Five years have passed since the fight with Piccolo Jr., and Goku now has a son, Gohan. The peace is interrupted when an alien named Raditz arrives on Earth in a spacecraft and tracks down Goku, revealing to him that that they are members of a near-extinct warrior race called the Saiyans.
This tv show contains 114 potentially triggering events.
The main character purposefully leaves his family for a year and a half in order to continue his martial arts training.
The main character's child is kidnapped and then abandoned by the main character's nemesis to fend for himself in the wilderness(with some intervention to make sure that he didn't just die).
Vegeta is pretty absent in Trunks' life when he's young. He is also dismissive towards and bad-mouths an older version of his son. It's also stated in the Buu saga that Vegeta never hugged Trunks before.
It does take a while, but the Z fighters eventually forgive Vegeta for coming to Earth, killing several of their friends, and being a general evil person.
In one episode, the a character named Chi-Chi hires a man named Mr. Shu to ensure her son, a child named Gohan, does his homework. Mr. Shu enforces this by whipping Gohan when he gets distracted, however when Chi-Chi finds out she attacks him and tells him to leave.
Mr. Shu does not make another appearance in the show after this point.
If u consider kidnapping the child of ur enemy and training him brutally so that he can be used against enemies coming in the future child abuse then yes
In uncensored versions several characters, including Master Roshi, Bulma and even Goku, drink alcohol. It is rarely to any sort of excess or abuse and they are all adults.
I'm sure there's normal bugs too that I can't recall, but Cell is very bug-like in appearance. An important scene foreshadowing his appearance involves some of the main cast finding a cicada-esque shed skin that he left behind.
In Dragon Ball Super, Beerus slaps Bulma after she slaps him for wrecking her cruise. During the Tournament of Power in Super, one female character slaps another to snap her out of a depressed mood.
OJAndToothpaste got confused. General Blue is from the classic Dragon Ball saga (the one in which Goku is a kid), and not from Dragon Ball Z. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t ever appear in Z and, if he does, it must be something like a second long cameo. He’s SPOILER FOR THE CLASSIS DRAGON BALL AHEAD been long dead by the time of Z, and doesn’t ever get resurrected or anything like that.
On Namek, Vegeta isn't actively trying to kill Gohan and Krillin (for the most part) but he does bully them. He physically abuses and threatens them to do what he wants.
During the leadup to the Tournament of Power in Dragon Ball Super, there is a scene concerning Master Roshi attempting to overcome his perversion that heavily toes the line of sexual assault being played out on screen through sound. The "victim" is merely Puar taking the form of a woman and acting, but it can be extremely triggering, especially since it is played for laughs.
Aside from this, there are many moments in the series where female characters are unwillingly groped, one at least being a minor for some instances (Bulma). These are often played as gags.
During many fights one or both combatants will get very winded and breathe heavily or even gasp for air. Several times characters also get the breath knocked out of them, such as by getting punched in the gut really hard.
Buu turns a character into an egg and then steps on the egg, shattering it. Android 16 is blown to pieces by Cell, but as he is a robot, he doesn't die until Cell crushes his head.
Cell sucking the life out of people is pretty graphic. One man in particular is shown being drained of life and his body deflates. There are also several transformations that could classify as body horror. The Saiyans can turn into giant apes and other villains transform, like Frieza and Cell. There is usually bulging muscles or other contortions of the original form.
The Namekian race has regenerative abilities, which has often been shown off through regrowing limbs.
For example the character Piccolo loses an arm in a fight against the saiyan Raditz, only to regrow it later.
Another Namekian Nail loses his arm while fighting the tyrant Frieza, he also regrows it.
As for non-aliens though, Tienshinhan has his arm chopped off when fighting Nappa.
There are several instances where characters fighting turns into a one-sided, cruel beating. Videl vs Spopovitch is pretty infamous for its brutality. Though there are plenty of other fights, like Buu vs Gohan and the Supreme Kai and probably half of Freeza's fights on Namek, that cross the line into torture.
