Meet the most beloved sitcom horse of the 90s - 20 years later. BoJack Horseman was the star of the hit TV show "Horsin' Around," but today he's washed up, living in Hollywood, complaining about everything, and wearing colorful sweaters.
This tv show contains 134 potentially triggering events.
The show has a very refreshing stance on this: Bojack wants forgiveness from a close he harmed, that friend is on his deathbed and refuses to forgive. It is 1000% the right choice.
Bojack also harms several characters, two of them to the point where they get PTSD. They break off contact. Several other character break off contact with Bojack too.
[SPOILERS] S2E1: BoJack's parents smash plates and yell at one another. S4E1: In a flashback, BoJack's grandfather smashes a glass and yells at his wife for what is clearly untreated grief. She is deemed hysterical and lobotomized. S4E5: BoJack's mom makes a joke about being hit by her husband. S4E11: Beatrice's father demeans his grieving, lobotomized wife for being a "bad mother." S5E4: Mention of a husband choking his wife. S5E11: BoJack punches a wall and chokes Gina, who clearly suffers from PTSD symptoms afterwards.
The in-universe show Philbert in Season 5 parodies this ,but the show itself makes sure that depictions of violence against women are not glamorized albeit Gina being choked in the penultimate episode can still be very upsetting to watch
Young Bojack is emotionally abused in several flashbacks, and hit by his father on at least one occasion. A teenage Diane is also shown to be emotionally abused by her family. In S4E10 it is revealed someone has been drugging a teenager without her consent throughout the season, to the point that she passes out. In S5E4 we hear audio of a father verbally abusing and threatening his daughter. In S6E13 the same father verbally abuses her at her college.
Some of the many talking, humanoid animals die. As far as I recall no regular, non-sapient animals die, because non-sapient versions of animals don't exist in this setting.
[SPOILERS] S2E3: It is implied that Sarah Lynn was sexually abused, though nothing is depicted. S2E11: BoJack nearly has sex with a seventeen-year-old girl, though the girl's mother catches them and puts a stop to it just as they're starting to undress. In a later episode when the girl sees BoJack again, she's clearly made anxious by his presence. S3E6: Anna assaults BoJack. S4E5: There are a few depictions of sexual harassment. S4E10: Mentions of a pedophile molesting children. S5E1: Flip attempts to pull off BoJack's robe, insisting he be naked on camera. S5E4: Significant discussion of misogyny and sexual harassment.
Granted not NEARLY as bad as other shows but I feel like it’s still worth mentioning that it still occasionally happens even if the punchline isn’t men getting assaulted in itself but some still be triggered by the topic. Such as S4E5 when BoJack recalls surviving a molestation attempt it is viewed as actually horrific, the point of that bit was more that it was the consequence of Beatrice not driving him home after a bad choir performance
Bojack is about to have sex with an underage girl and her mother comes in to see her sitting on his lap. The mother yells at bojack and tells him to leave. The girl later has a PTSD episode/ anxiety attack when she sees him after years of him being gone and is mentioned to have PTSD from the event
in season 2 episode 12 Bryan is seen on the Giggleship. he has some cuts on his arm/wrist that kinda look like selfharm or a suicide attempt. it's never mentioned though.
The 5th episode of Season 2 is centered around the ethical ramification of eating chicken in a universe with anthropomorphic humanoid animals. Inter species cannibalism within chicken is implied.
BoJack chokes Gina - it's prolonged and shown in close up from both their points of view. Onlookers don't stop it as they believe it's fake. The following episode deals with the fallout from it and Gina is clearly traumatised.
In one episode, a background character (who is a lizard) is robbed of her purse and her arm is taken off in the process. It isn't graphic and her arm can be seen growing back in the same scene.
S1E12: A character is heard falling, and another character says he broke nearly every bone in his body. S3E5: Diane trips, and her forearm bends at a wild angle. S3E11: Diane breaks her arm again. S4E7: Someone's hands are crushed by falling debris.
S1E1: A man is seen falling from a building with no indication if he survived or not. S1E4: A mother bird discusses pushing her baby out of the nest too early. S1E12: Secretariat jumps off a bridge. S2E7: A man preparing to parachute from a burning plane is knocked out, and it's unclear if he was able to pull the cord or not. S6E15: Several characters fall into darkness in a dream. One character reads a poem describing his thoughts while falling from a bridge in his suicide.
In S1E3 Sarah Lynn stabs herself with a bayonet and the blood is shown gushing in an exaggerated fountain from about the 6:30 to 7:20 minute mark. She says "I can see my internal organs!" but we can't see anything but blood.
