A detached married couple must get their son and themselves to safety after being randomly selected to enter an underground bunker, as a massive object from space threatens to destroy the world in less than 48 hours.
This movie contains 26 potentially triggering events.
The couple giving a ride to the mother & son have signs of a DV relationship - noticeably when the man decides to throw the mother out of the car & kidnap the son, his behaviour towards his timidly objecting wife is very aggressive
You don't actually see him die - briefly after his first appearance when the lads are chatting in the stables another meteorite strikes nearby, sending a shock wave through that causes the horse to whinny out of alarm. Straight after this the main characters say their goodbyes to the granddad (the owner of the horse) & leave. So no harm (other than shock) comes to the horse on-screen; it is left to the viewers to guess his survival outcome
No-one gets their head squashed (as in crushed). The yes votes I assume refer to the hammer to the head (main character strikes the man attacking him in self defence). Other than seeing the hammer wedged in his skull as he falls to the ground there is no graphic gore or blood
The main character rescues a chap from his burning car when they're fleeing a bombardment of smaller meteriorite debris - he has to break the windows then reach his arm in to unlock the door, getting pretty badly burnt in the process. There's a couple of brief close ups of his injured hand after until he has it dressed
People packed into large, but windowless planes. One person is desperate to be let out of one of those planes before takeoff, and for a few moments it seems like he won't be allowed to leave. People packed into a small plane. Lots of people going into a bunker, where they'll be forced to stay for an unknown amount of time. The bunker is very, very big, but the fact remains that they can't leave (I don't know if they're actually locked inside, but even if they aren't, the world outside is deadly). People unconscious inside a burning car with closed doors. Maybe more instances.
Well... An American says to a person with a Scottish accent that the latter has no right to be among the ones selected for evacuation because he wasn't born in the USA.
A few cars crash with varying degrees of force. There's a scene in which a whole bunch of people are thrown off a pickup truck through one of its wooden "fence" sides by the impact with another vehicle (I think). There's also a scene in which one or two unconscious persons are inside a burning car (hit by burning meteor fragment) with closed doors. He/they is/are rescued.
Not on screen, but we see the Earth from far away, and large parts of the landmass have gone under water, so we know that millions of people have probably drowned.
There are multiple scenes with this. The main one being when they go to the drug store. A group of men come on and start shooting people/in the air to make people leave. An elderly woman in a wheelchair gets shot in the chest.
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