Una mujer le mata para comérselo, no se ve la escena pero se ven partes del animal en el suelo. A woman kills the dog for eating it, the scene its not shown but you can see parts of the animal on the floor.
Minutes 50:31 to 50:58 on Netflix. Quite disturbing cause you have seen the woman taking care of the little guy and he seemed like a very good boy. The death is not shown as it is, but the painful scream of the dog is awful. Also, the owner, the woman, is devastated.
Minutos 50:31 a 50:58. Es muy desagradable porque la señora lo cuidaba mucho y parecía un buen perro. No se ve la muerte como tal, pero sí se le oye gritar de dolor. Además, la dueña queda destrozada.
Minutes 50:31 to 50:58 on Netflix. Quite disturbing cause you have seen the woman taking care of the little guy and he seemed like a very good boy. The death is not shown as it is, but the painful scream of the dog is awful. Also, the owner, the woman, is devastated.
Minutos 50:31 a 50:58. Es muy desagradable porque la señora lo cuidaba mucho y parecía un buen perro. No se ve la muerte como tal, pero sí se le oye gritar de dolor. Además, la dueña queda destrozada.
El protagonista es atado por varios días por su compañero de celda y preparado para ser comido vivo. Luego de dejar que su cuerpo purgue, corta una parte de su pierna.
The main character is tied up and immovilized for several days by his cellmate who wants to eat him alive after letting his body purge. After Goreng purges, Trimagasi decides its time to start cannibalizing him and cuts Goreng’s inner thigh.
Un hombre cae desde una celda superior, se rompe una pierna frente al protagonista, salpicándole sangre en el rostro de el.
A man falls from an upper cell, break a leg in front of the main character splashing blood in his face.