There is an upsetting scene to a similar effect with a woman separated from a baby after giving birth, she had already agreed to give the child up for adoption but was forbidden from holding her worrying she’ll change her mind at the last minute
S3E11 is an episode where two characters go on a destructive drug binge and one of them dies. This scene gets referenced in later season when upsetting circumstances about the death are revealed.
S1E5: Diane learns her dad has died. He is shown discolored and sitting limply in an armchair. S1E11: BoJack stands at his mom's grave in a hallucination. S4E5: There's a flashback to the drive to the funeral of BoJack's dad. S4E11: A brief still of Beatrice at her dad's funeral. S5E5: Princess Carolyn thinks and talks about her dead mom. S5E6: BoJack speaks at his mom's funeral. S5E7: Mr. Peanutbutter realizes his parents did not really go off to a farm when they got old.
A horse doll is burned in front of the child who is protesting and crying, a closeup of the doll's melting face is shown. Other possessions are destroyed in the same scene.
S2E3: Mentions of somebody's parents divorcing due to BoJack sleeping with the wife. S2E11: Charlotte is married but kisses BoJack and then tells him to leave. S2E12: Rutabaga, who was sleeping with Princess Carolyn while he was supposedly divorcing his wife, reveals that he has rekindled his relationship with his wife. S5E10: Diane invites Mr. Peanutbutter into her apartment. S5E12: It's confirmed that Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter had sex despite him dating Pickles. The two have sex again. This gets discussed in season 6.
there’s a very uncomfortable scene where bojack is happy and then it suddenly cuts to him in a very offputting state. it’s not so much a jumpscare but it can be noted because it’s jarring and uncomfortable to look at.
S1E1: BoJack throws up cotton candy in a man's face and later off a balcony. S1E3: Someone throws up at a party. Barf is seen on the walls. S1E7: Todd is heard vomiting. S2E11: A teenager drinks too much and has to be transported to the hospital. S3E10: Someone in the background is heard throwing up. S4E1: Princess Carolyn pukes a few times. S4E10: Beatrice throws up in a man's face. S6E10: Diane is heard throwing up. S6E15: BoJack coughs up a black liquid in a dream.
Not depicted on screen,but there are occasional references to the attacks such as BoJack hyperbolically declaring Todd's rock opera is worse than a hundred 9/11s and Wanda proposes a special where David Copperfield makes the World Trade Center disappear (she's been in a coma since the 80s) and the rest of the executives awkwardly dance around the subject by only addressing Copperfield 's lack of cultural relevancy in 2015
multiple jokes are made at the expense of the cop characters in the show. many poking fun at their misogyny & general incompetence [noteably S2E5 & S3E3]
[SPOILERS] The main character is mentioned to have been in prison for drug possession before the events of the show. At the end of the show he goes to prison again for breaking and entering. Early in the show another main character is sentenced to prison by accident and we see multiple scenes following his life inside the prison
Can't recall the specifics regarding medical needles, though drug use is a major theme, but there's a running gag in season 6 about people getting stabbed by a baby porcupine's needles, and the resulting stab wounds are at one point mistaken for drug needles.
Season 6 has numerous scenes in a rehab center. Noteworthy that S4E1 features a flashback of BoJack's grieving grandmother who is lobotomized for "hysteria."
S1E1: BoJack goes to the hospital for what turns out to be an anxiety attack. He is depicted dying, but it's revealed this is a clip from the sitcom he starred in. S1E7: A very brief clip of BoJack in a full body cast. S1E12: A minor character is seen in lots of casts. S2E11: A teenager gets alcohol poisoning and is seen outside the hospital. S3E5: Diane has to get a cast. S3E7: Someone is seen after delivering her babies. S3E10: Someone is seen resting after surgery. S4E8: Someone is seen resting after a transplant. S4E10: Someone is hospitalized due to an overdose. S4E11: Childbirth. S5E5: BoJack is injured in a fall. S5E9: Post-childbirth. S5E12: Childbirth. S6E6: In a waiting room. S6E14: Todd’s mom is hospitalized for potential cardiac arrest but actually had a panic attack. S6E16: BoJack is briefly seen in the hospital.
It's revealed early on that BoJack's former friend Herb has cancer and a few months left to live. S1E8 involves BoJack visiting Herb, who is receiving medical treatment from home. S2E3 depicts Herb's funeral. He was in remission at the time he died, but the episode involves discussion of cancer.
No specific conditions are named, but Eddie and Honey are both dealing with grief in unhealthy ways resulting in self destructive behaviour and suicidal thoughts.
