The story of Claire Randall, a married combat nurse from 1945 who is mysteriously swept back in time to 1743, where she is immediately thrown into an unknown world where her life is threatened. When she is forced to marry Jamie, a chivalrous and romantic young Scottish warrior, a passionate affair is ignited that tears Claire's heart between two vastly different men in two irreconcilable lives.
This tv show contains 121 potentially triggering events.
Though the dogs fate is left unknown at the end of Season 4 episode 1 it is quickly revealed in Season 4 episode 2 that the dog is fine and with his owner.
The main character accidentally leaves her husband in the first or second episode without saying goodbye. He is then showed multiple times looking for her and trying to find her while people tell him that she might have left for another man but he refuses to believe that.
There are abusive parents many times throughout the show, but most scenes containing this topic are brief and there is not a lot of domestic abuse happening on screen, rather than it being talked about.
In season 5 (i think) a women goes to her imprisoned abuser and talks to him. I don't know if she really forgives him or just talks to him to tell him she accepted what consequences she is facing from the abuse, but the theme is definitely there so that could be triggering.
Jamie (Claire's second husband) beats Claire in season one as punishment after she ran away and inadvertently got kidnapped. He later apologizes when he learns why she fled.
The master of the 2 indentured boys abused his Wife. After he suffers a stroke, she becomes the abuser and tortures him because he cannot retaliate. The acts aren't shown on screen, but you see his infected wounds, gangrenous wounds, and several blackened burns from repeated torture. You also see her try to strangle him with a rope in an attempt to kill him.
At the end of the episode, Jamie asks him to blink once for yes and twice for no, and asks if he would like him to take his life to end his suffering. He says yes.
In season one the main character is beaten with a belt by her husband as punishment for running away and putting a group of people in danger. He apologized later and she makes sure to threaten him to never do this again as well.
In another season (I think 2 or 3) Jamie orders another man to beat him with a belt as a punishment in front of many people which he does.
Many times people are whipped/flogged throughout the show, mostly as flashback and mostly Jamie.
In season 6 Malva is beaten with a belt by her father.
Someone is asking whether a horse was actually hurt... If you mean "stayed injured/dead when the cameras stopped rolling" that is unknown. If you're talking about onscreen, yes.
A Buffalo is shot at, and a snakes head is chopped off with a knife after multiple attempts, timestamp 08:00-08:40. Buffallo fate unknown. The snake is obviously CGI, as the graphics aren't great, kindly. This personally broke my immersion and I wasn't saddened but it may trigger others. The Buffalo however I found triggering as an animal lover. At 36:00, until 37:05, a Buffalo is on screen and after some time is shot dead.
In season one, there are scenes of Highlanders carrying dead game animals, such as rabbits, that they intend to cook. Season three has a shot of a skinned elk carcass being butchered.
When Claire is first investigates the medicine from 1743, she empties a glass into her hand, which has a few bugs in it. She quickly tosses them. Very brief, not intended to be disturbing.
There is constant mention of rape. There are graphic, LONG depictions of attempted rape, rape by coercion, violent penetrative rape, rape of both adult men and women AND of children. There is an attempted rape in the first 30 minutes and it's all downhill, 24/7 rape, from there. If rape is an issue for you, I HIGHLY suggest you DO NOT WATCH this show at all. I forced myself through 1 season because I thought I could handle it and I was invested in the characters. Now, I've had nightmares and intrusive flashbacks for nearly a month - and I hadn't had flashbacks for over a decade prior to this - so suffice it to say that this show is EXTREMELY triggering for anyone who has or has ever had PTSD related to sexual violence or a history of suffering sexual violence in real life. DO NOT WATCH!
In order to remove a brand, Murtagh cuts a part of Jamie’s skin off. This happens in 1x16. Claire is a nurse, so at times she uses a scalpel during medical procedures.
Near the beginning of the episode, a soldier abuses a sex worker, then douses the woman with alcohol and sets her on fire. She stumbles around screaming for a while as men laugh. It's pretty upsetting. Another man finally intervenes and puts out the flames with his coat, but by then it's too late and she dies.
I would absolutely classify what happens to Jamie’s hand in the season 1 finale as body horror. His hand is crushed and nailed to a table. This only barely cross the line, because (SPOILER) his wife is a nurse and is able to fully repair his hand. Jamie is also branded by the villain, and this is again later reversed by him asking his friend to literally cut the brand from his skin. A lot of what is initially horrifying is later repaired, which is likely why people voted “no.”
Roger is hanged in 5x07 in a series of flashbacks, and is fairly traumatized by it. His broken voice does cause problems for him for a couple of episodes after while he heals.
When Taran MacQuarrie is hanged. He doesnt instantly die from the neck break. He is seen somewhat still alive but slowing dying. Its not in all very almaring more sad and realistic. A last shot of his kicking legs being held as he passes to death is seen.
