Dr. Louis Creed's family moves into the country house of their dreams and discover a pet cemetery at the back of their property. The cursed burial ground deep in the woods brings the dead back to life -- with "minor" problems. At first, only the family's cat makes the return trip, but an accident forces a heartbroken father to contemplate the unthinkable.
This movie contains 67 potentially triggering events.
Rachel’s parents left her alone with her dying sister, who was in mental decline from her illness, when she was just 8 years old and her sister was only a few years older.
Not exactly but there are a few events that might be upsetting for those with this trigger:
- There is an “outdoor” cat. - (minor spoilers) The cat dies —he is hit by a car— and is brought back to life. The cat is not the same when he comes back and so, some time later, he is killed again by his owner. He’s lured with meat and then euthanized with a syringe. So, more “betrayed” than abandoned but I felt like it’s similar enough to mention.
Rachel’s parents left her alone with her dying sister, who was in mental decline from her illness, when she was just 8 years old and her sister was only a few years older.
Rachel’s parents left her alone with her dying sister, who was in mental decline from her illness, when she was just 8 years old and her sister was only a few years older.
Sorry, guys, unless you’re blind, or not in possession of a soul, how can you consider the cat(s) in this stupid movie as being unharmed??
The cat is grabbed violently BY THE SCRUFF AND KEPT ALOFT FOR MINUTES, TOTALLY LIMP, he’s then THROWN to the ground, head lolling, laboured breathing, pupils dilated; you’re telling me this cat wasn’t drugged, possibly even euthanised, for this awful film?? Adult animals must NEVER be held, grabbed, and certainly NOT LIFTED by their scruff! It’s extremely painful, distressing and harmful! C’mon!
I cannot believe that people are ignorant of the quite obvious abuse of the cats who portrayed Church are in this awful film!
I came here initially in order to see if I’d be triggered by cat abuse (there is little that gets to me more than seeing cats suffer), and although I was sceptical that only 6 voted yes, after seeing the film I cannot believe that 17 people claimed there is NO ABUSE??!!
Near the climax of the film, after the main character fills his syringe, a raw steak is thrown on the ground in order to trap the cat, who is obviously half-starved, as a well-fed, or even occasionally fed cat doesn’t experience this type of blood lust, and in fact will turn its nose up at raw meat. As the cat tries to desperately scramble away, he is violently grabbed BY THE SCRUFF AND HELD IN THE AIR FOR SEVERAL MINUTES! NO adult animal should EVER be held or grabbed by the scruff, and certainly NEVER suspended by it!! It is extremely painful! The cat goes totally limp, then is THROWN to the ground, still limp, but alive—barely, as it’s very clear that this cat has been DRUGGED IRL! Dilated pupils, laboured breathing, HEAD LOLLING—all in the name of getting the perfect shot for a subpar King film, which is saying a lot considering 99% of SK films are overrated garbage! This poor cat is so often thrown, tossed, traumatised & terrorised in order to get the hissing with ears flattened shot, covered in a sticky substance and crammed into a tiny carrier that’s obviously made for rodents or reptiles, it’s repulsive. If no one out there considers this “abuse”, I question how far a production has to go to elicit a reaction in this age of dysfunction, violence, gorn and dystopian landscapes!
WHY do so many continue to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to cruelty and exploitation as long as it’s “just” a cat?? They aren’t “disposable” nor are they inanimate accessories!
I suppose it depends on your definition? After Gage is brought back to life, his father Louis kills him by injection, which I would consider drugging in a sense.
Particularly flashbacks to Rachel’s childhood. Rachel had a sister who died of spinal meningitis. This character is supposed to be a preteen girl but is played by a grown man in order to make her body look unnatural and grotesque.
the housekeeper hangs herself in a very graphic way, pretty disturbing for those who are triggered by hangings. another more major characters corpse swings down (hanging) at the movies climax- from memory, we don’t see anything but the aftermath
Victor Pascal, a college boy who was run over by a car, attempts to warn Lous to leave an ancient burial ground alone. Pascale's ghost is in the same bodily condition as he was at time of death.
they talk about how the reason the undead creatures are evil is because the souls pass on but not the bodies and "a souless body is a demons playground"
It’s unclear if Zelda’s character is mentally ill or just physically ill, but she does have some violent moments especially when she comes back in visions
Characters are unsure if they are hallucinating and there is one point where the inside of a house appears to be a jungle. However, reality is mostly grounded in the film, despite the supernatural elements.