The story begins with a regular Joe who tries desperately to seek employment, but embarks on a violent rampage when he teams up with cult leader Uncle Dave. Their first act is to heist an amusement park, only to learn that the Taliban are planning the same heist as well. Chaos ensues, and now the Postal Dude must not only take on terrorists but also political figures.
This movie contains 50 potentially triggering events.
A woman with a stroller sees a van incoming and dashes out of the way, leaving the stroller in the van's path path in an absurd display of how terrible the people in the town are. The stroller is destroyed but the infant itself is not shown.
Early on, a neighbor chastises the main character for his wifes excessively loud lovemaking. The mc rebukes these claims by pointing out he wasn't home at the time of the accusation, causing a revelation. Afterwards, the flagrancy of the spouse's infidelity is used at the butt of several jokes
One of the ladies in the mail truck vomits, however, it looks extremely fake and like yogurt. It is not very audible and it rolls for a few seconds. It is sort of a small cutscene.
The little germany scene has a ton of n*zi references, from disguises with h*tler mustaches, to Uwe Boll saying that his movies are financed with n*zi gold.
Someone is murdered just as they realize they're gay, grope a woman's breast in their final moment alive, and die after making the concession that they're bi.
A black cop makes a loud racist rant about basicaly every other variant of non-white.
After a public speaker has their self help book shoplifted by Bin Laden, makes a remark that starts with "freaking arabs" and ends with a bafflingly disparaging remark about the kaaba.