When they were boys, Sam and Dean Winchester lost their mother to a mysterious and demonic supernatural force. Subsequently, their father raised them to be soldiers. He taught them about the paranormal evil that lives in the dark corners and on the back roads of America ... and he taught them how to kill it. Now, the Winchester brothers crisscross the country in their '67 Chevy Impala, battling every kind of supernatural threat they encounter along the way.
This tv show contains 146 potentially triggering events.
Up to interpretation - Sam and Dean’s dad is emotionally unavailable with undertones of long term authoritarianism. To me, it reads as abusive, though the sons don’t see it that way yet.
In season 7 episode 10, it shows Bobby’s early family life. His father abused him and his mother emotionally and physically.
There are themes of domestic violence throughout the show. ( A kid literally whipping herself through emotional manipulation, multiple spouses killing eachother (though one is usually a monster) etc.
Perhaps not for "spectacle", but women are often hit, beaten, abducted and killed, sometimes in unnervingly realistic ways that could definitely be triggering for some.
Dean gaslights Sam throughout all of season 9, and is very manipulative and emotionally abusive to everyone around him(but especially Sam, Castiel, and Jack)
An assumed case of DV turns out to be a doppelgänger. A woman is shown tied up and having been beaten, pleading for her actual husband not to hurt her, he is confused and arrested when cops show up
Sam and Dean were abused by John (some is shown in flashbacks, it's verbal/mental and heavily implied physical abuse as well as neglect), there are episodes where children have been/are being abused.
I cannot speak for the stock animal-in-distress noises as I don’t know where they come from, but there’s a scene in s4e11 where a rat is held by the tail for a shot. As someone who owned rats and mice, holding the tail is not recommended unless necessary in an emergency as it can cause stress and spinal injury to the rodent. They held it farely close to the base of the tail but the rat was thrashing around as if uncomfortable, I’m not sure if it was trained to do this for the purpose of acting or this was a natural fear/stress response. S7e shows a dog being fed jerky, which often contains spices and seasonings that are toxic to dogs, I don’t know if the actual dog was fed this or it was movie magic.
There is an episode where Crowley has his hell hound attack another hell hound, but they are both invisible. You can, however, hear the whimpers and see the blood.
Women get slapped/punched etc. I feel like I need to mention that it’s not gender based violence, every gender gets it’s fair share of punches thrown at them
Yes, people are drugged hundreds of times, thats a legitimate estimate not an exaggeration. People are also supernaturally "whammied" frequently which is akin to being drugged.
It is mentioned that two bullies held their victim under water too long and it caused him to drown, a little boy is later held underwater by a spirit but he is saved
There is that one episode in the earlier seasons where we get to see sam and Dean in their school years, and there is a bully there who has issues with sam and does beat up a kid and I believe he hits sam too
havent got to it yet but sam has a seizure in season 4, dean and the dude hes with say they have to restrain him down i assume they continue to do as said they also held his head down by putting a belt in his mouth or so he wouldnt bite his tongue idk
In season 7, there’s extremely strong alluding to Sam being raped/sexually assaulted by Lucifer when he was in the cage. He’s also plagued with ptsd and hallucinations of Lucifer which constantly make him feel unsafe, and cause him to be unable to eat and sleep
There is so many examples of non-consensual sex which is often not acknowledged as sa. Though most examples of on screen rape it is because of uninformed consent, sex while on mind altering substances, or sex with a being thats possessing someone else so the people we see involved are happy and enthusiastic during, it's still not consensual.
throughout all seasons of the show there are scenes of characters cutting their palms or firearms for rituals, spells, ad sigils. The cuts are not often shown explicitly on camera and I the later season are healed quickly by Castiel.
There are a few scenes of Castiel with larger cuts. One scene shows a sigil cut into his chest, and another shows a message carved into his chest by another character.
Almost every character ends up with a cut at some point, most often from violence from a monster or another character.
