Villagers in this game have to talk to you and ask if they can move out before doing so which you can make them stay, unlike the other animal crossing games
No but your “mom” sends you mail with a gift named “mom’s *insert item type*” regularly in this game which was hard to see as someone estranged from my bio family so take caution in opening you mail if that upsets you. There are also Mother and Father’s Day events where you can buy special items from the nook stop app or from the machine in resident services which you can find the regional dates for on the wiki and avoid playing if you’d rather not see it.
If the game is left unplayed for a month or longer (or if the game is skipped one month or more ahead via time travel without starting the game), cockroaches will appear in the player's house. These cockroaches can be killed by running over them, and release a small spirit before disappearing.
You can hit animal villagers with a net. After a few times, they will express that they do not like it and that it hurts. If you continue to do this, they will eventually become angry and walk away.
Yes but you or your villagers can cheer them up by talking to them, or they stop being sad after a certain amount of time. There is a trend of people intentionally pushing past or hitting their villagers with nets to make them sad or mad online so if you aren’t interested you may want to avoid or let people know you don’t want to see it
There are several villagers that are crocodiles/alligators. They do NOT have to be part of your village, as there are dozens of potential villagers. Like all villagers, they are cartoonish and friendly, they never attack the player.
The player may accidentally disturb a wasp nest, causing wasps to chase and sting you in a cartoon fashion. There are a wide variety of other insects that do not "attack", including centipedes and beetles.
But getting attacked by a scorpion, tarantual, or twice by wasps will have your characters fall unconsious, likely due to the venom in the bites/stings. There's no long term damage from this. Your player just blacks out and wakes up in front of their home.
If the playet has sadistic tendencies, they can be the island bully. There is no way to cause any actual harm to a villager, but you can hit them with your net to get a negative reaction from them.
Yes and no. When stung by a wasp your characters eye will swell. It's unclear if it's a bandage or the wasp sting. This and be healed instantly with medicine.
Some islands using custom designs have gore, blood or horror themes but you need both Nintendo online and their personal island code or dream address to see it
No but there are fleas and mosquitoes, fleas are found randomly on your villagers and you catch them to sell or earn friendship points, mosquito’s will fly around and but you if you stand still around them during summer
People can set villager catchphrases to the R word and other slurs and when playing online someone might say the R word, but it doesn’t happen in game without player interference
You have to talk to Sable for a long time to unlock this conversation, but she will tell you that her parents passed away when she was very young and so she took care of her siblings growing up.
A ghost NPC can appear on the player's island at night, though the character in question is friendly, opening up a short quest which rewards the player with items upon completion.
The game is set on an island surrounded by the ocean. There is also a river and a pond/lake. Many activities, like fishing and swimming, are tied to the water.
Though never outright stated, Coco is implied to be a gyroid possessed by a spirit. Lucky is also somewhat ''possessed'' in that he's basically an animated corpse, being a mummy and all that. However, both of them are friendly creatures.
You can eat food which gives you powered up strength to dig up trees and destroy rocks and using the toilet will remove this stamina buff, the toilet flushing as you get off it. You often can see villagers using the toilet in their houses. There is no actual poop or nudity related to that but it’s similar enough to maybe cause discomfort for some
No albeit it’s possible to have the characters Copper and Booker (from some of the previous games) show up by scanning their amiibo card (as in it’s completely optional in the first place). But even then it is solely a cameo and the game doesn’t really express any strong opinions on police one way or the other
Copper and booker do not exist in this game unless you use amiibos to see them in the cafe. Crime does exist with redd selling fakes. There are also jail items like jail bars you can buy to use on your islands
No but it may be worth noting that Blathers, the owl in charge of the museum, has a phobia of bugs. He will get distressed every single time you bring a bug to him in order to complete the collection.
If playing online it’s possible for someone to say this, and you can set villager catchphrases to various things and it’s possible for someone to set a catchphrase/greeting to “I’ll kill myself” and other similar things, but it doesn’t happen in the base game unless a player chooses to
Don't know if it counts as an eating disorder, but Lazy Villagers are obsessed with food and one conversation has them admitting that they eat too much and are out of shape.
The noise that happens when you successfully catch a fish, bug, sea creature or dig up a fossil or glowing spot may be startling to some, if you play with the sound on thunder and lightning can occasionally happen
lazy villagers have dialogue exclaiming "what if all this isn't real and we're just someone else's entertainment?" and the player will get visibly nervous. the villager will describe how illogical some of the game mechanics are. but, it ends with them laughing it off as a joke. this is random dialogue that doesn't happen often, but isn't easily avoidable either.
I think the first comment is referring to a lazy villager's dialogue where they accidentally mispronounce "psychic" as "psychotic". However, it is not intended to be ableist.
Not in the base game, but there are of course some people online that may say things. There is an automatic filter, but some things do get through. There is also a report function. Be cautious when playing online.
Clothing is not gender locked, and nobody in the game is ever mocked for wearing clothes that are not typical to their gender. For example, giving a male villager a dress will not make him react any differently from giving him a different article of clothing, and he will occasionally wear it
Lazy characters sometimes joke that they are out of shape and eat too much, but it comes off as lighthearted. It still may be triggering for those with body-related issues.
There’s a black cat character (Kiki) with rounded eyes and red lips (not “sausage lips,” though). Might not be intentionally racist but could be rather jarring, especially for a game this recent.
To add to the other comment, the major holidays that are often religious in the real world (e.g. Easter, Christmas), are made to be secular in-game, and given new names (e.g. Bunny Day, Toy Day.) Other holidays, such as Hanukkah, are mentioned in the in-game store but nothing more than items that you can purchase. No detail pages are available.
Not sure if this counts, but many in game statues based off of real statues are nude with actual male parts and nipples. They are based off of real life famous statues. The Gallant Statue is the one that’s the most well known due to having an actual male part that is very detailed. However it’s more like artistic nudity than trying to be NSFW
Not ever in the base game and Nintendo tries to crack down on sexual in-game content made by fans. It’s still possible to encounter such things so at the very least be cautious when searching for user-created designs.
Small passing comments that are usually light-hearted. The most common culprit of this, I believe, is Pascal the otter when you give him a scallop you caught while diving with a wet-suit. You can close your eyes and skip through his dialog or refuse to give him scallops entirely if you choose.
Nope, in fact a Santa inspired character (Jingle) appears in the game and there’s many Santa themed apparel. Zipper the Easter Bunny is also in the game, but many people find him terrifying
There are credits that roll when you complete 30 vacation houses on the DLC happy home paradise or whenever you go to one of KKs concerts in the plaza but the game does not end after
Pretty lighthearted when you get KK on your island. There is more content though such as paying off your debts but even then the game in general is pretty easygoing, uneventful experience. Closest is you get to a sad ending is the screen where you delete your save file
You travel in planes a lot during the game. Sometimes the pilot will joke that you have to make a water landing, but that is ok because this is a seaplane.
Nobody is hit by a car but sometimes lazy villagers may mention they aren't allowed to drive or be in a plane anymore due to irresponsible behavior while in these vehicles, nobody is described as being hurt in these instances though
A character named Gulliver will often wash up on the beach unconscious after falling off his boat, but he will always be ok and just needs your help repairing his communicator so his crew can come pick him up.
There aren’t guns in the game, but there is a cannon item and when you interact with it it’ll shoot a cannonball. If you end up touching the cannonball you won’t get hurt.
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