Bob's Burgers follows a third-generation restaurateur, Bob, as he runs Bob's Burgers with the help of his wife and their three kids. Bob and his quirky family have big ideas about burgers, but fall short on service and sophistication. Despite the greasy counters, lousy location and a dearth of customers, Bob and his family are determined to make Bob's Burgers "grand re-re-re-opening" a success.
This tv show contains 71 potentially triggering events.
Bob and Linda are not abusive. But Bob's father, "Big Bob" can be read as emotionally abusive. It's only mentioned in about 2 episodes, however. Bob occasionally says insulting things to his children in season 1, but apologies for it later. In the pilot, Bob says his children are terrible (at working at the restaurant) but he apologies for this in a later episode. Bob yells at Gene for forgetting the name of his restaurant in season 1 episode 13, but apologizes shortly afterwards.
Bob's father, "Big Bob" can be seen as mildly emotionally abusive. (It's kind of ambiguous) In season 5 episode 6, Bob forgives his father and his father apologizes for his actions. It's a good episode but can be a little upsetting if you've been emotionally abused. (Not overly, but I think it's worth mentioning.)
It’s hinted at that Linda is an alcoholic, but it’s fairly comedic.
Some characters go out to drink as usually end up drunk.
Most of the stuff in this show is comedic.
Season 3 episode 2 "Full Bars"
Teddy's guinea pig dies from being squished. While everything surrounding it is done a bit for laughs and you find out the guinea pig was VERY old and the squishing is only partially cause of death, Teddy's distress is a bit upsetting and you do see the slightly flat guinea pig a few times, no blood or anything like that... just not quite properly guinea pig shaped
In a phone conversation with her friend Ginger, Linda is laughing saying that Ginger's cat died in a really funny way, but it is never described how, and a cat is never shown dying.
There is an episode where Louise breaks into a scientists room to steal a mating pheromone, which she sprays onto Teddy's pillow. In the next scene he is shown having bugs on his face.
Zeke is often shown wrestling people and being rough with people. There’s an episode where he forcibly held a kid and made fun of him, and later meets the kid again and apologizes for his past actions. Nothing too bad though.
S3 E 11: a group of kids spy on nudist beach members without them knowing
S4 E1: a couple trap Bob and Linda and coerce them into swinging, but they manage to escape in time
In S3E10, Linda teaches Tina how to shave her legs. In S3E20, Bob ends up with both of his arms shaved after he goes to the ER to get stitches. In S7E4, Ron shaves Bob's chest to attach a mic to him as part of a sting operation.
Rudy is a frequently recurring character who is the Belcher kids' friend. He is asthmatic and it comes up a lot, and is frequently shown using his inhaler. In Carpe Museum, he has an asthma attack when they do a lot of climbing and he can't get to his inhaler.
Although there isn't cannibalism, S1 Ep1 is about a rumor that Louise started about the restaurant serving human meat burgers. It informs the whole main storyline.
No, but in one episode Louis and some of her friends are trapped in a box, and the box is crushed. Later a girl comes back, the girl, Millie thinks that all the kids are crushed inside the box, but in reality they escape unharmed.
S3 E20 Bob cuts the join between his fingers. The doctor does a botch job of stiching it. Later the bandage gets ripped off because he stretches his fingers and blood spurts out
Season 5, episode 6, Linda and Louise believe that Helen killed her husband, having him fall off the windows walk. We later see evidence that she did but no blood or seeing a body. Teddy falls off the walk later but doesn’t die.
I would say no, but Linda gets soap in her eye in an episode, Bob gets soap in his eye in another episode but it's very brief. In one episode Gayle has pinkeye and needs help with eyedrops but she's afraid to take them.
Not super badly but there are jokes that poke fun at the emerging sexuality of tweens but more played for comedy than for titillation. The episode Bad Tina I especially recommend skipping of it does bother you as the main plot concerns Tina writing erotic fiction about her friends (all characters involved are middle school age)
Ep "Flu-ouise": Louise's beloved Kuchi Kopi nightlight gets accidentally disfigured (melted)
Ep "As I Walk Through the Alley of the Shadow of Ramps": Louise's "green machine" trike gets run over by a big vehicle
Linda gets a new job and tells Bob that she's "so freaking excited" about her first day on the job, to which he replies that he knows, she's been singing it all morning and it pans to her singing "I'm so freaking excited about my first day on the job" while washing her hair in the shower. It's shown from the shoulders up.
