A post-apocalyptic tale, in which a lone man fights his way across America in order to protect a sacred book that holds the secrets to saving humankind.
This movie contains 26 potentially triggering events.
The warlord of a town keeps a blind woman as his mistress, and her daughter as the hostess of the brothel. At one point he grabs the blind woman by her hair causing her to scream, as a way to convince the daughter to do something he wants.
it is only barely just stopped. gang of men and one naive girl. it gets very close and the first rapist’s pants are about to come down but then he is shot in the genitals
there is cannibalism but the eating is not shown onscreen. SPOILERS: The cannibals are friendly-luring the main characters in with tea and music, but the main character knows and instructs the other main not to eat the food. the whole process is stopped by the main bad guys showing up and they team up with the cannibals to have a shootout. we see graves of the cannibals victims but not bodies
Teeth or lips - a man's head is slammed against a surface, and he bleeds from the mouth. Also, we see people whose teeth are in a pretty bad condition.
Excessive is kind of hard to quantify, it is not excessively gory for an R-rated action movie.
Compared to a Disney movie it’s a little bit gory, but compared to a horror film. It’s not gory at all.
There is a blind woman who talks matter-of-factly about her limitations, and discusses how it happened. There is an implication that there are many blind people in the world, and that it is a common thing due to an event in the past.
It's pretty clear, if not said outright, that the world (or part of it) was destroyed in a nuclear war 30 years ago, but we don't see nuclear explosions.