Set in a remote province of the Philippines, an area of small villages, rice paddies and sugar cane fields, and tells the story of a family trying to outrun the zombie outbreak by returning to the father’s childhood farmhouse, fortifying it to keep out “The Dead Ones.” Alas, there is just as much horror and trauma at the ancestral home as there is outside the gates.
This movie contains 15 potentially triggering events.
Early or so on into the movie the father and oldest son go into a barn next to the house. While looking around they find a dead man hanging from the ceiling. His death is not seen or heard.
A stray dog is seen twice, both times without an owner around, you can assume It doesn't have anyone to go to. The dog isn't in distress nor is it seen being sad.
The husband is very verbally and sometimes physically abusive towards his family, especially his wife. They fight in front of their children often, and he occasionally slams his fist down on stuff and advances, making you think he'll physically lash out. He is very intimidating throughout the entire movie. The wife slaps him across the face once and also tackles him while trying to defend herself.
A chicken is killed by a stray dog. Not on camera, but you see the dog pull the dead chicken away in a split second.
1:57:00 in the dog is killed off screen. There's no sound or anything at all. A few minutes later the father is seen with a tray of meat on it, implying that he killed the dog and cooked it.
Not really?? A dog is swatted at and shooed away and ends up biting at the man shooing it, but no animals are abused on screen or technically really abused. Two animals die, both off screen, but no prior abuse or anything similar.
Around 53 minutes a starving dog is found in the chicken coop. He bites the dad and then steals a chicken. Later the same dog returns and the dad *off screen* kills and cooks it.
In the first 7 minutes, a zombie is seen practically falling apart as the top half of her body falls off the bottom half and she begins sliding across the floor towards the main character. Its pretty gross but very fast and the gory details aren't very clearly shown, as its shown from the side and through railing.
Multiple zombies are shot, not very graphically but there's blood.
A bomb blows up a hoard, sending various body parts flying everywhere. Its not as bad as you'd think it would be.
A zombie is decapitated pretty swiftly with a machete.
A man is struck across the side of the head with a hammer and he then falls against the wall. Its very fast and shocking but there's a lot of blood but the impact of the hammer hitting him is not shown up close. About a minute or so later it is shown up close and it just looks like a more gory gunshot wound in the side of his head.
The main character is stabbed in the back the sharp point of a dogs bone. Its not very gory.
A zombie has its head punched in by the main character and the aftermath is shown but its not the most realistic and just looks bloody more than actually beaten.
The youngest son is bitten on the arm, and the mother hacks it off with a machete. It takes multiple hits and is occasionally shown up close but for brief moments.
The mother and father have sex in the kitchen. Its dark and there's no nudity other than seeing the woman with her pants down from the side. Some thrusting but the scene only lasts maybe 45 seconds.