S5E12 a captured woman is violently gang r*d during a brutal and long scene. At the end of the episode, her injuries are shown on camera. There are more r* scenes as well but this one was so violent I decided to include it here.
We see an image of a character who has been dead for a season, but he appears as himself, looking human etc and it's a friendly scene where he encourages his daughter. It's poignant and emotional.
Not in the traditional, horror movie sense, but there are scenes that come out of nowhere that can frighten some viewers. For example, at the start of 2x02 Jamie fantasizes about stabbing Randall, this is very sudden as the viewer doesn’t even realize this is a dream at first.
S1E5 : Claire visit prison. Happens when she go out.
S1E16 : Jamie spits blood when Randall removes the nail
Claire when she go out after she heals Jamie's hand.
S3E9 : Jamie seasick. Happens after we saw captain dining with his guest.
AND Right after, same scene.
Claire arrives in the English boat and go to see the sick ones. Near 8 last minutes. Graphics and sound.
S3E10 Jamie seasick. When Fergus brings him food.
Nothing i remember in 4th and 5th season. (Sry for my poor English)
(I think in season 3 or 4) a character sees another have gay sex by accident. She didn't know that he is gay before that, although the character plays a role sometimes throughout the show and is already known to be gay before this scene by show-watching people and some few characters in the show.
Fergus slits his wrist with a knife when he tries to commit suicide. There is a shot of Fergus cutting himself and there is another shot of his bloodied wrist where you can see the actual cut when Jamie grabs him.
Claire is transported back to the past in Scotland. She doesn't know when or where she is. She doesn't know she isn't in her time and is extremely confused.
Lots of squishy sounds as part of injuries and surgeries. High-pitched discordant noises meant to indicate emotional tension. Infants crying. Lots of audible breathing and kissing. In season 5, I also noticed some chewing sounds but they were relatively mild. Haven't seen season 6 yet.
Fergus tries to kill himself by slitting his wrist in 6x03 but Jamie rescues him in time. Young Ian considers suicide in 5x08 when he takes Claire’s hemlock, but Roger stops him before he can really try anything.
In season 1, Colum asks Claire for assistance in ending his own life.
Brianna gives birth to her son Jemmy in 4x13, and is shown to be sweaty and in considerable pain, and Marsali gives birth to Félicité in 5x09 off-screen, and she gives birth to Henri-Christian in 6x02 on-screen.
There is also a woman that Claire assists with giving birth to her child in 5x03.
There is discussion about women taking certain herbs/tinctures to end their pregnancies. Nothing is shown regarding it, but the subject does come up numerous times throughout the series.
I haven’t noticed any slurs, sorry if this isn’t 100% accurate though. A main villain is revealed to be gay though and people react in varying degrees of disgust and/or confusion.
In 5x09 Jamie faces amputation after his leg is bitten by a snake and acts like loosing his leg is worse than dying. He makes Claire swear she'll let him die rather than amputate him to save his life. It could come off as offensive since Jamie’s brother in law, Ian, only has one leg, and Jamie’s adopted son Fergus, only has one hand. He does get called out on it by Young Ian.
Throughout the show, Fergus is also made multiple times to feel lesser of a man because of his missing hand when other characters (or he himself) make disparaging comments about his disability (3x10, 3x11, 4x11 and more recently 6x01 and 6x03), and society at that time could be considered fairly ableist. His disability, and the world's general lack of acceptance of it, does make him deeply depressed/suicidal in season 6.
There are three characters openly attracted to men, at the time of writing this 9/2020 two are dead and one is alive. Both of the dead individuals were also fairly evil. Two tropes in one.
Hell and sinning is mentioned throughout the series but in season one there is witch hunting and a trial towards two women who are perceived to be witches. The trials theme is to proof them to be witches from hell and a lot of people want to sentence them to death. (Spoiler) one of them is sentenced to death when she tries to save the other by showing a vaccination mark and claiming it to be "the devils mark". The other women is freed by a man while public is focused on the woman with the mark who is implied to be burned later.
A character does have a crush on his cousin and offer to marry her, but that was common in the 18th century, it wasn't depicted as a weird thing, or in any detail. The cousin is from the 20th century; she refuses him kindly, and things move on. There's also a bit of awkwardness about meeting one's ancestor and finding them attractive, but it's very passing.
Not totally BDSM but there is a scene where Jamie physically punishes Claire with a belt(non sexual). A couple scenes after this they are having sex and claire is dominating Jamie, threatening him with a knife and saying that he is to never mistreat her again
I'm not sure why so many people are saying yes, when it's not even over yet. If the show continues to follow the books, then it won't be a sad ending, but even the book series isn't done yet, so...
Claire is kidnapped and during her ordeal, she dissociates and imagines an alternate future with her family in the 1960s. Everyone is celebrating thanksgiving, but police come to the door and inform her Brianna, Roger, and Jemmy were killed in a car accident.