Debatably? The first time he tries to leave the island, Walt leaves his dog Vincent with Shannon, who then dies leaving Vincent as a stray for the remainder of the series. Even when Walt leaves the island for good, he doesn’t get to bring Vincent with him.
Basically every main character has at least one abusive parent. Any time there’s a flashback involving someone’s parents, there’s a very high chance there will be parental abuse shown.
Many fish and boar, and a chicken are killed for food. A polar bear is killed on screen and a shark is killed. Sawyer kills a frog with his bare hands in season 2. Ben shakes a bunny seemingly to death in season 3 but it’s actually just a sedative and the bunny is ultimately ok. In season 5 Sayyid as a child kills a chicken.
They pretend to kill a bunny and for a notable amount of time the viewer is under the impression that they did in fact kill it, even though the bunny ended up being fine
There is a plotline following two minor characters and a spider. The spider paralyzes them and then are presumed dead and buried alive as a result. They die of suffocation after being buried.
Not in the story, but two characters in a relationship (Alex and Karl) are played by an underaged actress and an older actor and share a kiss, but the characters are supposed to both be minors. Still worth noting if it makes you uncomfortable.
while there is no sexual assault, there are continuous unwanted advances the entirety of the first season with a main female character and a main male character.
A cave-in causes a character's arm to be dislocated. Another character then repositions it. It is first mentioned around 30 minutes in, and the scene ends around 31 minutes, 11 seconds.
Never any actual amputation visible, but they do talk about amputation as part of Jack’s job, as well as talk about almost amputating Boone’s led in I believe the 20th episode of season 1? Maybe the 22nd? But they never actually do it (they get close though)
Sayid worked as a torturer prior to the crash and flashbacks show this. Sayid tortures Sawyer under the assumption that Sawyer has a character’s medicine, which turns out to be untrue. Ben psychologically torments Jack, Kate and Sawyer in order to force Jack to preform spinal surgery on him to remove a life-threatening tumor. Sayid is electrocuted and branded with a hot poker in season 6 as a test.
In episode 19 (Deus ex Machina) there is talk about an old maid at Boone’s house, Teresa, who fell down the stairs and broke her neck. It is never shown and really only briefly mentioned
Several major and background characters cheat (or are cheated on).
Cheating is a major plot point in multiple flashback stories:
S1 E18 "The Confidence Man"
S2 E11 "The Hunting Party"
S2 E16 "The Whole Truth"
S3 E02 "The Glass Ballerina"
S4 E06 "The Other Woman"
Adding while I watch. Let me know if I missed any:) season 1 ep 9, you hear it but don’t see it. The first flashback of Sayid torturing someone. skip the scene. it’s not important. season 1 ep 13 around the 30 minute mark Jin gives Hurley a sea urchin and Hurley let’s it sit for a couple seconds and then he throws it up. You do not see it but you do hear it. season 1 episode 15 when Charlie flashes back for his presentation he pukes, not shown but sound. Season 1 episode 22 Michael gets stomach cramps and looks like he is going to puke several times which made me probably the most nervous in the show so far but never even gags. Season 2 episode 21 around the 6:00 mark in the hatch a character spits up blood, it’s very sudden. Comes out of no where. I don’t get triggered by spitting up blood but it’s very high and it’s unexpected. Skip only about 5-10 seconds. Season 2 episode 22 at around the 10:00 mark when Michael is running in the woods he retches. Nothing comes out but it is unexpected. Season 2 episode 23 at around 28:00 when it cuts to the scene where Sun is on the boat she pukes over the side, doesn’t show but there’s audio. Season 3 episode 19 at about 39:00 Sawyer throws up and it is VERY unexpected. It isn’t bad but it’s still there. More of spit up. Season 4 episode 9, at around the 6:40 mark when Ben is in the Sahara desert, audio and visual. Season 5 episode 7 same thing happens to the guy who left the same way ben did, when he wakes up in the desert he pukes audio and visual minute 6:45 and that’s it through the whole show! (also p.s if you wanna watch it please do!! so good)
in my opinion ana lucia is copaganda. her entire initial story arc is that she can't feel safe without a gun. she murders someone after being given the chance to just prosecute him and we're supposed to feel bad for her.
