There is a scene where a man commits suicide by pushing himself off a building while holding his little dog, but when he lands it is VERY obvious that they used a stuffed dog toy to create the "dead dog." It's so apparent it that it makes it watchable as it doesn't even convincingly look like a dead dog.
Character is getting arrested on his daughter’s birthday and is kidnapped and isn’t able to see her for 15 years. Traditional deadbeat dad turned into accidentally fully deadbeat dad.
It is difficult to say. I guess no, but technically yes? If stereotypical depictions of familial abuse/abusive parents are something you are sensitive to, then you should probably be fine, but tread with caution regardless, as this movie could still be upsetting in ways if you are sensitive to it in any form. Sorry for the vagueness.
It's portrayed in a kind of comedic way, but at the beginning it is shown that the lead character is an alcoholic. He is at the police station because he got into a brawl while drunk and subsequently misses his kid's birthday.
Within the first 10 minutes he hallucinates an ant crawling under and breaking free from his skin. Then we are shown ants covering his face and crawling into to his mouth. This lasts a good few seconds, though his movement blurs the ants somewhat.
Wish I'd have known this going in.
There’s a voyeuristic scene between teenagers and there is a very young woman in love with a much older man, but they never say exactly how young the woman is.
A character attempts to and there is a struggle but he is ultimately pushed off. Later in the film, characters briefly mention ways they have assaulted a character they tied up. During sex scenes, information is hidden from characters that would otherwise have changed if they would consent.
The beginning of the film is mostly torture. Dae Su is kidnapped and kept captive in a room for 15 years without human contact and administered drugs to have horrible hallucinations. The antagonist is playing a mental game with him the entire film. There is a scene where Dae Su uses a hammer to pry out a person's teeth to get info.
A lot of gore all throughout the movie - torture scenes, teeth pulled out, stabbing, graphic self injury etc. Most are VERY lingering, uncomfortably long scenes and let you stew in it for one long take instead of cutting away.