In a world where eighty percent of the population has some kind of super-powered Quirk, Izuku was unlucky enough to be born completely normal. But that won’t stop him from enrolling in a prestigious hero academy. Now, he’ll get his first taste of brutal rivalry from other schools as he braves the cutthroat, no-holds-barred provisional license exam.
This anime contains 102 potentially triggering events.
In the most recent episode (ep 111), in a flashback from when he was a child,, Shigaraki's quirk accidentally activates as he is petting a dog, who dies graphically. It's pretty upsetting and they show the aftermath a couple of times before moving on from the scene.
One of the main characters is abused by his father and was injured by his mother, the three main antagonists are abused by their parents. A main character gets hit and blamed by his mother for getting kidnapped but it's not stated to be abuse.
Shigaraki and Dabi, who were abused as children, both become psychotic terrorists who want to destroy and kill everything. Dabi especially wants to torture his own brothers to death despite being emotional support through his abuse
Todoroki's abusive father tries to convince him that his mother, whom he drove to madness, was a bad person, and he's protecting him by sending her to the mental ward, even though he's the reason she went mad in the first place.
Todoroki was put through very harsh training as a child, and at one point his mother threw boiling water at him. This has affected him greatly, even as a teenager.
Also worth noting: in the manga, a major villain (Overhaul) abuses a 6-year old girl while posing as her "father" figure.
No animal abuse occurs on screen. However, Nezu (a sentient mouse with a Quirk and the principal of the school) was reportedly experimented on in the past, and it caused him to develop a sadistic side (which we see during his fight with Mina and Denki).
Although there is a character called Hound Dog which quirk makes him have the appearance of a rabid dog, he is pretty human and doesn't really fight other dogs.
Technically, Mirko is a rabbit and does show many traits of rabbits: e.g., liking carrots, and physical characteristics (ears, tail). She is also pretty human tho. She has had at least one or two prosthetics.
One episode involves Present Mic getting assaulted by a group of bugs travelling from underground, and they end up covering his entire body. It's not extremely important, so skipping this particular scene is optional.
Tsu holds Mineta’s head underwater in Season 1 after he grabs her breast. She does not do this with intent to kill him or knock him out and releases him after a few seconds.
Although not explicit, a woman is in an arranged marriage and has two children after she says "it'd be too cruel to have more."
The topic is debated, but still potentially triggering.
Yes, people are restrained all throughout the series on many instances.
Some examples are Bakugou in the first three seasons, Eri in the fourth season, and not to mention some UA training exercises involve restraining people. Villains and criminals are also restrained constantly.
Minoru Mineta regularly sexually harasses his female classmates-he makes inappropriate comments about them, tries to peep on them whenever possible, and has groped them more than once. Unsurprisingly, a LOT of people hate him, and what doesn't help is that it's played for laughs and he hasn't been expelled for his behavior (yet).
When Yuga Aoyama is revealed to be the traitor, he is eventually gagged with a metal plate along with his parents. This is done as a precaution in case something goes wrong.
One of the main... "Props" of the main antagonist are severed hands that used to belong to other people. Some of these are destroyed in non-graphic ways eventually.
Yes, the character Re-Destro's lungs are injured by Edgeshot, Shemage attacks someone's lungs with fungal spores, and All For One pulls out one of Best Jeanist's lungs.
Yes, but not in the main series but it’s plot relevant.
A close high-school friend of Aizawa Shota, his friend Oboro. is crushed to death by rocks. Oboro was only 16 years old at the time and the event traumatized Aizawa for life and it shaped a lot of his own teachings and ideals in life.
In the first episode Izuku gets attacked by a sludge villain who tries to take over his body by choking him with sludge. Same thing happens to Bakugo the next episode
Nobody is buried alive on screen, however, Shirakumo Oboro died in rubble prior to the canon timeline, it would be safe to infer that he was buried alive in the rubble, so to speak.
Aizawa is pressed to the ground by a strong enemy holding his head down. He suffers injuries and is ultimately fine, but at the time there is the threat of head squashing.
A young Tomura has a seizure after being presented with embalmed hands of his dead family members and seizes on the ground as All For One makes him remember repressed memories of accidentally killing his family
Nighteye punishes one of his employees by having her constrained and tickled against her will. It’s played for laughs but as someone who can’t stand being tickled I found it somewhat disturbing.
Multiple characters carry knives with them, notably Toga Himiko, Stain, and Aizawa Shouta. Toga's main method of fighting is stabbing people with knives and needles, and Stain stabs multiple characters in season 2. Aizawa Shouta's main weapon isn't his knife, but he uses it occasionally.
At least one shot of Hagakure (15 - 16) is sexualized, it’s in the dorm episode. Sexual feelings are delved into and the majority of characters are teens so YMMV, how objectified they are is debatable but there is sensual content (especially whenever Mineta gets involved).
