Not squashed but a character puts her hand through another character's head in a nightmare sequence. It's not too graphic but it's a jump scare. Close your eyes at 01.19 and open them again when the creepy music stops if this kind of thing triggers you.
Yes, an important part of the plot is that (SPOILER) the main family's son passed away and they blame themselves, and decide to foster a young boy to help the grief.
(SPOILERS) I don't know why two people marked "no" on this but that's definitely and completely incorrect. The plot of the movie is that the child's grief manifested as "The Canker Man" which was a misunderstanding of his mother having cancer, and how he perceived her due to the affects of chemotherapy.
We see a short scene where the parents are preparing the gifts for their son, but in front of him, they act like if it was santa who put the presents under the tree
Yes, and graphicly so. Please be aware of this. (SPOILER) the main family's son drowns in a bathtub and his death is a pivotal part of the film and the guilt the parents hold.
Although there isn’t gun violence/gore there is gun imagery. *SPOILER* a gun is pointed towards a child when a man contemplates shooting him. He doesn’t end up doing it.
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