The Hangover crew heads to Thailand for Stu's wedding. After the disaster of a bachelor party in Las Vegas last year, Stu is playing it safe with a mellow pre-wedding brunch. However, nothing goes as planned and Bangkok is the perfect setting for another adventure with the rowdy group.
This movie contains 35 potentially triggering events.
According to Wikipedia: the film does not carry the American Humane Association's disclaimer that "no animals were harmed" since the group was denied set visits
I only vote yes because Stu "has sex" with a sex worker while blacked out... so, its not actually consensual, no matter how they spin it. But, nothing is shown and it's played off like a joke because he was penetrated. Har🙄
Someone gets their finger chopped off. There is no clip of the finger actually getting severed but there is a "fake" severed finger used when they wake up in the hotel. There is also a picture of the finger getting chopped off at the end of the credits
The sex worker is played by a real trans woman but she's still misrepresented. Not only is she misgendered at least once but there's a ton of humor at the expense of her being pre-surgery and trans panic (of a nonviolent variety, thankfully) from the guy who slept with her after recovering from his hangover.