In the pilot episode Jessica, Sam's girlfriend, is also burned alive on the ceiling
Although they are technically dead the ghosts and spirits are burned when their bones are torched, they are dead but they scream while they burn a lot of the time
s2 ep9: dude at the beginning has a seizure
s4 ep20: jimmy (castiel's vessel) has a seizure at 6 minutes
s7 ep17: sam is forced to get ECT (electroshock therapy) by a demon at full force and hes convulsing/seizing while it happens at 36 minutes
s7 ep23: polly (the blonde girl) has a seizure after dick roman injects her with something in a syringe and shes seen profusely foaming at the mouth at 23 minutes
s10 ep16: the witch who led the grand coven is seen convulsing for a few seconds at 32 minutes but stops
s11 ep3: cas has a seizure at 9 minutes then again at 36 minutes, honestly probably most realistic ones ive seen so far so if this is your trigger id watch out but it doesnt last too long
s11 ep17: pretty similar to the last one w cas very realistic, dean od'ed in a hospital and has a seizure
around 24-25 minutes, theres more in the other comments and in the "does someone v*?" section but i wont spoil much.
s14 ep7: at 3 minutes jack is sick and has a seizure
s14 ep14: dean kinda seizes for a few seconds at 29 minutes after hitting his head
The teeth aren't exactly pulled. There is an intention, but it doesn't happen.
There is however an episode where someone loses all of his teeth. They just fall out
Typically sticks to suggestive sprays of blood, shots of bodies that don't peer into injuries, blood on clothing. Most injuries are streaks of red on bodies with a few exceptions for pitted looking burns or magical wounds that don't look like normal gore. Some episodes show severed heads. Individual body parts such as bones or eyeballs. Sometimes graphic sound effects meant to gross the viewer out. Many characters die in horrible ways but the wound itself is off-screen, with sprays of blood and gross sound effects.
Teenagers die more often than young kids but both do die, often violently or on-screen at least, this I suppose also goes for ghost kids which are sometimes 'killed' to dispel their spirit.
Child death is also referenced
The three main characters die, are resurrected, and find some new way to die again. There is also a time loop episode where a character dies over and over in a multitude of ways.
There is an episode where 2 witches are feuding because the husband cheated. There’s more cheating throughout the show, though not on the main characters behalf (It never explicitly shows them cheating)
S2, E11 - Sam can be seen hanging over a toilet during a hangover, but no vomit (20 mins).
S3, E9 - Dean coughs up blood after being hexed by a witch (22 mins).
S4, E8 - Dean can be heard vomiting from inside the bathroom after getting food poisoning (20 mins).
S5, E21 - There's scenes where a doctor vomits, and patients and doctors have vomit around them. Castiel also coughs up blood in this scene (After recap - 7 mins and on).
S6, E5 - Dean vomits blood concoction (37:40).
S8, E12 - Henry Winchester can be seen vomiting after getting out of the Impala (10 mins).
S8, E14 - Kevin can be heard vomiting, no visuals (5:30).
S9, E23 - Dean vomits in corner of bunker cell (2:50).
S11, E10 - Dean vomits from smiting sickness (from around 8:30 to 11 mins).
S11, E17 - Dean vomits up pills from overdosing (30:45).
S14, E15 - An employee vomits after someones head explodes (3 mins).
S15 , E10 - Dean vomits after finding out he's lactose intolerant (24:30 - 25:30).
End of S5, Pestilence, the horseman of the apocalypse, is shown repeatedly sneezing large amounts of mucus in people faces, having mucus covered hands, and generally contaminating things around him.
Arguably there is more audio gore than visual gore. Splatting, cracking, screaming, groaning, all sorts of gross out and wince worthy noises even when only blood is shown.
while the main characters aren't always fans of law enforcement, cops are shown as heroes quite frequently, with quite a few being returning good guys 🙄
Sam and Dean are arrested and sent to / are held in jail on multiple occasions.. there is also an episode where deaths in a prison are a major plot point.
