Not really but Joey has a girlfriend who jokingly punches his arm a lot. The ‘friends’ make fun of him for being hurt/upset by it because she is very small and he is supposed to be a ‘man.’ Could be upsetting for men who have been subject to domestic violence and been gaslighted on account of their masculinity.
Monica’s mother is really awful at many points. She is very critical of Monica’s weight, considers her to be a failure and strongly prefers Ross. It could be upsetting for anyone with an emotionally abusive parent.
Phoebe starts dating a cop, who gets annoyed with a bird singing outside his apartment window in the morning. Instead of simply scaring it away or closing the window he shoots and kills it. Phoebe breaks up with him pretty quickly.
The chick and duck disappear at some point in the show and in the series finale there's a line about them having died. It is never shown or spoken about when it actually happens, they just stop mentioning and showing the birds.
In two episodes - one is awful and has it throughout. It's the episode where phoebe and Rachel are fighting on who lives with Monica and who lives with Joey.
The other episode is better. It just talks about holding one but doesn't show one. It's the episode where Rachel is scared of the swings.
in a episode Ross and rachel are facing their fears and Ross has to hold a spider however it isn’t shown it’s still in his hand but u don’t see it at all
ross and chandler are bullied by two other men at the coffee house. they threaten to beat them up, but i don't think they ever fight. instead, they all team up to find the guy who stole all their keys.
Joey was molested throughout his childhood by his tailor, and he only realizes it was assault when the tailor assaults Chandler as well. It is entirely played for laughs.
yes, see “sexual assault” answers for details. multiple scenarios of men being victims of sexual assault and it’s usually for laughs or ignored. example: we find out joey “slept with” his teacher in 7th grade to get an A. audience laughs and scene cuts.
the closest anyone got to providing compassionate safety in response to male sexual assault was when chandler realized it’s not normal for children to have witnessed an orgy by the time they are 7, monica and phoebe give him a pity look while the audience laughs and the scene cuts.
Joeys head gets squashed in between the door of Monica’s apartment season 10 episode 8. It’s nothing gruesome and the character suffers no injury from it
There's one comment in s3e11 where Chandler comes home feeling low because he saw Janice and asks for "a rope that's 6ft long with a noose at the end" when the gang asks what's up.
There are other instances as well, Ross breaks his fingers in an episode, Rachel cracks her ribs, Ross almost breaks Monica's hand. There are a lot of minor injuries.
"The One with Ross's Teeth" Ross leaves tooth whitener on too long.
Phoebe gets toothache in 'The One with the Giant Poking Device.'
Neither has damaged teeth as such.
Joey's Days of Our Lives character Drake Ramoray falls accidentally down the elevator, instantly dying. The production used that as a method to cut him out of the show and the details of the body are gruesome.
No, but there is an episode when they show that Rachel has an intense phobia of "things coming close to, or touching eyes", and the others make fun of it. No eye mutilation, but they have to go to the eye doctor in several episodes (problems just mentioned, not explicitely shown).
no but in one of the later seasons rachel says to her sister "you do know what happened to the little girl who tried too much too fast? she died, jill."
In season 8 episode 6, The One With The Halloween Party there is a kid dressed up as a clown that comes trick or treating.
Also there is a cookie jar shaped like a clown that can be seen in the background of some episodes
In an episode Phoebe gives a massage to an old lady who dies during the session and her soul went in Phoebe. (We don’t see it when it happen)
But she leaves at the end of the episode.
You never see vomit in any episodes, just the sound and some motions by the actors. I can't remember the episode names but here's what I do know ..
1) it's an episode about stuff that could have been. In one scene, Rachel is drunk and was married to Barry, but went on a date with Joey who is famous. They are about to kiss when she throws up (loud noises, Rachel's head moves forward and Joey makes reference to it)
2) Monica is trying to figure out Phoebe's grandmothers' chocolate chip cookie recipe and Ross is taste testing. One cookie makes him feel sick. They talk about it, Ross makes a gagging motion and at once point makes it known he is about to vomit then runs to the bathroom.
3) Rachel is pregnant and living with Joey. Ross brings Rachel lunch. She begins to eat a sandwich and then asks Ross, "did you put pickles on this?" Ross explains he did, and Rachel runs to the bathroom and then slams the door. You hear and see nothing, but they talk about food aversions from her pregnancy making her sick.
I can't remember any others but I hope this helps!
Chandler’s dad kind of…granted it’s not really clear if they’re a gay drag queen or a trans woman so it’s possible “Helena Handbasket” is just a stage name…I don’t know?