Himiko Toga sacrifices her life to save Ochako Uraraka. After noticing she's lost too much blood, Toga swallows some of it to turn into Uraraka, then transfuses her blood to Uraraka, killing her in the process.
Shigaraki kills his entire family prior to the events of canon due to a quirk accident, and Todoroki Shoto's older brother Toya is assumed to be dead until villain Dabi reveals he is in fact Todoroki Toya.
Bakugo vomits when he gets punched in the stomach by All Might during the Exams arc. It's definitely not depicted as sparkly rainbows that time, both in the anime and manga.
Additionally a younger Todoroki and Shigaraki are seen vomiting in flashbacks.
There is some audible bone cracking, and there are many screams of pain throughout the series. I'm not sure whether this counts, but as someone who finds it upsetting to hear people suffer, I thought it's worth mentioning.
Just because the show is about police and heroes doesn’t really automatically mean that it shows copaganda. Yes, it does show it in a way, but it also does show how corrupt some heroes can be. For example, Endeavour being the second best hero and abusing his wife/kids.
One of the main villains has a tic that results in him scratching his neck. The more upset he gets, the more he scratches. There are a couple shots that show red lines, depicting that he's hurt himself. Though not cutting in the usual way, I'd definitely still be wary.
You could see all three of the main protagonists as autistic if you look hard enough at their personalities, at least one character's stims as a child, and how they behave around others, but all three of them are different enough that there's no "autistic people are all the same" misrepresentation. In addition, all three main characters are not villainized, and as far as I can see none of the villains are autistic or implied to be such.
Ymmv. Twice is a villain with D.I.D although he was already violent and evil before developing it and his regular personality is just as violent as his split one - the main thing it does is make him say contradicting statements or the opposite of what he means.
No characters are canonically revealed to be autistic though admittedly some could be perceived as autistic by fans, but I thought it was worth mentioning that a lot of characters get restrained, which may be a trigger for some autistic viewers.
Theres a scene in the very first episode where the main character is told to "take a swan dive off the roof", other references of suicide have likely been mentioned throughout the series but i cannot cite them directly
During the Yakuza ark one of the villains controls the ceiling, walls and floor of a building. I have personally felt this scene to be quite claustrophobic.
Several characters’ quirks are dependent on their calorie intake and there are scenes showing them binge eating for that purpose. It’s not a mental health issue for those characters, but watching them eat like that could be triggering for certain people.
Yes and no, because according to Japanese standards for anime, all strobe-like effects that have the potential to cause seizure already have a seizure filter over them.
There is a brief repeated detail of the first baby being born with a Quirk, but it doesn't show any actual childbirth, you just see the baby in the hospital
As many people have said there is a villain character called Mange who is a trans woman. She and her friend who is also trans are shown to be overly dramatic, muscular, and hairy which are all harmful stereotypes. There is a leopard hero that wears dresses as a part of their uniform who also displays the same qualities. Almost all of the characters in the show except the villains misgender or explicitly point out their clothing. (The leopard hero gets the most comments regarding their choice in clothing since Mange is often seen in pants) Honestly as a trans person myself I feel like these characters are written in as jokes especially considering Mange gets graphically killed. This is a great show but it can be a little hard to watch at times so please keep this in mind beforehand and stay safe.
Himiko Toga uses the depraved bisexual stereotype. Also there’s a student in Class 1-A who, while not identified as being black, has the stereotypical oversized lips
Gentle Criminal and La Brava may cause some discomfort. I believe they're both adults, but La Brava looks like a little girl while Gentle looks like an old man.
Anything nude is not drawn or shown as actual nudity - for example, when Toga goes back to her real form she's shown as a whitish silhouette, no parts can be seen. So there is nudity implied but nothing depicted true to life.
There is zero incest undertones in AFO and his brothers relationship. I have no possible idea what the other comment is referring to. Their interactions are uncomfortable on the basis that AFO tortured his brother and forced a quirk on him for the sake of proving a point, not because of any underlining incestial feelings
There's a character in season 4 who's shown to be in a bed on life support for a long time, but I think he was put there by someone else rather than by an actual illness. He's still said to be ill, though.
In season 5 there is a flashback to Tomura Shigaraki's backstory where he is homeless and being ignored on the streets. He is found by All For One and taken in, though
No but if your worried about santa being spoiled maybe this show isn't for you, if your child is watching i feel like them believing in santa wont really muster the same innocence after this.
290 onwards
In the manga Hawks prevents a near car crash although it doesn't crash it can be upsetting to see.
In chapter 311 ? I wanna say All Might almost crashes his car but gets out in time before he crashes and then is attacked.