Phantom Agents is a Japanese action television series of 130 black and white episodes that aired from 1964 to 1966.
The series was created by Tatsuo Yoshida. The Phantom Agents were modern day ninja working for the Japanese government, mostly against the dastardly "Black Flag" organization. They wore "pudding basin" motorcycle helmets, and in the earlier episodes they ran everywhere in single file, but later graduated to a Toyota Crown Saloon.
The Phantom Agents were armed with ninja weapons such as shuriken and used guns "only as a last resort," as was patiently explained to the only female member in the title sequence of each episode. They had the ability to jump backwards up onto the limbs of trees and could hold a piece of cloth with a brick pattern on it in front of them and thus blend into the wall behind them, becoming invisible to their opponents.
The series starred Joh Mizuki as Phantar, the leader of the Phantom Agents. Other agents included Tugor, Cordo, Zemo and a female agent, Margo. There was also a small boy agent, Tomba. Other agents that joined later in the series were Andar and Mundo, who could roll himself up into a bowling ball to knock over the villains. Tugor was killed by a bomb in one of the episodes, leaving behind only a boot that many fans remember as a sad moment in the series. Another agent, Gino, was killed in the first episode.
This tv show contains 101 potentially triggering events.
It's a very scary trigger scene though when they bring the dog in to the basement where Frank is being tortured for information. But no, the dog leaves unharmed. (I don't like that Frank keeps him tied up in his apartment though.)
A character has a mental breakdown after giving birth and becomes a nun who is still in her sons life but he is unaware she is his mother until much later in his life, his father then dies and he is raised by the nuns and an old man he has a close father-like relationship with.
Fisk comes from an abusive home. His father beats his mother and is generally violent. There are several scenes in season 1 episode 8 showing his old home life.
Illegal drug usage is an ongoing theme in general. In S1:E9 Daredevil goes after a junkie that killed [Spoilers] who is seen taking, and surrounded by drug paraphernalia onscreen.
One of the first scenes in the entire show appears to be the attempted trafficking of several young women. No one is actually assaulted but it could be quite triggering
after vanessa is walked home, weasley brings Anatoly to kingpen. i would end the episode after he is grabbed from the car just to be safe, as it is incredibly drawn out and graphic. if gore and violence in general is ok and decapitation is the only issue, then stop the episode when anatoly is set up against the car.
In Season 1 Episode 4, about 47 minutes in a man is beaten and his head is slammed repeatedly by a car door, causing his head to come off. Loud squishing and splatter noises are heard, along with the sound of his head coming off.
S1E1 young women are shoved, struggling, into a shipping container. Later in the episode a child is kidnapped. S1E2 we hear the child being held hostage and SPOILER he is rescued. S1E4 a woman is grabbed from her home and stuffed in the trunk of a cab
This is a complicated incident, because the show has flashbacks and jumps around the timeline: Matt is involved with one girl at first, and when the other girl shows up, there is no romance between her and Matt. The first girl sees them and makes assumptions (because vigilante secrets) and cuts it off with Matt, and only then do Matt and the second girl get together. However, the whole thing has the general cheating vibe, from necessary lies and deception (again, vigilante secrets).
Matt & Foggy work regularly with a cop; the feds swoop in and arrest all the bad guys. The show distinguishes between “good cops” and “bad cops” rather than judging the system as a whole, which to me still falls under copaganda.
No, but Matt is quite autistic-coded, and due to his powers, he has a lot of sensory issues that work similarly, which leads to abuse of him as if he were autistic for being autistic.
The main character has an anxiety attack that could be depicted as a meltdown in S2E2. SPOILER: The meltdown is brought on by the character (blind), being temporarily rendered deaf.
(Personal experience, others may differ) In most episodes there is gunfire accompanied by bright flashes, which triggers my photo-sensitivity. There are also multiple instances of alarms being tripped or power being cut from lights, causing the same effect.
There are consistent remarks/actions against Matt for being blind. Most are played off by Matt being more gracious than the ableists or Foggy cracking a joke, but some really sting.
James Wesley - Fisk's confidant - was implied to be gay and showed devotion to Fisk beyond that of a close friend, and vice versa. [SPOILER] he is killed in the 11th episode of season 1 by Karen for reasons unrelated to his sexuality.
Religion is a very large part of Matt's character. He is shown in a church and at confession many times throughout the show, and he was said to have grown up in a Catholic orphanage.
Daredevil talks about the first time he did vigilante justice, in which he beat up a man who was sexually abusing his daughter. This is never shown, only said. It’s in the later half of Nelson vs. Murdock (s1 episode 10). Skip until after the train scene if you don’t want to hear about it.
In season one, a wife of a character is alluded to dealing with Alzheimer's and memory loss. This becomes rather plot-relevant and her memory loss is shown on screen in episodes 12 and 13.
Blood and gore is inevitable in this show, showing up in pretty much every single episode I can recall. The degree of graphic that it is depends on the episode. Some only feature small scrapes and bruises while others show (spoilers for various deaths/ near deaths ahead): things like a man having his head beat in with a car door, the main character almost dying several times from being severely injured from various weapons, including deep gashes from knives shown in vivid detail, and a man impaling his head on a spike. These aren't the only examples.