A Tokyo college student is attacked by a ghoul, a super-powered human who feeds on human flesh. He survives, but has become part ghoul and becomes a fugitive on the run.
This anime contains 55 potentially triggering events.
There's a few ghouls that are addicted to human flesh. Most of them just see it as food vital to survival that they eat when needed but some are different.
There's an arc with a character victim shaming the main character in a way similar to how rape victims are shamed. Skip the fight in the church with nishkis gf. There's also some sexual harassment.
There are multiple scenes of amputation are present. The ones I can remember are when the main character is tortured by having his fingers and toes cut off and when a character’s arm is cut of while holding her sisters hand
Episode 1 Kaneki vomits at 15:20 after eating human food, skip until about 16:30 to be safe. He also vomits blood earlier in the episode, but it’s not bad.
Episode 2 Kaneki vomits in the first 30 seconds of episode 2 after eating something in the alleyway. Kaneki vomits a lot of blood during a fight at about 13 mins in. ^Same scene Nishio gags himself. (sound) ^Same Scene Kaneki vomits blood. (graphic) ^Same scene Nishio vomits blood (not graphic barely sound)
A man shoots himself after completing his research in RE. Some ghouls harvest the bodies of humans who committed suicide. At one point, the body of a man who killed himself by jumping off a cliff can be seen getting collected.
If you watch all of it, in season 4 (aka the really long season 3, at least on Hulu/where it really ends) ghouls don’t have to fear for their lives anymore, and they’re equal.
Not gonna explain it in too much detail in case I get it wrong, I haven’t watched it in about a year;;