard to listen to and affects the coven as well
Patti Lupone's character Lilia walks around several paintings showing Witches being brutalized/executed for spectacle during the Salem Witch Trials, and she sheds a silent tear.
Yes, Sharon Davis is gaslighted into believing she's competence for the trials and that she's a valuable member of the team. In reality at the beginning of the road the Coven argue with Agatha about her not being fit to stand the various trials.
References to abusive parents in episode 3. A parent is abusive to their adult child in episode 5. Not sure why the other comment is being downvoted as it is in direct reference to someone talking about how their mother was not well
Yes, Sharon Davis drinks multiple chugs of alcohol all in one go while the other members of the coven look shocked. It is heavily implied that she uses alcohol to cope with the death of her husband and Wanda’s takeover of her hometown.
I’m only three episodes in and whilst the episodes themselves were fine, at the end of each episode during the credits they show a history of witchcraft in scrapbook form and towards the end of this, there’s a tarantula shown crawling over glass or something from beneath. It was unexpected and gave me goosebumps. Easily avoidable if you just don’t watch the end credits, but Disney+ didn’t minimise them or move onto the next episode during this part, so they are intended to be watched and would need to be skipped manually. It concerns me that this may be a hint at what’s to come in further episodes, but time will tell. Hopefully somebody else notices before me, as this is a trigger for me.
Who put yes? There is no sexual content at all yet (Episodes 1-7). The closest we have gotten was a consensual "almost" kiss. Episode 6 has kissing and flirting. Episode 8 has passionate kissing
Episode one, near the last third of the episode. Character gets her palm slashed after holding the blade of a knife. It is healed within 5 minutes. Episode three - Teen gets his hand cut because they need his blood.
I'd argue yes. First episode, there is a knife fight & someone gets their throat punctured enough to draw blood but not enough to cause permanent damage.
Implied on screen during Agatha visiting Jen. Jen insults Agatha and says that she is the reason why people think that witches eat kids. Agatha replies with that she thinks kids are delicious.
Yes and no… in the trailer, Agatha arrives at a crime scene to a body that is said to have died from “blunt trauma force.” This body is later revealed to be Wanda Maximoff’s, and as we know she was crushed to death in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.
The primary trial in this episode involves a burning curse that sets the cursed on fire and leaves them with horrific scars. The coven work together to defeat the curse.
At the end of episode 5, three people are thrown into quicksand/deep mud. They sink into the liquid and the episode ends. It is unclear if anyone survives.
** Spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers ** Agatha lives. It's said that Lilia and Jen do not survive the drowning.
** Spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers** Lilia and Jenn survive by falling into a cavern/tunnel underneath the mud
YES. Part of the possession means that body parts twist around all over the place. If you see the trailer, Agatha begins walking upside down as a result of the possession. Quite freaky stuff.
Not on screen. "Jane Doe" is said to have died from severe blunt force trauma. You do not see the injuries. It is a reference to the movie "Multiverse of Madness."
Major and beloved character by fans of the show dies within this episode. Each trial is designed to eliminate a witch, so none of the supporting cast besides Teen and Agatha are safe in any capacity. Be warned and try to prevent yourself from having an attachment to her supporting coven.
Episode three shows someone dead on screen at the very end (last 3 minutes of content). Episode 5 has a main character die on screen. Episode 7 has a main character die on screen. Episode 8 has a main character die on screen. Episode 9 has a child pass away peacefully in their sleep. then many many women die on screen.
**Spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers** It is said that during a car acciden in episode 6, the teen in the back - William - does actually die. However, his body is taken over by another person - Billy. So while the person "died" he does not die.
Multiple references to family members being dead (mothers, children, parents, etc). Episode 4 centers around the death of a character's mother. Episode 5 has a dead mother. Episode 6 discusses someone looking for their lost brother after the death of their parents. Episode 9 has this HEAVILY
*Spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers** Episode 9 deals with the death of Agatha's son. He dies in his sleep with her. She is distraught
I would argue that Agatha “kidnaps” her neighbor (Mrs. Hart/ Sharon) in S1E2. The neighbor is invited to a “party” and tricked into participating in a dangerous ritual that will bring her into another dimension, unable to return until Agatha’s goals are completed.
E8 teen has a shower off screen, spew see his bathroom mirror condensation that heh wipes off to look at his reflection and he is shirtless but wearing pants. He also has a towel over his shoulder. This happens after he gets back home
Yes! Plot of the beginning of the show. Episode 5 - Agatha is possessed twice
** MAJOR SPOILERS. Spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers ** It is said that a teen in the back of a car crash - William - does actually die. However, his body is taken over by another person - Billy. So while the person "died" he does not die.
No. The closest thing in the episode is when one of the Salem Witches blocks their path on their way to the third trial and it’s just bees coming out of her mouth. It was not triggering at all, in my opinion.
YES. Part of the possession means that body parts twist around all over the place. If you see the trailer, Agatha begins walking upside down as a result of the possession, so bones break and twist, etc. Quite freaky stuff.
Agatha attacks a teen she’s interrogating while working as a detective and there is a reference to her punching another suspect. The show doesn’t seem to condemn the former and it seems to portray cops in a positive light.
First episode, someone is "processed" by the police and is eventually told they are going to spend time "in the tank" as in a jail cell at the station.
