JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Part 3 - Stardust Crusaders
Movie • 2014 • Adventure
Set in 1987, the series follows Jotaro Kujo and his comrades who have developed mysterious powers known as Stands. Jotaro, his grandfather Joseph Joestar and their allies, travel to Egypt in search of the evil and immortal vampire Dio Brando, now known solely as "DIO" to save Jotaro's mother Holly, whose Stand has awakened and threatens to consume her in 50 days. Meanwhile, DIO has commissioned a number of assassins with various types of deadly Stands to destroy them before they can reach him.
This movie contains 69 potentially triggering events.
Though it probably isn't considered deadnaming in the trans sense, near the start of the series, Holly says that her friends call her Seiko, and that she won't respond unless she is referred to as Seiko. Joseph objects to this and says Holly is the name he gave her so he'll keep calling her that, in a way that might resonate with a trans audience whose parents may have said the same thing to them.
The two dogs who trespass on Dio's mansion grounds are partially eaten by Pet Shop. Vanilla Ice is eaten by his Stand, Cream, but this is just part of his ability.
(Spoilers) Out of the main group Avdol, Iggy and Kakyoin all die. Dio is also killed, and probably counts as a 'major' character since he's the main antagonist.
Nothing with tiny holes, but after J Geil dies, his several stab wounds somehow reflect onto his mother Enya, who gets bleeding holes all over her body.
Polnareff's sister Sherry is killed. J Geil, who is Enya's son, is killed. Joseph, Jotaro's grandfather, is killed by Dio just before the final battle, but is revived.
Whenever Polnareff uses Silver Chariot to fight, his enemy is bound to get stabbed. Other notable examples include Avdol getting stabbed in the back by J Geil, a brainwashed Polnareff stabbing Jotaro with Anubis, and Dio throwing several knives at Jotaro - some comic books stuffed into his clothes protect his vital points, but some knives manage to stab him anyway.
The entire encounter with the stand Set/Sethan and stand user Alessi. Set has the ability to cause characters to become younger if he touches their shadow. Alessi makes one of the main protags, Polnareff, younger and proceeds to try and kill him that way. There is an entire scene depicting a risqué interaction (bathing undressed) between a grown woman and a young Polnareff. Young Polnareff is also tormented physically by Alessi in these episodes (ep 31). Also, in episode 6, a young girl is almost sexually assaulted by an orangutang who is a stand user.
Tower of Gray is a stand that takes the form of a stag beetle.
Yellow Temperance, while disguised as Kakyoin, eats multiple beetles.
Mannish Boy kills a scorpion with a safety pin.
Forever the orangutan is attracted to Anne, who is probably 12 or 13 at the oldest. J Geil is also mentioned to have raped Polnareff's sister, who appears to be a teenager.
A villain is defeated when he has a panic attack(?) and passes out. You hear him struggling to speak, wheezing and choking for a prolonged period of time. Ep 35.
In the judgement arc, a character is granted three wishes and wishes for two people who died to come back to life. They come back as "zombies" and try to eat his flesh, ripping off several chunks and at one point eating him directly with gory sound effects and blood, but no open wounds are really shown. Though he appears to almost die, he is saved and recovers.
Not completely, but during the final story arc, Jotaro punches DIO in the head. The punch is hard enough that it goes through DIO’s skull and into his brain, causing some very serious brain damage and leaving DIO paralysed from the waist down for a short time.
Near the middle of the saga, as Jotaro and the others arrive to the shore of Egypt, They encounter the High Priestess Stand. The fight ends with Jotaro and Star platinum punching through the mouth of the Stand, which had swallowed them previously. A lot of teeth are destroyed in the process, and when they escape, Polnareff makes a comment about the stand user, who is unconscious on the ground with a mangled mouth (Not shown)
Though not your typical idea of torture, the episode "The Lovers" shows Jotaro being treated in cruel and painful ways by Steely Dan. Such as kicking him, punching him, getting him beaten by a group of people, hitting him over the head with a rock, and stepping on his hands, all while Jotaro was powerless to fight back.
Kakyoin gets his eyes sliced open at the beginning of the Egypt arc, and is sent to the hospital to recover for a while. He retains scars over his eyes after his recovery following this.
there is an episode in which an ape ogles and eventually attacks a young girl. he is stopped before he can hurt her, but the camera lingers on her naked body and shows her from her attacker's perspective, horror movie-style. this episode is entirely skippable. you can jump ahead when they're on the mysterious empty ship.
Several major protagonists die so that the others survive/win their battles near the end of the part. Two knowingly sacrifice themselves, and one ends up doing so even though it was not his intention.
The Stand Anubis is a sword that possesses anybody that picks it up. A character who dies comes back to life at the end of the series and pretends to be possessed by DIO, but it’s revealed to just be a joke and they're actually okay.
personally emetophobic here! made an account just to warn people about this because it was just so unexpected. WARNING: some spoilers ahead. okay so when hol horse has boingo (the younger oingo boingo brother) in a taxi, hol horse takes a piece of duct tape off of boingo's mouth. boingo promptly gets sick in hol horse's lap due to nervousness/fear.
Kakyoin gets sent to the hospital because he had his eyes slashed while fighting an enemy stand, he has some scars but is healthy once exiting the hospital.
While not with the same implications, There is a scene where the character Kakyoin has to carve a message into his own arm, in order to try and save himself and the others from an enemy stand. The way the other characters react to it imply that they believe he did an act of Self harm, instead of a warning to everyone else.
A character named Oingo experiences what could be interpreted as an anxiety attack in a car during the “God Khnum' Oingo and 'God Tohth' Boingo” arc which is episode 53.
Not necessarily slurs, but in episode 31, Avdol and Joseph are stuck together in a... suggestive position due to the enemy Stand user's ability, and a crowd gathers to gawk at them in shock. An old woman shouts and hits them with an umbrella.
Nothing terrible happens to them,, but keep in mind that this happens in Egypt, a very unsafe country for LGBT people, and those implications were enough for me to fear for their safety, even if the scene was played for laughs and they got out safely.
Nukesaku is a character that briefly shows up in the DIO's World arc. His ability allows him to disguise himself as a woman. There aren't any transphobic jokes made about it though.
The series' only Egyptian character and second-in-command of the Stardust Crusaders is thought by Polnareff to have been shot and killed, though is later revealed to have suffered non-fatal wounds. He *spoilers* is later killed by vampire Vanilla Ice, being the first major protagonist to actually die.
Unsure if this is worth noting, but Jotaro is referred to as "that Asian kid" by some street thugs and then beaten up after being forced to steal jewelry. Jotaro also aggressively calls his mom a bitch in the first episode/chapter when he's having a really bad day.
no. a couple characters turn microscopic and go inside someone's brain, causing bleeding at several points, but it's handled with the same severity as a cut to one's arm. there is no visible effect on the victim, he's completely fine.
Heavy spoilers (obviously):
The ending is a very bittersweet one that some could take as sad. While the main protagonists achieve their goal of killing Dio and saving Holly, they are left with 3 of their best friends dead and must come to terms with it before going their separate ways. So while the ending is a victory, it is also a bit sad.
The main characters get into a car crash but survive. The Stand, Wheel of Fortune takes on the form of a car. Dio forces a man to drive through a sidewalk full of pedestrians and the car crashes.
Dark Blue Moon arc shows a character almost drowning, and Alessi's Set arc has a potentially stressful moment where a child is held underwater and nearly drowned.