no, sorry, that is not what happens. i can see how it might be a trigger, because it kinda does look like that, but that is not victoria. it eventually makes it crystal clear it wasn’t victoria all along
It is clear throughout the movie that Vicki is possessed, and isn’t even alive anymore. So no, the abused does not become the abuser even though it may appear that way to someone who is not paying any attention.
One thing that triggered me was the way Sienna was treated by her aunt and uncle . They judge her for being traumatized and reacting normal, and belive she is a danger to them and their child. This Also makes Sienna feel like what she experience is her being crazy. But it completely normal react to what she been through and them looking down on her hurts from someone that experience similar and been alienated by family because of aftermath and mental health struggles . Also the way she is blamed for murderes and her experience romantized.
Unlike the other entries in the series, there are SEVERAL children killed in this film. One child is dismembered with an axe in the cold open of the film, his dismembered body then later shown.
Several children are also killed in an explosion at a mall when one of them opens a bomb disguised as a Christmas present.
Not addiction, but Sienna and Jonathan are both seen taking prescription medications, however there is no way of telling if there is any type of dependency.
No animals were harmed in real life during the production of this movie. In fact, there are multiple members of the cast and crew who have participated in helping animal charities, rescues, shelters, and/or promoting animal welfare/rights issues, so it would be absolutely unacceptable to them if any harm came to the rats on set.
id walk out at about 42 minutes in for the nitrogen scene. i had my boyfriend text me when to come back in around 2 minutes later. maybe wait 3 or four to be safe. movie started at 5:20 scene started around 6:04 and he said it was over around 6:06. just make sure to leave a bit before and comeback a bit later to be extra safe. there was no sound or distress from the rats but visually graphic. not sure the time frame for the second rat scene because we decided to see a different movie cause i was uncomfortable but others say it’s around 1 hour 40 minutes in. (and of course, none were hurt in the making. you can search up how they did it to keep the rats safe if you’d like <3)
One rat is frozen and smashed. Others are kicked (offscreen). Several rats are also forced down a tube into a woman’s mouth/throat and encouraged via a small flame thrower. The woman’s throat is then slit and several bloody (still living) rats emerge from the wound.
Not really. Rats seem extremely unfazed. The first rat is killed after being blasted with liquid nitrogen and didn’t have time to be distressed. The other rats start to eat the remains of the shattered rat, which to me doesn’t denote “distress” or being too sad about their fellow street rat buddy.
Later on, and I am trying to explain this as politely as I can, a victim has a large plastic tunnel jammed down their throat and at least two rats get dropped in. The rats do not seem sad, but you can’t see their faces. Trust me, the rats are MUCH less distressed than the victim is in the whole scenario.
~~mild spoilers, i would say yes, in a way.
near the end of the movie there are flashbacks to sienna trapped in a glass box of water like the ones magicians/escape artists use to escape from
Fortunately, the killer has no interest in sexual abuse or rape. The actor who plays him has said numerous times he would never agree to film anything like that, as it’s a line he won’t cross.
SPOILERS**** the first time is with the Santa at the bar, after his friends are killed he is tied up and then tortured with liquid nitrogen. The second time is in the ending part of the film where characters are tied up to a chair and have duct tape on their mouths which is later removed. One character is killed whilst in these restraints and the other is released brutally by smashing the hands. Characters are also periodically physically restrained by another character, specifically near the end in the same scene listed above
No, and I don’t feel a guy getting a chainsaw up his butt cheeks up to his back is a sexual assault. A brutal act, but not a sexual one at all. The lead actor who kills the guy has said his character is not interested in sex and that the line he will not cross is any sexual abuse and would in fact refuse to act in a scene like that.
Several characters are restrained and have their mouths covered with duct tape.
Sienna’s face is also pushed into the stomach of a disemboweled body and struggles to breathe.
NO, it’s an assault but NOT a sexual one and it’s NOT played for laughs. No one is sexually assaulted in the movie, male or female. Just hacked up into pieces… I have been in contact with the writer/director and the actor who plays Art, and trust me, they do not find anything amusing about sexual assault for any gender.
There are HORRIBLE things done to several characters hands, to the point where if that is a trigger you may want to hold off on seeing this movie. Hands are destroyed with the exception of one character who heals.
Near the end, Sienna's aunt has a tube violently hammered down her throat and rats are forced down it and then her throat is slit. Definitely a rough watch if you have throat triggers
As well as the other mentions, somebody's face is shoved into the split stomach of another person and they struggle to breathe, and the same character is then choked with an intestine and has to bite through it to breathe again.
Quite a few. A policeman is decapitated by a character with no head who suddenly comes alive. Then they show him riding on a bus, holding the cop’s decapitated head up where his head should be. We also see At’s decapitated head (which is explained by the mid-credits scene of the previous movie) still alive and grinning with some sort of inflating flesh tube coming out of the bottom, which looks pretty horrific. A character’s head is cut off (offscreen) and the gory severed head is used to decorate the top of a Christmas tree. There’s a head that has been partially eaten by rats shown sitting in a birdcage, very messy. And those are just off the top of my head (no pun intended).
A child is decapitated with an axe and their body is chopped up, but offscreen (though we hear the axe slamming into flesh at least six times), but the poor kid don’t have time to scream. We do see the grisly aftermath as the mother finds her son hacked to pieces. As you probably have heard, children do get killed gruesomely in this movie, though we do not see the attack, it’s still probably something you should take a pass on if you are triggered by the gruesome aftermath of a child who was killed.