No. Not sure what "priceless artifact" the yes answers could be referring to. Things are broken but nothing compared to a priceless artifact. The most important item (Agatha's broach/neckless) has been safe throughout the season
Episode six has both an ambulance and a hospital scene. A car veers off the road and into a tree. A teenager loses consciousness & require medical attention. You see him confused in an ambulance and then later in the hospital being told he can go home soon
It's argue yes. Second episode, there is a main character - Lilia - who has trouble with voices that are not always heard by the audience. It is not clear if they are "real" or not. She is made fun of by others several times throughout the series.
**Spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers** Lilia does not experience the flow of time in a linear way. She jumps back & forth in her life. It causes her extreme distress and anxiety
That seems to be the premise of the beginning of the series. Agatha has to break free of Wanda Maximoff’s distorted spell on reality from WandaVision that she’s been stuck under since.
Yes. Episode 7, a main character struggles with what's going on and things in her life. Several times she is extremely upset & distressed. She even repeats "stop" over & over while shaking.
Episode 3 comes very close. Multiple characters experience hallucinations of their worst moments. It causes severe distress but they recover quickly
Yes. Episode 7, a main character struggles with what's going on in her life. Several times she is extremely upset & distressed. She even repeats "stop" over & over while shaking.
Episode 3 comes very close. Multiple characters experience hallucinations of their worst moments. It causes severe distress but they recover quickly
I'd argue no so far (season 1). But the main character does say "who's shoes are these" and gets angry at her wardrobe when referencing her own clothes. Episode 6 gets close as a character has severe amnesia and completely changes their look/vibe/personality
A character announces something ominous before trying to drink something unknown. It’s implied to be alcohol and she’s stopped before she can drink it but I mistook this for poison and thought it was a s* attempt at first.
Yes, all of the coven suffer from heavy trauma being persecuted. The PTSD in this episode centres on Alice, who has horrific memories of her mother neglecting her in favour of her band.
There is a lot of action and screaming going on in the trailer, where it looks like the coven summoned some sort of demon. I’ll update this when the show comes out.
there was supposed to be a miscarry but the mother who is dating death (I know confusing you have watch the show) so she begs her and death is like fine but he will die soon so yea that happens
Episode 9 starts with someone in labor. She begs for the life of her child. She gives birth mostly on screen to a happy healthy baby who is on screen for a long time
Episode 3 - extremely suddenly there is a baby crying. There is a bassinet where the crying is coming from but it holds no child
!SPOILERS! Agatha is pregnant at one time. the episode before she dies as it is a flash back so a pregnant person does not die but some one who was pregnant does
“Psycho” is used as an insult. Twitchy movements are used for the antagonists. E6 has a “creepy man” doing “erratic” things for laughs. E8 Jen calls Agatha a sociopath as an insult.
The MCU erased Wanda’s Jewish identity. The credits show many depictions of witches, several of which are historically rooted in antisemitism (depicted with pointed hats, large noses, etc). The show doesn’t seem to condone these depictions and the witches portrayed in the show don’t embody these tropes.
Unfortunately yes, with Romani and LGBTQ representation with a major spoiler character. If you’ve read the comics you know exactly who Im talking about.
yes teen/billy/wiccan is as his name suggest a teenager and most witches are hundreds of years old but he is as they say "a familiar" and Agatha and Rio there is a big age gap as Rio is a cosmic being so she is trillions of years old
Mystic Romani fortune teller stereotypes in episode two, the character also has a larger nose, curls and wears “hippie” clothes. Also mentions of steryotypes real witches and Jewish people face/d like being accused of blood libel. Multiple types of witchcraft are shown (mystic Romani type, whitewashed LA misappropriation type). A witch calls offer witches “dusty”, “warty” and “snaggle toothed”. Talk about “Blood witches” (decents of witches born into power). Someone mentions a parent making them get a tattoo to ward off curses at 13 and Manitoba she was “not well. They talk about tropes about pointed hats and witches of with green skin (which originally come from antisemetic tropes). Demonic speech trope. Records playing backwards to say something evil trope. Depictions of witch trials. Misuse of smudging (Native American only culture). Indigenous, African and Japanese cultural masks to represent demons. “magick” with a k is misused (magic refers to fictional magic and magick with a k was brought into popular use again to avoid people thinking real magic preformed by witches is the same as fantasy magic). Judaism, specifically a bar mitzvah is depicted in e6
in most Episods Lilia slips through time and !SPOILERS! Lilia is slipping through time and forgets/has not experienced it yet so I dont know why people are saying no
Pretty loud and startling car crash in e6 when someone where people are covered in blood, one even dying momentarily and being confused in the ER. The crash happened because the person looked away from the road then swerved to avoid an oncoming vehicle, tumbling into the forest
Episode 1 & 2 are safe. Episode 8 shows a young boy drowning. It's said he dies. There is the threat of drowning in episode 3 but it does not happen. Someone's head is also held under water briefly in episode 3. Episode 5 ends with multiple characters falling into deep mud/quick sand; the episode ends before we know if the characters are safe. It is unclear if anyone survives.
** Spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers ** Agatha lives. It's said that Lilia and Jen do not survive the drowning
**Spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers** Episode 7 reveals there was a cavern underneath the mud. They survive the ordeal