Comedy series about three young women living in Leeds who've graduated, had a year out, and are now struggling to find a job they're passionate about, a place to live that is half decent and a boyfriend they actually like. A sitcom about making terrible decisions, but having a brilliant time doing it.
The show focuses on Meg, her eccentric cousin Bunny and their friend Laura as they discover that life might just be a bit tougher than they had imagined. From demeaning Promotions jobs complete with mad outfits to pursuing the men of their dreams - yet dating the men of their nightmares - the girls face '#FML-worthy' disasters in both their work and personal lives.
In series 2 episode 6, Meg gets a new job at a human rights charity. Her boss has a little dog who she asks Meg to walk, the lead gets stuck in the lift and it’s indicated that the dog dies. You don’t see any scenes with the dog in pain but you do hear yelping
season 1 episode 2, towards the end of the episode, meg's brother comes to sit at her table, you see her brother's girlfriend looking queasy in the background, grabs her bag and v*mits. i could tell so luckily muted. no visual
season 1 episode 3, mark raps to meg, she says shes going to be sick, runs off, muted but i dont think there was audio anyway. no visual just her hanging over a toilet for a few mins
season 1 episode 4, end the episode at around 21:30, meg goes from running happy to gagging, to vomiting on screen, audio and visual quite bad. skip to 21:55
season 1 episode 6, skip from 18:00 to 18:50, gagging audio and some visual
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