There are space animals called Creepers. One baby is shot to death - to miss that go to the bathroom when the baby is discovered in the cut-open rock about three quarters of the way through.
Another baby Creeper has its tail cut off and it's in pain. Then it's put on a hook and dangled over a lava pit.
It is ultimately rescued and reunited with it's mama.
There is the threat of cutting off more Creeper tails but that doesn't happen.
There's a big scary fight but no more Creepers in pain.
the main creatures of the film have one death and one injured, both are babies. they make a lot of distressing animal like sounds that may be hard to listen to.
the protagonist is given an experimental painkiller which backfires and causes him significantly more pain. several characters also take a sci-fi drug in the film, but none are drugged against their will. the protagonist is pressured into getting high but staunchly refuses.
I would say no. There is a dream sequence near the end of the film where the wife tries to get Mickey to try her sauce which is presumably made from Human remains. He doesn’t eat it.
The only body horror I remember is a scene towards the beginning when a character loses their hand. Not a lot of blood is shown, but the dismemberment might be disturbing. Another character loses a foot. Both scenes do not show the actual act but will show the after effect.
Yes, an alien baby is killed in a very distressing scene. It is played off quickly with the main focus being on a live baby who survives in order to lessen the distress for the audience and there are consequences for the murder.
The main character dies consistently in the first act of the film, but is brought back each time. Two minor characters (one unnamed towards the beginning and one about a quarter into the film) die as well as two main characters and an implied third at the end.
A flashback scene tells the audience that the protagonist was in a car accident which killed his mother and left him orphaned at a young age. its mentioned about two or three times and nothing graphic is ever shown
near the end of the film the protagonist mentions a rumor about the wife of the antagonist slitting her wrists in a psychiatric facility, but nothing is shown.
There are 2 large instances:
After Robert Pattinson's character breathes in the gas of the new planet, he v*s blood inside a chamber multiple times. Audio and visual.
The second scene is quite graphic. When Mark Ruffalo's character invites the main character over for dinner, leave the theater and come back in 10 minutes or so. I left the theater early so I don't exactly know what happens, but I heard from a friend that there's visual of the stuff after the action itself. It's safe to come back when Kai and Mickey are sitting together on a bed.
(Light spoilers from here)
Later, when the two Mickeys are talking about the dinner scene, it's mentioned briefly. They conveniently summarize what happened during the second scene here, so I feel it's fine to just leave the theater during it.
in the trailer somebody suddenly spits up blood or v*s onto a window, i found it upsetting. be aware of this if you come across the trailer; it played before i watched the movie Companion so i had to see it
there are several scenes throughout the film where the main character receives injections or has his blood drawn. many of these are close-ups and feature sound effects.
most of the needle shots are when he is freshly "printed", but at the dinner scene there is a particularly triggering part where an experimental painkiller is injected into his neck, specifically in the spot below the jaw and near the jugular.
At the end of the movie, a character detonates their own bomb vest. There is also a description of a characters wrists being cut, but it is not shown
1.Mickey is threaten to commit suicide at the beginning of the film (seen) 2.near end of film, a character blows themself up (seen) 3. Character slits their wrists (told of, but not seen)
No but the main character is never given enough food. In one scene he bolts a steak and then vomits it up because it is poisonous, likely to be triggering for some.
There are a couple of camera flashes at a speech, and very brief blue electric sparks from a device in a scene in a dark alley, but no strobing or flickering.
A main part of the plot is that two characters are sexually active and there is one full sex scene and the start of another later but nothing gratuitous.
the protagonist's clone attempts to assassinate the leader/antagonist, but is unsuccessful, the bullet only grazing his cheek. a baby alien is shot to death by a firing squad and reduced to a splattered pile of guts.
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