When legendary hunter Bob Rainsford is shipwrecked on the perilous reefs surrounding a mysterious island, he finds himself the guest of the reclusive and eccentric Count Zaroff. While he is very gracious at first, Zaroff eventually forces Rainsford and two other shipwreck survivors, brother and sister Eve and Martin Towbridge, to participate in a sadistic game of cat and mouse in which they are the prey and he is the hunter.
This movie contains 3 potentially triggering events.
small shark shown right after boat crashes and sinks. two shots of it; one swimming around, the other with blood in its mouth implying it just ate something. a character then says “ah it got me” and goes under water. very over the top acting and not at all realistic, it did make me jump though to see a shark. they mention “shark infested waters” beforehand.
at the very end after zaroff is shot and he’s at the window, he fall out, succumbing to his wounds. he was probably already dead once he fell out the window