A suburban family chooses seemingly sweet Peyton Flanders as their newborn's nanny. Only much later does the infant's mother, Claire Bartel, realize Peyton's true intentions -- to destroy Claire and replace her in the family. The nail-biting suspense builds quickly in this chilling psychological thriller about deception and bitter revenge.
This movie contains 23 potentially triggering events.
A character has multiple asthma attacks, including one in which another character emptied all of their inhalers, resulting in a collapse and areas of their lips and face turning blue.
A married doctor sexually assaults patients, I'm not sure if acts of violence count as cheating. Another character is later falsely accused of sexual assault but eventually cleared of any wrongdoing.
A character repeatedly uses the r-slur against a man with a cognitive disability before slapping him and framing him for sexual abuse of a child. They later attempt to induce a fatal asthma attack and taunt another character about their asthma.