Dean calls angels, who have no genitalia, “junkless”, this is a real life derogatory term used on people who lose their genitalia due to trauma, agenital intersex people and trans people who decide to have remove all genitalia as part of their gender transition.
Sam and Dean go to an abandoned institution and patient abuse is discussed. For one episode Sam and Dean are in a psych ward. One character is shown being in a psych ward.
In "Born Under A Bad Sign," Sam has a week he can't remember where he was apparently running around and doing things he doesn't remember. It seems very similar to a dissociative episode, and could be triggering to some viewers.
In allegory yes, possession and supernatural alteration of a persons consciousness or mental state. S1e6 there are supernatural beings that shapeshift to take the form of another. They also absorb their memories and personalities. They attack the person they are copying’s family and loved ones. There is a moment where the shapeshifter talks about themselves being ostracised from society which is why they shapeshift, as if it gives them an excuse to kill. There’s a moment where the shapeshifter hears the voices of all the people they have copied in his head. S1e17 external tulpas and thoughtforms are mentioned, not the plural kind, the religious kind, the thoughtform in this case is specifically an evil ghost murdering people brought to live via Tibetan superstitious belief. S2e14 Sam is possessed by a demon and loses time, acting completely different, trying to retrace his own footsteps and remember, the demon phases in and out of controlling him and he has a few moments of clarity where he “comes back to”. This demon is violent and kills multiple people, making it somewhat an “evil personality” trope S2e17 a person becomes a werewolf and is unaware of it, having blackouts and not remembering that they attacked and killed people S6e11 Sam’s soul is stuck in hell, his body is fine, he becomes unable to feel empathy. When Dean tries to get his soul back, he has to choose between locking Sam’s memories of hell behind a wall or not getting Sam back, this is a very similar thing to dissociative amnesia and Sam never consents to this happening. S6e21 Dean asks Castiel to remove his partner and her son’s memories of him so they can live a safe life. They never so sent to this mindwipe. S6e22 Sam has these amnesia walls brought down by a villain, he then is comatose and dreaming. In his dream there are two versions of him, normal Sam with no memories and evil sam with all the memories and personality of when he had no soul. There is a third that remembers hell and how traumatising the torture he faced was. This is very much the “evil personality” trope. Upon killing the other versions of him, Sam reabsorbs them, sort of like fusion/integration. Later Castiel absorbs thousands of demon souls into his own, those could be interpreted as plurality. S7e15 Sam sees a hallucination of Lucifer that communicates directly to him, acting as a second consciousness. He uses a pain trigger to get Lucifer to go away.
I don’t think there’s any actual or intentional plurality or DID/OSDD, though I will update this section as I rewatch
The protagonist wakes up in an alternate reality and can't decide if it's real. Sensations from reality like dead bodies randomly appear and cause jumpscares. The characters in the other reality admit they aren't real. The protagonist kills himself hoping his death won't be real and it will bring him back to reality. The audience doesn't know which is reality during the episode or whether suicide will just kill the protagonist.
In one scene, Cas says "If I go back to Heaven, I'm afraid I might kill myself" (paraphrased) but it's brushed over very quickly. Not sure about any other instances
•In S5 Famine, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, causes insatiable hunger similar to binge eating. We see this affect a main character [Castiel].
•It is implied that Dean (main character) may have a binge eating disorder from childhood neglect (lack of food while Dad abandoned them on hunting trips). Most non-violent scenes with Dean feature him consuming food of some kind. He has an unhealthy relationships and attachments to food, sometimes putting it above other priorities.
Dean overdoses and dies momentarily (can’t remember the season). Crowley stabs himself with an angel blade to save the Winchesters (last episode of season 12). Boy shoots himself (season 1). Angel suicide bombers exist in season 9. (all I can think of off the top of my head, may be more x)
There is lots of talk of abortion for a couple episodes, with the main characters trying to convince Kelly Kline to abort her baby because the dad is Lucifer, but ultimately Kelly decided to keep the baby.