After Goku dies, Piccolo decides to take Gohan and train him in the wilderness. Goku's family and friends object to this, however since Piccolo is so powerful they cannot stop him from taking Gohan away.
This also happens a lot. Goku himself does it at least twice, once in the Saiyan saga and once in the Cell saga. Vegeta does it in the Buu saga. Piccolo does it in the Saiyan saga IIRC. Android 16 tries to during the Cell saga but isn't able to. This is probably not even all of the instances, but enough to say that it happens frequently.
Bulma has a couple in Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Super.
Goku has a couple of bathing scenes. More as a kid in Dragon Ball. But there are a few instances of adult Goku bathing in an oil drum hot tub.
Vegeta has one in Dragon Ball Z at the beginning of the Trunks Arc.
During the Namek saga, Vegeta hides a Dragon Ball by dropping it in a lake. There is later an underwater scene where Gohan dives in to find it. Later in season, when Frieza tries to destroy Namek, there are scenes of the lakes/seas of the planet.
In the Majin Buu Saga, the wizard Babadi is able to possess people like Dabura, signified with an M on their forehead. For a portion of the saga, Vegeta is under the Majin possession and goes on a rampage.
It's pretty common for energy blasts to leave large holes. During the Cell saga, there is an extended scene of Tien blasting Cell into a deep pit, with the camera showing inside and outside the hole.
During the Buu saga, Master Roshi farts on a dinosaur dragon monster to drive it away from a dragon ball. Takes place just after Android 18 kicks Roshi at the dinosaur.
Emperor Pilaf farts during the original Dragon Ball and blames it on one of his minions.
As for spitting, the Majin Buu saga features a villain who can turn people to stone by spitting on them.
The Dragon Balls of both Earth and Namek have been destroyed at various points. The Z Sword, an ancient relic sacred to the Kais, is broken by accident.
Possibly?? Depends on how you interpret it but one character has multiple personalities that change via sneezing. As someone with OSDD I don't mind it too much
During the Cell saga, Android 16 attempts to self-destruct in the hopes of also killing Cell. However, his self-destruct mechanism was removed without his knowledge so he can't explode. He does clearly state his intention.
Not in these exact words IIRC but there are some instances where characters openly say they're going to do something that would kill them.
Android 18 threatens to self destruct during the Cell Saga to avoid being absorbed by Cell, and Android 16 does the same thing later in an attempt to destroy Cell, but isn't able to.
There are a couple underwater scenes on Namek. In one, Gohan swims underwater to recover a Dragon Ball from a lake. During the fight between Goku and Frieza, Frieza tries to drown Goku and he is seen underwater.
There is a TON of screaming in this show. Basically any time someone powers up, which is almost all fight scenes, there is a lot of screaming as they gather energy. There is also often screaming in rage from villains, especially when they are losing.
It depends on the sub/dub. Some of them do have some swearing, such as bastard, hell, and damn. In unedited versions, Gotenks gives the middle finger once or twice during the Buu saga.
In the Buu saga, the villain Dabura was said to be "the king of the demon realm." Hell, depending on the sub/dub, is also real in-universe and bad guys end up there. In Super, Frieza is shown in Hell, but his version of Hell is flowers and cute animals that "torture" him with songs.
Master Roshi is usually the culprit for this, but there's also a subplot during the Majin Buu saga that involves Goku offering some inappropriate things involving Bulma to another character in exchange for his help.
The whole series begins with Bulma accidentally hitting Goku with her car. Later in Z, there's an episode where Goku & Piccolo are forced to take driving lessons and one of the instructors has a bad case of road rage. Hilarity ensues.
Characters are often shown with bloody lips, scrapes, and sometimes much worse in fights. Characters have had limbs torn off and holes blasted in them, too, but that's rarer. Most fights have a little battle damage blood.
Yes but guns are very ineffective in Dragon Ball, since characters have superspeed and can dodge easily, catch bullets easily, or even tank them with very little damage. An example is Gohan stopping a robbery. A criminal unloads a machine gun on Gohan, but he easily catches all the bullets in one hand and dramatically drops the bullets.
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