Frequent depiction of using alcohol, drugs, and sex in self-destructive manners. S1E3: Sarah Lynn stabs herself. S5E9: Experiencing withdrawal, BoJack drives into traffic in order to injure himself and get access to more painkillers.
No confirmed autistic characters, but Judah is autistic coded and as an autistic person myself i have absolutely no problems with the way he was depicted. He experiences trouble interpreting social situations but still manages to have and maintain healthy relationships of both platonic and romantic natures.
in a fictional tv-show-within-the-tv-show, a character is revealed to have created a scapegoat for crimes that he committed, who he believed in so much, he forgot he was responsible. this could be misread as an "evil alter" situation.
The second to last episodes always take place from the perspective of BoJack in an altered state (the only exception is 02x11, which is depressingly sober). During all of these, reality is unhinged.
Not an autistic one but Sarah Lynn has a pretty public celebrity meltdown in her debut episode (that involves self harm as an extra TW). We later see a much more serious example in Season 4 where we see a flashback showing BoJack’s grandmother having a public mental breakdown
If you have sensory issues, dislike baby crying and/or repetitive sounds you sound avoid s6e2 “the new client” because the entire episode uses those things constantly
S1E1: BoJack has two anxiety attacks. S4E10: BoJack is shown lying on the floor panicking. S6E8: Hollyhock has an anxiety attack at a party but grounds herself. S6E14: Todd’s mom has an anxiety attack.
S1E1: A man is seen falling from an office building, with suicide implied. S1E11: BoJack visualizes letting himself drown. S1E12: Secretariat jumps off a bridge in a close-up and is seen hitting the water from a distance. S2E6: BoJack is shown stepping into a noose threatening auto-erotic asphyxiation. S3E1: A bird jumps from a building but ends up flying. S3E10: BoJack drives his car into the pool. It is unclear if this is a suicide attempt or if he was just inebriated. S4E1: A minor character gets mad at BoJack for not letting him drown. S4E6: BoJack hears his own voice telling him to kill himself. S6E15: In a dream, Sarah Lynn tells BoJack his legacy will live on if he ends his life. In the same dream, one character reads a poem detailing his thoughts mid-suicide attempt. He expresses a desire to abort the attempt but dies anyways.
The title sequence for seasons 1 and 3 contains several seconds of harsh camera flashes. S3E10: BoJack throws a party that has strobelights (4:00-7:30). S4E10: Light strobe effect (intermittently 0:00-1:40). S5E12: Several seconds of dim but rapid strobe right after the title sequence. S6E13: Dim but fast strobe effect for several seconds (24:30).
There is one episode where the main character and his freind go on a bender and end up stalking a young girl he previously almost assaulted in an attempt to apologise, but he doesn’t get a chance to apologise and she appears extremely distressed to see him
S3E4: A seahorse gives birth on a bus. S3E7: Mention of a character going into labor. She's later seen with babies. S4E3: A still is shown post-childbirth. S4E11: Henrietta and Beatrice give birth. S5E12: Sadie gives birth.
S4E2 and S4E11: A character in the 1940's suffers suicidal depression after losing her son and is lobotomized due to her "hysteria;" said lobotomy is used to threaten her daughter into repressing her own emotions.
A character yells "I hate Jews" and is forgiven because his a celebrity. The entire episode is about this kind of injust treatment reserved to celebrities and the normalization of their behaviors.
Throughout season 4, BoJack's senile mother mistakes him for a woman named Henrietta. However, this is not malicious and the misgendering is not the main issue.
S2E4: a character is made fun of for her weight gain, and it's later said in S3E11 that fat jokes prompted her to develop an eating disorder. S4E8: Hollyhock is insecure about her weight and BoJack makes insensitive comments about it. S4E11: A young Beatrice is mocked for being fat. There are some other discussions of weight but most of it is played seriously, and most characters who make fat jokes, including the above, are shown in a poor light.
Is very notable for having good ace representation in Todd and Yolanda and even in-universe aphobia isn’t really encountered that much even if it still portrays the challenges that come with being asexual
In S1E8 a group of protestors are shown with homophobic signs. There's also misogynistic comments in episodes like S2E7 and S4E5. S4E2 mentions Nazis and a character blames Jewish people for WW2. Beatrice sometimes makes outdated comments about gay people and immigrants. S4E5 also has a minor character make racist comments while hitting on Diane. A character in S5E4 makes comments about many different groups (Jewish people, Swedish people, women, etc) but not very graphic and it is exaggerated to being cartoonish. S5E6 has BoJack's dad use homophobic language including the word "q*eer" in a derogatory context.