S11 E18 The character "Elaine" is introduced and she is a party clown who wears full clown makeup and does a few tricks for the Belcher kids, she is a very non-threatening character and is only in that episode
S4E1 shows vomit after eating raw fish throughout the episode S8E16 quite realistically shows food poisoning after eating contaminated food from a restaurant that failed its health inspection
Kind of. The episode is mock-umentary style and features most of the characters as zombies. Several are shown being “eaten” (not very graphically except for a small amount of blood) and then they turn into zombies. It turns out to all be a movie made by the kids and all the characters were acting in it so everything was fake
The whole episode is about Tina trying to find which kid is pooping on everything in school. It ends up being Zeke, who ends up pooping on the stage and almost on Tammy (Louise tries to push her into it). You never see the poop, but you do see Zeke squatting and talking through it, as well as Tammy looking horrified underneath.
S11 Ep4 (Halloween ep 2020): Bob donates blood for the first time and it doesn't go smoothly. Of course it's cartoony, but the needle is seen inserted and removed.
Linda’s sister Gayle is incredibly neurotic and has traits of multiple mental illnesses. I don’t think a specific diagnosis is ever mentioned but her behaviors are definitely akin to those of a person with mental illness.
Tina definitely reads as autistic and she is often made fun of for these traits. For example, in S11E01, she tries to get the hang of a hand-clapping game that everyone else seems to know. Louise has to show her the moves very slowly over and over, and Linda says to Tina that watching it is making her sad. As an autistic I actually really liked this episode because it was very relatable, both because of that and because of the storyline involving Bob's struggles with executive dysfunction.
Linda sings a valentines song where she says she'd kill herself if she was alone.
"Two people together forever, security in life, someone to love you. Instead of being all alone, such a lonely existence I'd kill myself" she immediately apologies for her song.
In another episode bob says that if the restaurant fails he'll kill himself.
In one S3 episode Linda sees Gretchen after she had been on a diet of vegetable and fruit skins, and Linda thinks she needs to go on the diet too. It's not the main plot of the episode but if diet/weight stuff is triggering to you, you might want to give S3E8 a skip.
Linda sometimes shows an unhealthy relationship with food there is an episode “The Unbearable Like-Likeness of Gene Season 3, Episode 8” where she starts a diet to lose weight only eating the peels of fruits and vegetables
S3 E1 and S9 E16 two babies are born and they both cry.
S8 E10 we see a home video of baby/toddler Tina crying when she has to flush her poo down the toilet
gene is frequently shown in dresses and 'feminine' clothing, if i remember correctly, it was more of a joke i earlier seasons, none of the characters mention it now. theres also an episode in the first season where bob becomes a cab driver, he picks up a few transgender hookers, its not blatantly transphobic but id recommend skipping most of the first season anyway lol
Bob meets a handful of ladies of the night when he drives a taxi for extra money. They are either transgender or cross dressers but it's not specified. Overall the interactions are fairly positive, especially with Bob. You can tell he's not really sure about how he's supposed to interact with them but tries to be respectful and tells them they're beautiful and stuff like that.
There's also some stuff around Gene that has lead some fans to question gender fluidity, though mostly referred to with masculine pronouns. Some folks may find some of the remarks upsetting but it doesn't seem to be done in a negative/derogatory way
In a S1 episode someone says to Gene "you won't get mol***ed, you're fat!" This joke is obviously in very poor taste. This behaviour stops pretty much completely by the end of S1
S1 E2 we hear & briefly see Linda's parents having sex even the bits that are shown are never graphic, sex, and sexual content is a theme throughout the show, sometimes spoken about between Bob & Linda but most often we see it from Tina and her obsession with butt's and fantasizing about sexual/romantic scenarios between her and her male friends (most often love interest Jimmy Jr.)
Bob makes a sly comment to Tina about how they both know Santa's not real but Louise and Gene are still clueless but Tina doesn't pick up on it, hinting that she doesn't know he's not real which surprises Bob.
It’s very comedic and there’s no real damage done, but Bob lets Tina drive in an empty (except for one other car) parking lot and she very slowly bumps the one other car there.
In the episode "An Indecent Thanksgiving Proposal", a woman chases Bob around with a rifle. She fires a shot at him through a door, and you hear a thud. Bob is not harmed; the bullet hit the turkey he was holding.
In "The Last Gingerbread House on the Left", there is a gingerbread house competition at Mr. Fischoeder's which ends when everyone but Bob suddenly pulls out the guns they were hiding. They all open fire and shoot at each other's gingerbread houses. No person is harmed.
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