Several main characters have a history of incarceration seen in flash backs. At least one instance where people are jailed in a temporary capacity and are able to escape
Season 2 episode 15- Claire has flashbacks through the whole episode which includes a fairly big needle. It’s very unexpected and it flashes quite a few times. Season 2 episode 21- around 39 minutes in Jack injects someone with heroin. Season 2 episode 22- around 23 minutes in, someone draws blood from Michael. Season 3 episode 4- around 12 minutes in a large needle is used on Sawyer. Also throughout the end of season 2 and early season 3 the ‘others’ shoot small needle things into people. Not needles, but also not nice if you have a phobia. Season 3 episode 6 - around 34 minutes in a needle is used during an operation. Season 3 episode 7 - two minutes in a needle is used.
Jack works at a hospital and several scenes show this. There is a scene in which Ben has spinal surgery in a sort of hospital. Various characters are in hospitals.
Rose has cancer, it becomes known in season 2, episode 19 and that whole episode is kind of centered around it, so i would just skip that whole episode if you're sensitive to this. She is terminally ill and they talk a lot about how long she has left and stuff like that in that episode. She doesnt die of it though, the island "cures" her of it.
Hurley is often upset about his weight and his eating habits. In flashbacks this is explained but there is a decent amount of discussion involving this somewhere in season 2-3.
Multiple people die by suicide, but none of them main characters. A main character attempts to hang themselves but is talked out of it by someone else. Another main character contemplates it but doesn’t actually attempt it. A man named Dave tries to convince Hurley to jump off of a cliff, but he doesn’t. In the episode “Numbers”, as Hurley is discussing finances in a flashback, he sees someone jump/fall off of a building. In a flashback of Sayid in the episode “The Greater Good”, a mate of his points a gun at him in a car before eventually turning it onto himself. There is no gore as the camera turns away as he shoots himself. In the episode “Ji Yeon”, while Sayid and Desmond are on the freighter, they see a woman wrap herself in chains and jump off of the ship to fall to her death in the ocean. It is shown. There are a lot of “almost” suicides that are shown, but nothing ever happens. Only a handful of actual suicides talked about/shown.
around 26 minutes in, Ben and Locke are watching a home video recording on a TV. on the TV, the subject who was being filmed looks at the camera. the screen is zoomed in on just the tv screen at this point. spoilers ahead: : : : : : look away right after widmore finishes beating the guy up. the screen will go to Locke’s face, then back to the tv screen to show widmore getting into the car. then widmore looks at the camera.
The main characters who are pregnant are ok, but there are many background characters who die as a direct result of pregnancy, and this pattern is a major plot point.
One of the main characters is a surgeon, and there is a running theme throughout the entire series that he wants to “fix” people. Especially people who have been paralyzed and disabled.
There is also a plot line where one of the main characters used to be in a mental institution. Both the treatment of that situation, and the language surrounding it are not great.
No but there's a comment made in season 1 where Kate and Sawyer are playing never have i ever (or I Never in their case, but same game.) Kate says "I never wore pink" and Sawyer takes a drink, meaning he's worn pink. Kate laughs and says, "I knew it!"
While effort is put into respecting and depicting cultures fairly accurately, the show shows its age a bit by making them a little stereotypical. An African person is shown to be a member of a gun-toting gang, terrorizing his village. An Iraqi person is closely connected to the political/military struggles in his nation, and to terrorism. An african american character struggles to be a good father to his kid. A korean character has a dramatic backstory focused on honor and family. It's worth keeping in mind that these were progressive depictions for the time and none of the stereotypes were intended to be negative--the characters are all sympathetic and it seems some care was put into representing their culture respectfully. Some of it just feels heavy-handed watching it today.
in the first season, sawyer is fairly racist to sayid. it eventually cools down a bit, but is still slightly present, even if sawyer tries to be slightly friendlier.
Most of the characters’ ages aren’t really drawn attention to or clearly given, but a few involved in relationships do seem quite a bit older or younger than one another, like Claire seems a good bit younger than Charlie and Hurley seems a good bit younger than Libby, and the older partners tend to condescend to their younger partners.
This is arguable. There are monsters. The island is certainly unpleasant. Characters discuss that they are being punished by fate on several occasions. But it is never explicitly stated that there are demonic creatures or a direct depiction of Hell
Kate is sexually objectified and creeped on by her father in one scene. Her father who also abuses her mother. Small scene but it stood out to me. Triggering for those who have experienced this. She kills him though so i guess it is cathartic?
Michael, Walt’s Father, is hit by a car in Season 1 Episode 14 directly after a tense phone call with Walt’s Mother. The time of day is night, and he is outside when the call takes place.