The “Abyss” is the last unexplored region, an enormous and treacherous cave system filled with ancient relics and strange creatures. Only the bravest of adventurers can traverse its depths, earning them the nickname, “Cave Raiders.” Within the depths of the Abyss, a girl named Riko stumbles upon a robot who looks like a young boy. Tantalized by the Abyss, Riko and her new friend descend into uncharted territory to unlock its mysteries, but what lies in wait for them in the darkness?
This tv show contains 87 potentially triggering events.
Nanachi, a victim of extensive physical and psychological abuse, is forced into multiple situations where they must confront and behave civilly around their abuser.
It's as the old saying goes, the child rejected by the village will burn it down to feel it's warmth.
SPOILER: A character destroys the village her mother originates from because the villagers endorsed the slaughtering and consuming of her siblings as well as the mistreatment of her mother.
A creature very similar to a rabbit, meinya, is temporarily disfigured in season 2.
Nanachi, a child bearing a strong resemblance to an anthropomorphic rabbit, is physically harmed on multiple occasions.
Sadly yes, no thanks to Vueko's awful stepdad and the bastards he prostituted her to. If hell exists in MIA universe, this piece of shit deserves to burn there more than anyone else (even Bondrewd)
An adult character looks down a robot/child character's pants without his consent, and the main character is strung up naked as punishment for misbehaving in school.
SPOILERS // its hard to say if its a yes or no answer but it is implied in season 2 that one of the characters is raped in a truamatic flashback, it doesnt show more than a few seconds of one of them naked and the other pinned down. it is not glorified in any way
In the manga, the Ganja squad are forced to eat the bestial "children" of one of their members, Iryumui, to get rid of the mysterious parasites that have been infecting them
A character who was once human gets horrifically disfigured against their will along with their friend. Their friend is disfigured in an even worse and disgusting shape than them.
S1 e2 - a child is shown briefly naked in a BDSM/bondage pose. The child is blushing as if aroused.
In another episode an adult man looks and comments at a child's genitals against the child's will.
A child gets an erection while naked. Nothing is visible though.
There are some scenes that repeat as if it's a weird sexual fetish - hurting children's bellybuttons happens many times, children puking or soiling themselves is also a common.
The protagonist's mother is presumed alive by most of the cast, but has gone deep enough into the cave that the town on the surface considers her to be officially dead.
A few moments in the anime can be seen as jumpscare-like, but none are intended to surprise you. Specifically, they are accompanied by dramatic camera angles and scary music, but the spooks are more psychological than surprising.
Ranges from being talked about to being shown explicitly. Soiled sheets and clothing are shown multiple times. In one scene a child is shown wetting the bed as a pain response.
In the first episode, Reg (who looks human but is found to be a robot) is is discovered unconscious by the protagonist, Riko. She electrocutes him in an electric chair to wake him up. He is shocked, but isn't damaged or hurt badly since he's a robot. The scene right before the electrocution is from Reg's perspective, where he opens his eyes to see Riko, Nat, and Shiggy then says that he'll sleep a little longer-- the shock comes immediately after this.
In episode 10, Riko and Reg encounter a large monster with venomous quills, and it shoots the quills in their direction. Look out for the scene where Reg attempts to defend them from the monster by opening the Scaled Umbrella to startle it. Immediately after this, Riko is revealed to have her entire hand pierced through with a venomous quill. Bloody and graphic.
There is a scene where a character attempts to amputate another's arm to prevent venom from spreading, and another scene where a character treats a severe injury with surgical tools.
A few brief shots of one character having multicolored, dynamic hallucinations, but it's pretty clear they are from her perspective and not a shift in the consensus reality.
A human character is mutated into a fleshy blob creature while another is mutated into an anthropomorphic rabbit. Another character has metal studs in their arm.
There is a disabled character that is killed for being disabled (Mitty)
If you don't see why calling Mitty a "vegetable" is ableist idk what to tell you
Sort of? One character who is a boy is forced to dress and present femininely by an adult in a position of power over him. The character is shown as being nervous and reluctant to speak about his clothing. I don't know whether to count this as a 'man in a dress joke' but there's really no reason for this to exist in the show and it could be seen as being treated for comedic / surprise purposes. I guess it depends on your interpretation of a little boy being forced by an adult to dress in a maid outfit.
There's an agender character and a character whose gender is ambiguous as to whether they're a cross-dressing cis boy or a trans girl. Neither is referred to by gendered pronouns, though the latter is asked 'are you a girl?' at one point and responds by looking embarrassed.
It is suggested that Reg gets a boner when he touches Nanachi's soft fur. He wants to pet her despite her insisting on not being touched. He later (season 2) finds another fluffy character and has the same presumed reaction. (TW: SA) In a more extreme example, in season 2 a child is shown being dominated in bed by an older man and kept as a sex slave. Although they are briefly shown naked, the on-screen event is short and hinted at rather than explicitly shown. It is a flashback from the victim's perspective to highlight her trauma.
Genitals are mentioned many times. A robot character's genitals are drawn as part of a diagram. Some characters are shown naked but are either covered or the features are not detailed. There IS non-explicit sexual content featuring children characters (a child character has a reaction to seeing another child character nude).
In the manga, Rikos dog dies.