If you watch past the end credits, there is a clip of the dog, very much alive. He is sitting on a throne with a bone in his mouth. He then re-appears alive partway through the next film, At World's End.
No young children are harmed, but an adult male character is whipped by his father on-screen. The whip impacting with his back is just off camera, though there is a clear shot of the bloody slashes on his back.
Nothing too bad happens but sexual harassment happens throughout the movie. For example, a group of men are reaching their arms towards Elisabeth while she can't do anything but sit there (to keep it vague and spoiler free). It's all quite disturbing.
An adult male character is whipped by his father on-screen, though the whip impacting with his back is just off camera. There is a clear shot of the bloody slashes on his back.
A member of Davy Jones' crew's head comes off but he is very much alive, and only mildly inconvenienced by this. He later reunites his head and body and is fine.
in “Dead Mans Chest” there is a whole community of cannibals, but they never actually show them eating a real person. there is a necklace of toes though.
I'm pretty sure it's this one and not the next, but somebody was choking on a tentacle and it came out through their nose. Or maybe the opposite. I just know it was too scary to watch that I won't watch past the first movie consequently. Too scary to remember the details, my mind started blacking those out.
An adult male character is whipped by his father on-screen, though the whip impacting with his back is just off camera. There is a clear shot of the bloody slashes on his back.
There is a closeup of a bird pecking the eye of a man while he screams. A character has a prosthetic eye, which he often talks about, and often puts back in when it pops out.
There's a part where a bird eats a prisoner's eye and another where Jack Sparrow seems to eat a severed toe (no detail beyond him putting it in his mouth). Barely any blood is shown in the former, none in the latter and these scenes are brief.
Elizabeth kisses Jack while still being in a relationship with Will. However, she only kisses him to distract him so she can handcuff him, so I'd say it's up to the individual to decide if that counts as cheating and if it would bother them to see such things on screen.
'Commendor' Norrington vomits 3 times in a span of a few minutes. The first time it's seen (not very graphic, more like spitting out water) after Jack says that his first and only love is the sea, this is seen at 1:17:10. The second and third time he vomits are only heard. Not very triggering in my opinion. If you want to avoid all of it, skip to 1:20:00.
A character is shown breaking out of a coffin. Several characters are shown locked up in cages barely bigger than themselves. Several characters are shown in prison cells.
A captain jokes that men showing him a dress want to wear it (used to degrade).
(The scene below was only in the LEGO game, it turns out:)
The governor dresses as Elizabeth Swann in her place after she escapes from prison, the reveal that it’s him instead is played for laughs and shock.
Stereotypical cannibalistic Caribbean tribe who partake in human sacrifice. Indigenous people have been falsely documented as cannibals throughout academic and pop culture. Barely having any POC despite the Caribbean setting is an issue throughout the series that gets worse later.