The main villain constantly makes the main character question his own sanity; turns his friends against him and tells people he is crazy. Another antagonist character plays mind games with the main characters later in s4, which may be considered gaslighting.
A villain kidnaps and straps a bomb to a child to manipulate sherlock. The child is briefly heard over the phone but is never shown and is rescued safely.
S1E0(Pilot) & S1E1 (ASIP) A scene shows, implying that the main character is injecting drugs. In that same scene, it is revealed that they were nicotine patches. -- In these same episodes, side characters are seen taking pills of poison. -- In the Pilot, a main character is shown being struck with a needle involuntarily, & then his previous drug use is mentioned. -- In ASIP a main character's previous addiction is mentioned several times. The landlady uses marijuana medically, but illegally, calling them herbal soothers.
S2E1 (ASIB) a main character is drugged involuntarily.
S2E2 (THOB) several main characters are drugged involuntarily, as well as side characters. A main character is also struggling with nicotine addiction & withdrawal.
S3E1 (TEH) A main character is drugged involuntarily.
S3E2 (TSOT) Nothing is explicit, but it is implied that at the end, a main character relapses.
S3E3 (HLV) A side character's son is found in a drug den; a drug addict/chemist gets beat up; the drug den is explored; a main character is found in the drug den; there is discussion of it; drug tests; discussion of addiction; involuntary drugging of two side characters & two semi-main characters; abuse of hospital issued IV painkillers; the landlady uses marijuana medically, but illegally; probably more.
S3E4/Special (TAB) takes place within a drug-induced gay fever-dream; drug use takes place both in the dream & in the regular world; mentions of overdose & withdrawal.
S4E2 (TLD) Drug addiction; symptoms of drug use, including hallucinations & paranoia; substances are shown both physically & as mental imagery; fake forced overdose on hospital issued morphine; drug cooking.
S4E3 (TFP) three main characters are drugged with tranquilizer; there is mention of medications.
Sorry if a lot of this is irrelevant, I want to make sure people have everything they may need to know.
Adding on to the previous comment sherlock’s sister mentions assaulting a female guard in the episode a final problem. While nothing is shown the conversation is explicit. I’d recommend skipping the part where Sherlock first goes to meet her alone to avoid it.
Sherlock is suffocated in S1E2 (he's fine afterwards) and John struggles to breathe after being trapped in a bonfire. John also nearly drowns in the last episode.
no cannibalism, but there is slight mention of a cannibal in s3 e3. sherlock says he had a bet with a cannibal and won, very short, not graphic. this series is safe.
S1E1 a murder victim is theorized to have taken drugs, had a seizure, & asphyxiated on her own vomit.
S4E1 a side-character is theorized to have a seizure.
In S1E3 several characters are used as "messangers" for the villain so they do not have to reveal their identity to communicate with Sherlock. They are being held hostage, their lives are threatened, and they are clearly distressed. One is killed.
In the season 4 episode The Final Problem, it is revealed that Sherlock's forgotten sister, whom his brother Mycroft and parents made him forget existed, along with other childhood memories, drowned his best friend, a little red haired boy, whom he had forgotten and thought of as a dog named Redbeard.
There is vague reference to a relationship between an adult man and a 15 year old girl that was ‘justified’ by stating that he was unaware of her age because she looked older than she was. It is implied that they shared explicit letters with each other, but had met only once
Sherlock has to throw himself off a roof to save his friends. Per Moriarty's "game" if Sherlock didn't die, his friends would be murdered by Moriarty's men.
Yes, however this is a complicated question. My comment will contain SPOILERS.
Moriarty, the main antagonist, dies in the S2 finale. This show also contains many cliffhangers where major characters are seen as dead or dying - most notably is S2 Ep3, where Sherlock fakes his own death and John grieves, unaware that Sherlock is still alive, and S3 Ep3, where Sherlock temporarily dies but gets revived. Nearly every episode includes John or Sherlock in some sort of dangerous situation, which may be upsetting to watch.
Other than Moriarty, no major character death is permanent. Sherlock and John are both alive by the end of the series.
John Watson is a military vet with a purple heart and limp who uses a cane is played by Martin Freeman who naturally has a staggered gait but I don’t know if this is due to disability or not. Benedict Cumberpatch, playing Sherlock who is heavily coded to be autistic and ASPD/NPD is not autistic and does not have ASPD or NPD that we know of and has said some ableist things publicly about autism and ASPD and conflated the two.
in S03E04, someone is a heavy drug-user, and another tells him "because you probably just od'd, you should be in hospital." he later admits that he "went to the trouble of an overdose".
