When legions of monstrous creatures, known as Kaiju, started rising from the sea, a war began that would take millions of lives and consume humanity's resources for years on end. To combat the giant Kaiju, a special type of weapon was devised: massive robots, called Jaegers, which are controlled simultaneously by two pilots whose minds are locked in a neural bridge. But even the Jaegers are proving nearly defenseless in the face of the relentless Kaiju. On the verge of defeat, the forces defending mankind have no choice but to turn to two unlikely heroes—a washed-up former pilot (Charlie Hunnam) and an untested trainee (Rinko Kikuchi)—who are teamed to drive a legendary but seemingly obsolete Jaeger from the past. Together, they stand as mankind's last hope against the mounting apocalypse.
This movie contains 55 potentially triggering events.
Its not an actual bug, but a large cgi louse that I'd imagine would be rather horrifying to someone with a sensitivity to something like that. Its only shown for a second, but its there and. Well. Wriggly.
When Newt meets with Hannibal Chau, Hannibal sticks a knife into his nostril to intimidate him. He later pulls the knife out, which seems to cut Newt but not seriously.
Yancy is torn out of Gipsey Danger's head by Knifehead. We see Knifehead's claws penetrate through, probably crushing Yancy after he is torn out of the Jaeger.
Otachi rips off Crimson Typhoon's head with its tail, which has sharp, claw like edges that penetrate the head, killing the triplet pilots.
While drowning underwater, the pilots of Cherno Alpha are also crushed by Leatherback, causing an explosion.
Not of any actual human body, but in the beginning of the movie a Jaeger has its arm ripped off and one of the pilots feels it as if it were his own arm. He mentions offhandedly at one point years later that his arm still hurts.
Both pilots of Cherno Alpha drown as Leatherback holds their Jaeger underwater before he crushes it, causing an explosion that kills the pilots if they weren't already dead from drowning.
Raleigh passes out after Gipsey Danger crashes onto the beach after its fight with Knifehead.
Newt slightly passes out after necrologically drifting with a kaiju brain.
Raleigh passes out in his pod after setting the self destruction sequence to blow up the kaiju's dimension. He wakes up after his pod surfaces and Mako hugs him.
At the very beginning its shown that the drift causes blood vessels to burst in the eye. Later, an inexperienced character drifts for the first time and their eye is quite bloodshot. A kaiju has its eye blown out, this is shown at a distance but you can see it. Ron Pearlman's character has a dead eye, he only shows it once, wearing sunglasses for most of his scenes
a child's toy is discovered by another child and the toy appears to be old and damaged, but it's never seen as a toy that someone uses. the discovery isn't seen as scary, he's just disappointed that it's not something more interesting.
It’s not a stereotypical n//edle but a large one in a sense is used for the second drift. It’s used to access the kaijus brain. It’s not small but it bothered my partner so I’m sure it may bother others
It’s never outright stated to be cancer, but Stacker Pentecost has a terminal illness as the result of piloting one of the early, unperfected Jaeger models.
There is an extremely brief allusion to suicide in the beginning of the film during the main character's narration. It's a group of people holding hands on top of a building/wall before cutting to the next scene. Only a few seconds and easy to miss but the implication I understood was that they jumped.
The pods the pilots are in are small but about the size of a small room. Characters are also in escape pods that are very small but there aren't shots from inside the pods.
Though less suicide and more self sacrifice, someone goes on a mission in a Jaegar knowing full well they wont live through it, even if they do come back.
A character has a panic attack and a flashback to a traumatic event the first time she drifts. Another character also mentions still being able to hear the screams of someone who died while they were connected by the drift.
A newborn Kaiju struggles with an umbilical cord around its neck (dramatized with closeup shots of the face.) A minor character gloats about this and also coldly points out that the Kaiju's lungs are underdeveloped.
Stacker Pentecost has constant nosebleeds that turn out to be from him solo piloting a Jaeger, which would normally kill someone. It's never specified what the illness is, but it is chronic. He's later told that if he steps into a Jaeger again, he will die. He does so on the final mission and sacrifices himself along with Chuck Hansen.
One character is revealed to have an illness from radiation in the early jaegers which he takes medication for regularly, and another has an unspecified condition that necessitates him using a cane
Kaiju are killed graphically on scene, including being shot, punched, and cut. Two characters have burns from drifting but they are only shown healed. There are some minor injuries, like cuts, shown.
yes, twice. the first is underwater and kills 2 people and a monster, the second kills several aliens (there's also a mention in the beginning of a nuke being used to kill a monster, but it's not shown on screen)