In earlier seasons, Dean makes comments to Sam of like "can you be any gayer?" And lots of homophobic jokes are thrown around but less frequently in later seasons
Dean is pretty ableist, makes fun of/dismisses mental illness, Bobby talks in an ableist way about himself when he is first put in a wheelchair after a fight in s5 I believe
Hitler is briefly risen from the dead, but is quickly killed. None of his ideals are appreciated or adopted by any protagonist characters. There is a Jewish character, Aaron if I remember correctly, but he is not portrayed in an antisemitic way. Crowley, when he was the king of hell, has a portrait of himself in Nazi uniform with an insignia of a pitchfork in place of the swastika. He does not hold antisemitic beliefs or values. Jewish folklore is mentioned several times throughout the show, but never in a derogatory way.
In s6 e23, Crowley makes a running gag out of misgendering Raphael for inhabiting a female vessel.
In s8 e23, Castiel briefly makes an insensitive comment about a (presumably)trans woman’s biological sex.
In "Free To Be You And Me" Dean finds out Castiel is a virgin and attempts to get him to have sex despite his visual discomfort in the situation. This scene is played for laughs. There are other cases where Castiel's lack of understanding about sex is laughed at (such as season 6 episode 3, the "pizza man" bit) but it is never directly stated in the show that Castiel is on the asexual spectrum.
The “windy boys” as I will be calling them (rhymes with bendigo) are shown and spoken about, the name is said repeatedly and often in Indigenous folk lore saying their name or writing their name attracts them to you (which is why I refuse to type the name)
Practically every single black character who served an important role is now dead. The ones that bothered me the most were Gordon, Rufus, and agent henrickson, as their deaths did not push the plot foreword at all
One early episode is based in a very racist man being killed by a black man, and his ghost runs over black people with his truck. Confederate flags are shown in a few episodes.
uhhh pretty much the entire show plot, each episode its either a spirit, demon, or something else. in the phantom traveler episode (one of the first episodes) it is a demon and they show the exorcism
In season 5 episode 3 one character tries to get another character to lose his virginity, but fails. In season 9 episode 3 the same character loses his virginity.
several sex scenes throughout the show. no genitalia is shown but there’s bare skin and not much is left to the imagination, specifically in the first couple of seasons.
While not an illness, a main character makes a deal with a demon in season 3 and only has a year to live until he is killed and taken to hell. Multiple episodes in this series touch upon the fear and grief this character and his loved ones experience while faced with this information, which may be upsetting to watch
Dean gets a memory curse cast on him. At one point he looks in the mirror and keeps saying who he is over and over again until he Can no longer remeber his own name. It is a brutal scene imo (season 12, episode 11)
The male protagonists actively try to convince one character to have an abortion multiple times. There is focus on the entire season around preventing the birth and catching the mother, who doesn't want to abort. The mother tries to kill herself in desperation but does not succeed. She doesn't want to abort but is being told if she doesn't she'll endanger the world. She dies from the birth.
God is defeated by Jack, who quickly fills the position. Cas is in The Empty (SuperMegaTurbo Hell), and stays there until being briefly mentioned by Bobby in the last scene. Dean dies while fighting "clown-vampires", getting impaled by a large screw sticking out from the wall (OSHA Violation). Sam lives on, without his brother and starts a family, but eventually dies of old age. They are reunited in heaven. Cas and Jack are absent for the finale. Not necessarily sad (more bittersweet), but extremely disappointing for long-time fans.
All of the angels in heaven attempt to smite the antagonist in one huge blast of power called grace, which is depicted on screen. The protagonist is later said to have grace poisoning from his proximity to the blast while showing symptoms similar to radiation poisoning from a nuclear explosion.
Season 7, episode 15 - a very cute small dog is killed for its heart to be used in a ritual