This hair-raising remake of the 1979 horror hit depicts the ordeal of the Lutz clan, whose new home has a gory past and a legacy of demons. Before long, the family patriarch is plagued by nightmares and his daughter is seeing phantoms.
This movie contains 40 potentially triggering events.
In the original, the dog doesn’t die and lives til the end and goes with the family. In the 2005 version,the dog is BRUTALLY killed and it’s unnecessary. I hate movies like this.
56minutes in the pet of us killed with an axe it last roughly 2min and you hear it dying. I hate movies that use animals being murdered or tortured for shock value. There is NO value in that.
ryan reynolds character vomits twice. the first time is after he hallucinates in the boat house and sees his dead body, he’s hunched over the toilet and there is visuals and audio. the second time is after the screen says day 28, first his wife is shown waking up and then ryan’s character wakes up and vomits. idk if there’s visual because i closed my eyes but there’s definitely audio