There is no dogfighting in the sense of dogs fighting other dogs. However, military dogs are regularly shown fighting in the US Navy against human enemies.
S1E2 - Silhouetted images of a vast number of dead cattle are shown in a satellite feed. ⏩ Fast forward timestamp 7:04 through 8:18 if you don't want to see it.
ℹ What You'll Miss If You Fast Forward:
⌚ 07:04 through 08:18
You'll mainly miss a chunk of the mission briefing.
The cattle signify a suspected toxic nerve agent leak caused by an "errant shell". The team inquires about the chemical weapons factory's guard force and is surprised that only 6 guards patrol the site. Since there are so few guards, surveillance would have overlooked the site if it weren't for the dead cattle.
The team assumes the use of a drone or helicopter is not possible for the mission.
⌚ 08:26 through 09:35 (the cattle are sporadically show in the background through the scene).
Team plans to fly to and skydive into the mission area. A QRF already in the area will assist with exfil. They also work out the remaining mission details: 2 EOD techs and Dr. Lucien (begrudgingly) will accompany; the team will not have a dedicated translator since Ray & Trent can fill the role.
S01E13 an explosion at the beginning of the episode kills several people, 1guy gets blown out of the building and is show dead and on fire for a couple seconds.
Militaryganda for sure, but as far as civilian cops, they don't show up much, and the one time they have a major role, it's to shoot an innocent person.