There is a slight mention of cancer in one of the earlier seasons, Rachels Dad talks about how his boat is rusted and tells Ross that rust is boat cancer. Could be triggering for some viewers as he says it quite aggressively too.
I don't know if it counts here, as it's more of a disorder, but monica has pretty serious OCD (they call it by name, too, though I don't temember if in a 'jokey' way, though it is actually OCD). It varies if people make fun of it or they are sympathetic and tolerant towatds her.
s7:e13 when phoebe works in the call center selling toner a whole episode plot is around her talking to a seriously suicidal man. no attempt but a potentially triggering plot especially since phoebe’s mother died by suicide.
Not quite an anxiety attack, but there's an episode where Chandler finds out Janice kissed her ex husband twice. He confronts her about it and she begins to talk and keeps making a "haaaah" noise. She says that she can't breathe and begins breathing in and out with a brown paper bag.
There is one episode in the first season when Chandler and a woman gets trapped in an ATM because there is a black-out. There are some other scenes where people or several people are in very small rooms, but they are not really claustrophobic. Also, they sometimes get stuck in things (door, once in a turkey), that can be triggering, but they are always fine after.
yes and no, the middle finger is mentioned multiple times and ross and monica have a gesture they use and they say it’s giving the finger without giving the finger. in season 3, pheobe says ‘it’s a shame you can’t see what finger im holding up’
The main characters continually watch and talk about someone living in the building opposite them while they are at home. They refer to the person as the "ugly naked guy"
No but lots of problematic gay jokes and plot lines that portray gay people in a negative light. Chandler is often teased for seeming ‘gay’ (he is not); an episode where upon getting a female roommate Joey ‘acts like a woman.’
Ross becomes concerned at one point that his son is playing with a Barbie & is generally hostile towards his ex-wife (who left him for a woman) and her [female] partner. He occasionally gets paranoid about future girlfriends being gay.
This is probably THE most problematic/triggering part of the show. I would not recommend it to anyone triggered by eating disorder/fat shaming content.
1) Monica was ‘fat’ as a child/teen and it is a very frequent joke (and at times plot line). She played by Courtney Cox in a fat suit (and IMO does not actually appear obese even though she is described as being incredibly overweight). Scenes with ‘Fat Monica’ portray her as an unattractive buffoon. Her mother makes very damaging comments about her appearance. There are several episodes where it seems like she may be ‘slipping back.’ She ultimately loses the weight to become ‘attractive’ after Chandler calls her fat behind her back. It is made worse by the fact that the female characters (esp. Monica + Rachel) are incredibly thin.
2) there is a running joke about a character dubbed ‘Ugly Naked Guy’ who lives across the street from the ‘gang’. They frequently watch him from their window and he is described as being very large (to the point of breaking things and smothering a cat). He is rarely shown but when he does appear he is shown as being fat (and naked).
3) Also: an episode where Chandler is ‘gaining weight’ and the ‘friends’ tease him aboht it; an episode where a woman in Joey’s life harasses him about his body + eating habits (he fights back). General fat shaming jokes.
[for context the show’s environment seems to have been very fatphobic. Matthew Perry (Chandler) was instructed by producers to lose weight in Season 8 & at one point a billboard advertising the show showed Monic, Rachel and Phoebe with the caption ‘anorexic chic’]
In Carol and Susan's wedding, basically the only straight women there were Rachel, her mom, Monica and Phoebe. All the others were lesbian and very stereotyped (like if for being lesbians they'd only know lesbian women).
No slurs that I can think of but Chandler (and occasionally other characters) is routinely made fun of for acting/seeming ‘gay’ (he is not) and it can be pretty problematic.
characters are naked sometimes but everything important is covered up or the scene is shot waist up. most is a little side boob from a mostly-back angle
yes, basically constantly, by many characters who are supposed to be likeable. it’s always for laughs or treated so normal it’s ignored. the main theme of the entire show is pretty much single people seeking sexual partners, which can be done without objectification, but they often sexually objectify the people they’re attracted to.
joey in particular sexually objectifies even his women friends very often. it’s clear he pretty much sees women as porn objects, even his friends who he cares about and probably would like to respect/thinks he respects.
see incest answers for a particularly triggering episode with Ross sexually objectifying his cousin.
There is a lot of kissing and "making out". Sex is not shown explicitly, but sometimes characters are shown afterwards, naked in bed. There is a lot of talk and jokes about sex, and quite a lot of times, when they watch p***o on TV in the background, and the sound effects can be heard.
Pheobe was previously homeless and talks about her experiences frequently. She also meets people she used to know while living on the streets, including one who still might as he attempts to mug Pheobe and Ross in one episode