The story of the last Seal Child’s journey home. After their mother’s disappearance, Ben and Saoirse are sent to live with Granny in the city. When they resolve to return to their home by the sea, their journey becomes a race against time as they are drawn into a world Ben knows only from his mother’s folktales. But this is no bedtime story; these fairy folk have been in our world far too long. It soon becomes clear to Ben that Saoirse is the key to their survival.
This movie contains 10 potentially triggering events.
One yes and a few almosts. The yes happens in the very beginning, the mother enters the sea to "save their baby" in the first few minutes of the movie and it's not clear if she dies or not but she's not around for her children after that
Almost, Ben dives into the sea to save his sister's coat and nearly drowns. At another point the sister is nearly turned to stone, her hair turns white. The mother and many of the fairies move on to the next world, it's unclear in the movie if they are dead or not but it's treated like death
At one point in the movie a child is almost turned to stone because an adult feels it will be better for them than feeling emotions. The spell is broken after a few minutes and the child is fine
The father is shown drinking but in more of a lonely "sigh and gaze out the window with a glass of beer in front of him" way then a heavy drinker. He does not return home drunk at any point in the movie. Another character is shown smoking a pipe
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Two dogs (not Cu) and some owls move on to the next world, it's unclear in the movie if this is death or not but they are no longer of this world
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Mac Lir's dogs move on to the next world with him at the end of the movie but it's unclear if this is death or them going to another world
No realistic or cartoon snakes but at one point there is an elderly man character with VERY long hair (think Rapunzel) that can move about on its own, it's done in a funny way and is treated like extra hands or ropes. If you would like to see an example, Google "Song of the Sea old man with long hair" and you'll see an image from the movie
Some characters are turned to stone and at one point the dog Cu is tied up in the yard but quickly breaks free and goes searching for his boy. The father locks up his daughter's selkie coat to prevent her from swimming away in the sea and leaving him
No but there is a minor startle when an elderly man with very long hair (think Rapunzel) jumps into Ben's view and startles him. You do have a bit of warning and see the elderly man running around in the shadows before that (when you see Ben enter the cave with the long white hair hanging on rocks all around him is when it happens)
No but in the very beginning of the movie the mother enters the sea and dies to "save their baby", the movie treats this like it was the only way she could have saved her unborn child who ends up save and sound
Ben has hydrophobia due to losing his mother in the ocean. He becomes quite panicked at the very thought of going in the water, and he always wears his life jacket, no matter how far from the water he is.
A baby is born off screen, there is talk of the baby coming in the first few minutes of the movie. If you wanted you could skip the first few minutes of the movie (start when you see the boy sitting on a rock in the life vest looking at the sea) and you're good to watch. All you need to know is that the mother gave herself to the sea to "save their baby" and vanished that night, leaving her new born child in her husbands arms
There is one part of the movie when a fairy man puts on a grandmother's fur coat and runs away with it but it's done in a way that makes the fairy seem clueless about humans and not meant to be mocking or hurtful
I'm not quite sure how to answer this one. If you're asking about romance, there is no romance in this film other than between the parents. The parents ages are never stated. There are two young children, a father, and a grandmother for most of the film. There are also fairies who are said to be very very old
No men are mocked for crying in this movie but Ben tells himself not to cry a few times and his father is seen brushing away tears before facing his children (hiding them)
I would say it's a bittersweet ending, the mother and fairies all move on to the next world and the children decide to stay with their father in our world. It's not stated in this movie that this is "death" or another world but I feel it's implied