Sheriff's deputy Rick Grimes awakens from a coma to find a post-apocalyptic world dominated by flesh-eating zombies. He sets out to find his family and encounters many other survivors along the way.
This tv show contains 134 potentially triggering events.
season 10 one of the whispers leaves a baby out in the feild to die because it was being to loud and drawing attention, but soon after connie saves it. this happens when alpha shows up at hilltop to get lydia back for the first time
Alpha is more emotionally abusive than physically to her daughter, Lydia. Though we do see scars on her arm throughout this season... She says her mom gave them to her throughout her years with her, but we don't see physical abuse beyond a slap E13/14.
Negan may qualify for this. He has a redemption arc in later seasons and is seen protecting Rick's daughter and finding some level of acceptance among people he terrorized.
Merle is a known drug addict and Bob Stookey was a recovering alcoholic and there is a scene where he almost takes a bottle of alcohol but puts it back. This causes the shelf to break and ultimately led to the death of Zach
In the very first episode of The Walking Dead, the horse that Rick rides to Atlanta is eaten by walkers. Then, in season 5, Daryl and Aaron are outside of Alexandria and a horse named Buttons is also eaten.
Daryl often hunts rabbits and at one point in S5, they chop an already dead rabbit in half when Daryl and a biker guy tries to claim it, shooting 2 arrows into it at once.
There is a very explicit scene where a band of men happens upon some main characters and they are tracking them for killing a member of their own party. The leader of said band of men says "First we'll beat your friend to death... Then we'll have the girl. Then the boy. Then we're gonna shoot you and we'll be square." while another man says "Stop your squirming" while attempting to rape said child. It is very triggering even though no actual rape happens, it is threatened.
No specific episode, but any interaction from Negan with his wives. It's very clear that the majority (if not all) of Negan's 'wives' are not there by choice. They are threatened with severe punishment, such as mutilation or murder of their family. As such, they are forced to be his wives and so any sex between Negan and the wives is rape.
Negan states more than once that "Rape isn't allowed" in Sanctuary, but he is obviously raping his 'wives.'
There are many, many instances of restraint throughout the entire show. Handcuffs, being tied up or tied down, people with bags over their heads, and more.
In S1:E6 Lori gets sexually assaulted by Shane, however she fights him off before he goes much further than groping. Before he assaults her, he acts very angry and erratic when drunk and blocks off her exits. In S2:E11 a character heavily implies that his old group of survivors raped two girls in front of their father.
Carol helps Sam with injuries including a dislocated shoulder, she also talks about how her abusive husband had caused her to seek out how to sort out her own dislocations.
The people at terminus are cannibals, and to kill their victims they hit them on the back of their head over a trough and slit their throats. Some shots are up close, like the first and second one.
Many throats are pulled out
There are MANY brutal decapitations of humans and walkers. Several characters end up beheaded, and the severed head turns into a zombie until someone destroys the brain. There are scenes of undead severed heads stuck on spikes as a warning. An older, much-beloved character is murdered via decapitation.
The people at terminus are cannibals. They lure, trap, kill, and eat people who come to their camp. Episode 5.1 shows them killing and preparing bodies for consumption. In a later episode they eat a character’s leg.
Many zombies are seen crushed under cars, etc.
Two major characters get their heads crushed in by Negans bat. It’s extremely graphic and one character is shown with one of his eyes protruding out of his skull. This scene starts at the end of the last episode of season six and stops around the 15 minute mark of the first episode of season seven.
s06e13: Towards the end of the episode, two protagonists pour gasoline all over a room, wait for a group of their enemies to enter, light the room on fire, and close and lock the door. /// s07e11: Again towards the end of the episode, the main antagonist throws someone into a furnace. This is preceded by a long rant by said antagonist, so there's time to mute and/or fast-forward. /// s08e16: A group of unnamed characters are killed via Molotov cocktails. It's not graphic and it's a very short scene, but it does catch you off-guard. Look out for Tara and a group of rehabilitated Saviors (led by Alden) breaking off from the others. /// s09e06: Towards the end of the episode, a protagonist pours gasoline all over a room filled with sleeping antagonists. Then, when they wake up, she lights a match, drops it, and leaves them locked in.
no, but sasha travels to alexandria in a coffin by her choice, and then kills herself using a pill during the journey, so she was technically alive while being concealed in a coffin but it’s not exactly being buried alive
Many of the walkers demonstrate body horror. They are in various states of decay, some have parts of their bodies missing, some of them have rotted to the point they are almost fused with the earth. There is a decaying, water-logged zombie in a well. I'd also say the way Negan kills a certain character is so brutal and graphic it could count as body horror.
A character gets bit in the crotch area. Exactly what is bit is unclear due to clothing. His evil boss later asks him if he can still have sex or if his genitals no longer work. This is done to mock him, not out of concern.
In season 11 episode 6 there’s a pretty sudden cut to a person’s fingernail being ripped off, look away when Connie says she is going to search the house
Negan stops a man from harassing Sasha.
Negan then confronts and says "Rape is against the rules here" and Shoved a knife thru the guy's neck in front of Sasha.
In the second season, a girl that was missing is revealed to have died by a walker bite. In season 4, a girl gets bitten. Later in season 4, a girl is killed by her sister and the sister is later killed while looking at the flowers because she couldn't be trusted. In season 6, a boy gets eaten by walkers and his brother gets stabbed after almost killing the main character. In season 8, the son of the main character gets bit and commits suicide after saying goodbye to his loved ones.
Many minor and major characters die, not every episode but many. Depending on your view of zombies (depicted in this series as dead, rotting etc.) then many zombie people die and the zombies themselves are dead people wandering around.