No, no one is “burned alive”, SPOILER WARNING space- S p O I L E R !!
We do not see adults and children burn alive. They are all blown up by a sudden explosion and the explosion was so close to them. We see a little boy opening a gift Art left him, start to open the lid, and then they cut to a far away shot of that part of the mall exploding-the present contained a deadly bomb Art made. No one catches fire when a very large bomb explodes that close to them. The aftermath shows parts of what used to be people, but no burned bodies. The news says at least four or five people are dead (ages not given).
One killer had her face eaten off but lived through it.(shown in Terrifier 2016) It was reconstructed over a year in the hospital but she still frightens small children. So she goes insane and homicidal and creeps around with no lips, teeth exposed, one eye missing, the other eye looking inhuman, and it does not look like a human face anymore.
Later the same character gets a shard of broken glass, put it under her skirt between her legs, and, uh, “touches herself” with it. We see blood pouring down the inside of her legs. We don’t see the glass actually make contact as she does it under her skirt, but ouch.
A woman has live rats forced down her throat and there’s a shot of her lower neck bulging and twisting as the rats got down that low. Her throat is cut and the bloody but live rats burst through.
Some of the worst is in a scene where a man is tied to a chair and blasted with liquid nitrogen, Art does his lower legs first, then hits them with a hammer until they shatter. At the end he blasts the guy’s face and shatters a large section of his face, very gory, his nose is gone. The final shot shows his one remaining eye darting around, meaning he was still alive and Art left him to die later. Now THAT is body horror!
Most kills involve extensive head trauma and facial disfigurement. Please do not take this caution lightly. If you are triggered by injuries to the head/face of any kind, you should avoid this film.
Art cuts a man in half with a chainsaw starting at his buttocks, eventually chainsawing through his penis and testicles.
Vicki vigorously masturbates using a shard of broken glass and piles of blood fall to the floor.
During the final section Sienna is knocked out with a blow to the head and wakes up an unspecified time later (seconds in actual time) tied to a chair.
At one point a character tries to walk on a partially amputated leg and it breaks, this could be very triggering if you don't like bones breaking. It's during the shower scene.
There is a scene in the shower where Art kills two people (man and woman having sex). He uses a chainsaw to dismember, torture, and kill them. He cuts their head in half so eye mutilation does appear on screen.
Yes, be aware this movie is only for those with a very strong stomach for gore. The movie is unrated because the writer/director refused to tone down the gore enough for an R rating.
Yes! Unlike the other films kids die in this film, the first time is offscreen and we see the aftermath however the second time is very direct and you see it happen
It is revealed to Sienna that a badly mutilated severed head in a bird cage being eaten by rats in front of her is actually the head of her brother, Jonathan.
In the last 10-20m of the movie. A woman is in the family house kneeling on the ground and looking at injuries on her hands. During this scene, there is a big dried lotus root on the table next to her. It is almost funny to me to be disturbed by it after all the horrible things in the movie but i guess that's why it's called a phobia heh heh.
Very, very mild spoiler: Art and Vicki remain in fixed positions for five years in an abandoned house. They don't move, not even to blink. When two human workers come to clean up the house they find them and one believes Art is a creepy statue/mannequin/doll. They both of course spring to life with human contact in an incredible jumpscare.
Towards the end, when two people are tied up in a living room. A tube is shoved down one of their throats which causes them to vomit - you see it kind of “pop” into the tube and some coming out of the sides of her mouth.
It’s pretty quick, though, and there’s not much audio.
toward the beginning of the film, *SPOILERS* Vicky and Art's severed head are seen eating the heavily mutilated corpse of a psychiatric hospital nurse.
A woman seemingly attempts suicide through cutting her wrist, it is a very intense and detailed scene.
To the commenter, I don't have a time estimate but it's when she sits in a bathtub in a dilapidated house, just after you see art in a rocking chair by the window, close your eyes when she gets into the bath. The film cuts back and forth a few times but you can tell when it's over by audio cues. It is very graphic.
There is a lot of squelching noises from people being stabbed or mutilated and one scene where art eats a cookie and you can hear the sound of crunching but it is quiet and not too bad.
A character who is heavily scarred and mutilated looks into a mirror and talks about how pretty she used to be and how nobody wants her anymore, it's not exactly dysmorphia but could be upsetting.
Possible TW
The line is "you used to be so pretty, now nobody will want to f*** you" then she repeats the word pretty and smashes the mirror with her face.
Technically, yes. An undead demon goes “dormant” by deeply slitting her wrists and opening her arteries up, thus “bleeding to death” in a bathtub. However, she ressurects shortly after.
A character suffering from PTSD is central to the film, and you see her hallucinate, panic and dissociate throughout the film. There is also a character who has a panic attack from PTSD.
A mother accuses her husband of leaving the door unlocked without knowing that the killer is inside the house. Two college students make out while the killer watches.
Misogyny is referenced when a girl calls our her father (who is a comic book artist) for only using male heroes. He listens and draws a heroine for her.
Well, a child finds out in a very brutal way that Santa isn’t real in the opening scene.
Art (the antagonist) dresses up like Santa for most of the movie, murdering people in horrible ways, A mall Santa is killed horribly and THOSE poor kids find out what he has in his bag is NOT presents, and they run away screaming..
So I’m pretty sure that counts as Santa being spoiled, with lots of gore accompanying it.
These moments are in the red band trailer, and the original teaser. Director Damien Leone has confirmed all of the above.