Documentary style account of a nuclear holocaust and its effect on the working class city of Sheffield, England; and the eventual long run effects of nuclear war on civilization.
This movie contains 80 potentially triggering events.
In addition to the other scenes mentioned here, there is a prolonged scene arond the hour and-a-half mark involving a dead sheep. It begins with a close-up of the (bloodless) corpse, but the two characters involved end up cutting open the sheep and eating it raw. This goes on for a couple minutes.
After this, near the end of the film, a close-up of a dead rabbit is shown. A girl picks up the corpse and runs around with it, as two boys try to steal it from her.
No body horror of the fantasy or sci-fi variety but a lot of gore as bodies are shown, both dead and alive, in various state of injury and decay. Often quite gruesome.
In addition to seeing that a kid has died in the initial blast (his legs are seen in rubble), one childbirth scene appears to end with a mutated and/or stillbirth. The camera never focuses on the newborn.
There is a scene where some paintings are being moved down to a cellar though I suspect that those eventually get destroyed in some fashion in the end.
An overrun hospital is shown with several injured and hurt people walking through. The staff is overwhelmed from all the sick and injured people. Infections are shown, blood dripping from a rag being used on a bloody stump is shown, and although it isn't explicitly shown, a man's leg is cut off without anesthesia.
Protect and Survive's infamous ending jingle.
The HANDEL System, part of the Four-Minute Warning, uses repetitive noises (loud beeping) and phrases ("Attack Warning RED").
Civil defense and aircraft scramble sirens.
An unknown authority, likely the Auxillary Government or remnant RAF, has a loudspeaker repeatedly saying "Return to your homes" and "Go back".
A good portion of the movie is screaming.
A character is shown delivering a baby at the end. It's unknown what exactly is wrong with it as the film ends with a close up of the new mother's silent scream.
No. Though, the term "fag" is British slang for cigarettes, which could be jarring for unsuspecting American viewers.
So around the 1 hr 24 min mark when a man says, "I could murder a fag right now", he is not making a homophobic remark. The context becomes clearer when he then says he always used to have a fag after a meal.