In a world where superheroes have been real for decades, an accountant with zero powers comes to realize his city is owned by a super villain. As he struggles to uncover this conspiracy, he falls in league with a strange blue superhero.
There is a scene (S2E1) where Dot has a premonition that someone accidentally spills hot coffee on a crowd including a dog. You don’t see it, but you briefly hear the dog’s yelps.
I’m not sure honestly. There’s a moment where Arthur takes a shower in the danger boat, and danger boat talks to him and uses water and a loofa to massage him. It’s a very odd scene and it isn’t really clear if Arthur is uncomfortable or enjoying himself (probably somewhere in between)
Not necessarily, but the main character has a history of delusions and obsessive thoughts, so when he starts seeing the tick everyone assumes he’s hallucinating and don’t take him seriously