The setting doesn’t have any non-anthropomorphic animals so all human/animal relationships in the show at least pass the John Harkness test if that kind of thing doesn’t bother you. Although if it does you might have a bad time with this one
Possibly implied in S4E11 as Beatrice refers to herself as a “ruined woman” which seems to suggest that the one night stand with Butterscotch that rendered her pregnant was her first time having sex. It also nearly happens in S3E2 with two teenagers ,but it’s interrupted before it could commence and even then one of them is a closeted asexual trying to avoid having sex
In-universe at least, the series does have pretty nuanced female characters and frequently satirizes the misogynistic, male gazy side of Hollywood. One notable example however is the Season 5 premiere dealing with concerns that there’s too many scenes sexualizing women in an in-universe TV show that Bojack is in and the director tried to balance out by subjecting BoJack to one even though he’s uncomfortable at the idea
It's implied that Sarah Lynn was sexually abused by her stepfather. She mentions in S2E4 she can recognize the taste of bear fur because he was a bear and as a child doesn't want to be in her dressing room in S6E5 because her stepfather is "being weird."
Several sex scenes (no frontal nudity) throughout the series. S2E6 involves lots of discussion of auto-erotic asphyxiation. S3E3 has scenes at a strip club. Season 5 features a sex robot built with dildos/buttplugs that uses lots of dirty phrases.
S3E2 It’s heavily implied that Cuddly Whiskers and Jill Pill were in a rather kinky realtionship (in addition to the fact that they were actual boss-assistant) but the most we see is them flirting with Jill expressing a desire to be “punished” later. Yolanda’s family also gives Todd a gimp suit in another episode
Herb Kazazz has cancer. Bojack's mom is shown as generally ill when she got old. Diane struggles with depression throughout multiple seasons. There might be more but those are the ones I remember off the top of my head.
not really a spoiler, but Bojacks whole thing is that he was super popular and now nobody cares about him and he doesn’t know what to do with his life and his journey around that
This question is a bit obscure for TV shows. The show has not ended but many of the episodes have very depressing endings, especially the 11th episode of every season.
There are several depictions of horns honking, tires screeching, and wrecks throughout the series, including the first episode. If this could trigger you, please do not watch this show.
S1E1: A car crash is heard and a flaming tire rolls across the screen. S2E3: Mentions of Herb being in a car crash. S2E4: Princess Carolyn drives recklessly and causes other cars to crash. S2E5: BoJack drives recklessly and causes other cars to crash. S2E6: BoJack causes a crash off screen. S2E11: Penny crashes into a sign. S3E8: A character driving recklessly is heard crashing. S3E10: A flashback shows a character swerving off the road into a lake. S3E11: BoJack drives under the influence and causes crashes. S4E1: Two characters in a flashback crash. S4E6: BoJack hits two parked cars. S5E9: BoJack drives into oncoming traffic. S6E5: A fake car wreck is set up on a TV set. No crash is shown.
S1E6: A helicopter crashes, and it's unclear if the pilot survives. S2E7: A burning plane is shown coming down but is not shown/heard crashing. A character parachutes out of the plane.
S1E11: BoJack imagines a hypothetical death where he lets himself drown. S3E10: Stills in a flashback show a character almost drowning. BoJack nearly drowns but is revived. S3E12: A few people drown. S4E1: BoJack and a minor character almost drown. S4E7: Many characters are trapped in a space filling with water and almost drown. S6E15: BoJack is shown dead in a pool.
S1E1: A man is shot, and Todd gets sprayed with blood. S1E3: Sarah Lynn stabs herself. S1E6: A man gets stabbed numerous times. S1E11: There are large blood smears in BoJack's house. BoJack hallucinates Diane becoming seriously deformed and growing all kinds of extra body parts. S2E5: There's a chicken slaughterhouse with bloody axes. S2E9: A character gets shot in the arms. S3E7: Several people are shot. S4E1: Two characters get some pretty deep cuts due to a car crash. S5E1: BoJack gets covered in fake blood. S5E7: Lots of fake blood on a TV set. S5E9: Fake blood on TV set. S6E5: An actress has a fake rod jammed through her abdomen for a TV show. S6E15: Blood pours from a bullet wound in someone’s head.
S1E1: Someone is shot and killed. S1E8: Todd is carjacked at gunpoint, but the gun is never fired. S1E9: A woman points an AK-47 during a staged bank robbery. S1E11: BoJack and Todd have guns and fire them in a hallucination. S2E1: A minor character is shown in a war zone. S2E9: Police exchange fire with a woman breaking into a gallery. S3E7: A flashback to the gallery shoot-out, where several people are shot. S4E5: The episode contains discussions of mass shootings and gun legislation. S5E7: Lots of shooting in a TV show.
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