Heavy drug use is also in S04E02.
S1E1 the father of two children is shot because he is a serial killer.
S4E1 the wife of a main character is shot while saving another main character. She had an infant girl.
John kinda sorta cheats on his wife in Series 3? He talks and texts with another woman, but it never goes past that. There's also plenty of other instances of other (very insignificant) couples cheating.
No but in S3E3 a character goes into a bathroom where another character they are romantically involved with is taking a bath, the audience never sees the actual bathroom.
No, but in season 4 Eurus has the ability to "mind control" people by convincing them to do what she wants them to do. The person being manipulated does not look or act possessed, however the discussion of her abilities may be upsetting to hear about if you are bothered by possession.
in S3E2 there is no visual but there is audio. sherlock and john go to a crime scene drunk, mute when he goes to look at something on the floor, you can definitely see it coming. when he gets up again he wipes something from his face but it’s not graphic
Asperger’s is an outdated, racist and antisemetic term and is used to describe Sherlock being autistic. He is also a white male autistic savant trope who has supernatural-like powers from his autism that balance out or nullify the disability part of his autism. ASPD and personality disorders are also misrepresented as “sociopaths” and so on. Sherlock is also called a “sociopath” derogatorily so I’m unsure if he actually has ASPD and is having a term used on him that does apply to him but is used in a perjorative way or they are trying to say that him being autistic makes him a “sociopath”
Yes, in the hounds of Baskerville John mentions in a rude/mocking way that sherlock could have autism. I’d recommend skipping the part where inspector Lestrade first shows up and talks with John.
The show often switches between "real life" and Sherlock's "mind palace", which can be disorienting to the viewer. In S4 Ep3 we believe there is a girl in a plane about to crash, but later in the episode it is revealed to not be real and instead inside of Eurus' mind palace. Also in S4 Ep3 we see inside of Mycroft's mind palace where he looks at the younger versions of himself and his siblings.
In S1E1 there are a series of suicide looking deaths that are proven in the end to not be suicides, in S1E2 there is a man that appears to have taken his life, this one is also proven to be murder, in S1E3 there is yet another “suicide” that is proven to be man slaughter. In S2E2 a man tries to take his own life on screen while crying, he is stopped by people around him but it is a very heartbreaking scene. S2E3 has a very graphic scene where a main character fakes their own death very convincingly by jumping off a building while their friend watches. In S3E2 a minor character is close to doing something that would make the attempted murder on them successful. This is also stopped. In S4E1 a character dying from an illness “makes their death count” and gets help faking their own death and later taking their own life. S4E2 talks of being suicidal but no one attempts.
A minor character implies that the main character will kill someone a few times solely because she believes he is a psychopath. S4E3, it could be argued that Sherlock deliberately triggers someone. People are pretty horrible to the main characters, most of whom have some form of trauma, throughout the show.
In the blog, a mlm couple gets murdered by a jealous female friend. It is not explicit on the show.
The main antagonist is implied to be gay & he dies in s2e3
An episode in s3 shows characters in some sort of "alternative universe" and one of them is obese. There are some cruel jokes about it in a short scene.
ASPD and NPD evil person trope. “Sociopath” and “psychopath” or “psycho” are also used derogatorily. “Asperger’s” used to describe autism. Autistic savant with superpowers that nullify their disability trope. Ableism. Mentally ill violent people. People locked in psychiatric hospitals. Antisemetic coded villain. Violent person with PTSD.
Irene is fully nude but the way she's sitting and standing, her breasts and crotch are covered by objects or people, or she's shown from the back. If you pause at certain points you can see her nipples and areolas.
One of the characters in s2 is a sex worker (dominatrix) and is naked in one of the scenes (we cannot see her body, though). Some dirty jokes and sex related stuff are also mentioned but nothing too explicit.
A person is shot in S1E1, in S1E2 a people are shot at but no one is hit on screen, near the end of S1E3 people are threatened with guns but no one is shot, but earlier there is an explosion caused by a bullet, S2E1 has a few brief scenes, one does have a death of a background character. S2E2 a person is in a sort of trance and tries to kill someone with a gun, but no one is hit. S2E3 main characters are threatened and a few minor characters are shot and killed. S3E3 a main character is shot but lives and a main character for that episode is shot and killed on screen, it’s a dark setting and not easy to see but still very clear. S4E1 in a fever dream a person shoots themself in the mouth but doesn’t die (it’s a fever dream), a minor character is shot with a shotgun and in one scene rather early on a character is standing on a balcony and shooting at people o the streets, it’s unclear if anyone is hit. S4E2 a person is shot in the chest and dies.
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