no but two people are very briefly seen in the pit with their pets, a crow and a tortoise. neither are hurt, but the man with the tortoise is briefly seen holding it up as a shield against people throwing things at him at him.
Around 30-33 minutes in, a while after they wake up in their 2nd month, the pair of cellmates above them recaps the "problem" prisoners, one of whom "r***d his cellmate"
No but several times someone is naked and restrained to the platform but they arent sexually assulted however these scenes may still be triggering as they are stripped and restrained against their will.
Character had 2 arms in the beginning and had one cut off half way through so i imagine the actor is not really an amputee. Also there is a blind man who i am not sure is a blind actor.
@12 min someone coughs up blood, but just look away for a couple seconds around 29:50-30:20 guy w no warning coughs/throws up blood main girl throws up at 1:20:00 after eating painting (no audio, just visual)
a supposed direct to canvas transfer of Goya's Black Painting, The Dog, features towards the end and gets rolled up and manhandled and a pieces torn off. not real of course!! LOL
I think the protagonist comes on her period. You see a spot of blood on her hand then you see her rinsing her pants in the sink and thats it. Its not talked about as its in a montage segment.
No but this film has a heavy theme of food being restricted and there is a character who is emaciated. This may be triggering to those with an eating disorder.
There is some kind of belief system among the prisoners but id say its more of a cult than a religion. However people with religious or cult related trauma may be triggered by this.