Drugs are used, however noone overdoses. Lori takes a bunch of plan-b but pukes it. Merle is a known addict, but we never see him use. We do see alcoholics relapse but never drug users.
One of the mothers in the community and her two sons are covered in gore to mask their scent from zombies in the group and one of the kids panics. The kid backs up from the group in panic and gets bit... the mother screams and attracts them and is also bit and is mobbed by the walkers.
I would say yes because of Rick's hallucinations of seeing Lori. Even though she's not *actually* a ghost in the context of the TWD's reality, Rick views her as a ghost and I think that should count. If not, then how many show and movies should be excluded from seeing ghosts because only one character viewed them as real?
there are people who wear the skin of a zombie BUT they're not the zombies themselves, they're called whisperers i don't know if this is still triggering for some people so just letting y'all know :)
A lot of the gory scenes will focus on the characters reactions with the audio in the background.
Theres many instances of things like gut sounds throughout the entire show
It's a tough call, but I'm gonna say "no" to this one. The protagonist is a cop, but they don't glorify his career or anything. The only other cop characters are antagonists, including a whole community run by horrifically misogynistic, abusive, violent cops. If anything, I might actually call this show pretty anti-cop despite the main character's former career.
One of the male characters asks another man if the woman are in there period because they have been acting weird
He also believes that when woman spend time together they sink up the other male character he asked that said you batter keep that theory to yourself
Both previously mentioned, Ezekiel's is first mentioned in season 10 episode 5, but also when you meet Tara in season 4 episode 6 it's mentioned and shown imagery of her dad with cancer.
no, but there is an autistic coded character Eugene, introduced in season 4, who has a very unique dialect and is often laughed at for the way he speaks.
There are quite a few scenes of characters eating, breathing heavily, whistling and squishy audio gore.
As someone with misophonia it is sometimes noticable, but not the worst.
No but people don’t and can’t eat overly alot of food and for this reason the look quite perished this is because they are living in an apocalypse. A women is also ridiculed for her size in Alexandria, this may be truggering
Although the term is not explicitly stated in many cases, nearly all of the main cast show signs of PTSD. Most notably is Morgan, who is traumatized after the loss of his wife and son, Siddiq, who was forced to watch his friends be murdered, and Princess, who actually says she has PTSD, referring to the abuse and trauma from her childhood. The characters have flashbacks, panic attacks, and hallucinations. Other characters exhibiting symptoms (and are highly implied to have PTSD) include Rick, Daryl, Michonne, and Carol, among others.
Please ignore the high number of No votes if this is something you're susceptible to, I feel people don't know what shakey cam is. It's used a lot in this series.
Someone leaves water for the group in the road ahead of them, so they are being watched by someone.
The group decides not to drink it in case it is tampered with.
(Tw bugs gore) There are small special effects, like a cockroach crawling onscreen made to look like it's on your TV screen, and blood/gore/mud splashing onscreen as well. The show doesn't have any major running themes that try to elicit paranoia for the viewer (aside from building suspense in the storyline as is common in this genre) but those sfx could be a trigger for some.
No, but there was a lot of talk about a possibility of a baby being still born, and stuff like “what if the baby is stillborn? will it become a walker,” but it never ends up being stillborn.
Not an abortion but and attempted abortion. When Lori discovers that she is pregnant in season 2, she asks Glenn to get items for her when he goes to scavenge again. When Maggie discovers what Glenn gets for her, she throws the pills at Lori referring to them as “abortion pills”. Lori takes these but then forces herself to puke them up. She does have the baby.
Lori’s water breaks during a walker attack on the prison. She is with Maggie and Carl (her son). Carol has been trained to do an emergency C-section if needed but had no way of knowing or getting to Lori so Maggie is forced to do it herself when Lori is unable to have the baby on her own. To prevent both Lori and the baby from dying, Maggie cuts her stomach open and gets the baby out. Lori dies and Carl is forced to shoot her in the head so that she does not turn.
The N-word is not in S1:E1 it is in S1:E2, used by Merle against a black man who then gets attacked by him. Rick does not 'shut it down' and only intervenes because they started fighting and later Rick uses the word himself. It is also in S2:E5 used by Merle offhandedly. Both times Merle uses the hard R.
This is a very blink and you miss it thing but on Merles bike you can see the double lightning bolt symbol which is a N@ZI symbol. This alludes to Merle being at the very least being apart of a antisemitic bike gang. His bike is seen multiple times up until the prison is lost in season 4. Daryl is also commonly seen working on it.
some characters fall into negative stereotypes. at least for a while, it seems as if marginalized characters die very frequently, but to be fair, characters die a lot in the show in general.
This is pretty subjective so take it with a grain of salt, but it always seems to me like black men get much shorter lifespans on this show than any other characters, including black women and other people of color.
Not homeless in the typical sense but most of season five is spent on the road without shelter, a steady food source, etc. Because of the outbreak virtually none of the characters have a “home” anymore.
I've said no. However dates etc aren't specified and obviously Santa doesn't appear at all ...its meant to be a real life situation yet not (IE dystopia) therefore even if it's snowing and seems wintery, no holidays are shown
totally. theres so many sad ending to the seasons, like people dying, camps being overrun, people going missing, and there seems to be no happy ending because by the end of the last season (so far) it doesn't seem like there will ever be a cure, or society going back to normal, i could be wrong but that's just my predictions :)
Later on in Season 2, Lori leaves the farm in a car to go find Rick and while she is on the road, for some dumb reason she looks at a map as she's driving and manages to hit the only thing in the road (a walker) and completely total the car.