An elite team of FBI profilers analyze the country's most twisted criminal minds, anticipating their next moves before they strike again. The Behavioral Analysis Unit's most experienced agent is David Rossi, a founding member of the BAU who returns to help the team solve new cases.
This tv show contains 109 potentially triggering events.
S2E14 three dogs are killed by an FBI agent. We see them growling, and the scene cuts and we hear gunshots. In the next episode, S2E15 (a continuation), we see one of them dead on the ground with blood on its stomach.
Sort of - the main villain in this episode is a cult leader who se*ually abuses young girls, who he also marries. The main one of his victims featured in this episode basically worships him and is too brainwashed to understand the truth all throughout the episode. The episode ends with a very sad act that demonstrates just how brainwashed by her abuser she was.
One guy hits a younger guy with a belt. There is obvious signs of previous abuse with a belt through scars on his back. It only last a few minutes long.
There are heavy implications that spencer Reid experienced several forms of abuse throughout childhood. He was often neglected by his parents and other adult figures and was insulted, beaten, and sexually assaulted by his classmates. Most of his abuse isn’t shown, and what is shown is subtle, but it is discussed and affects him a lot in his adult life.
S2E15 an FBI agent is injected with a drug several times.
S2E16 there are flashbacks to this, and we see the drug bottles. Also in S2E16, several victims are drugged unknowingly and kidnapped.
season 13 episode 7, the unsub uses snakes to envenomate their victims and keeps like 15 different snakes (different species) in one tank who are pushed off the side of a table onto the floor, it's not obvious abuse to someone who isn't knowledgeable about snakes but for those who are its quite upsetting
S2:E21 “open season”
People are hunted in a popular hunting tourist town. You see a dead deer in the back of a truck and animal heads on walls.
S3:E6 “about face”
Duck is shot (you don’t see it) but a hunting dog goes to retrieve it in the water. It’s pretty mild but still sad for the duck.
S5: E7 “The Eyes Have It”
Tons of taxidermy of multiple animals
Avoid Season Three episode 4 (I think, will double check) to avoid the cat death of a pair of unsubs works as a euthanizer at a shelter and uses dead cats as a way to get people to open the door for home invitations. Watched the rest of the series and never noticed another cat death though I may have missed an episode, I have seen most of them. It's that one episode above that messed with my mind the most.
There is a scene that Is a few minutes long of a man beating up an adult women after discovering she was a secret FBI agent. There is punching and slapping and it is graphic.
Season 1, ep 12 there is a child abduction and when conducting a profile on the unsub, they mention that he will have a record of CP. They also show a scene of him "getting too close to the neighbours kids" and touching their shoulders.
I have created a list of what I could find: s1e4, s2e5, s2e12, s4e7, s5e5, s5e12, s6e7 (I think), s6e24 (I think), s7e12, s8e18, s10e5 (possibly), s10e23, s11e6. I don’t believe it is shown in those episodes, however it is either mentioned or implied. I also think it’s implied in s6e9 but I may have been wrong
A few incidences of teenage boys being s*xually assaulted in school settings by bullies as a form of humiliation or hazing rituals. Some were recorded and spread around the internet. You can see other students laughing at the victims, and it is played off as humorous by some characters.
I dont know the exact episode and i dont remember how graphic it gets specifically but there is an episode where girls are raped and filmed during it and that video is sent to their parents and we see the parents watch the video and im pretty sure theres sound and a brief show of the video but probably not long
In s2e11, a kid cuts his wrists to attempt suicide. The action is not shown on screen but a woman witnesses it and calls Reid, who attempts to save the kid. There is a lot of blood from it and the kid asks Reid to let him die. 41:40 is approximately when the knife is pulled out
there are some very graphic dislocations in this episode, the unsub disclocates his victims limbs so that he can manuever them like puppets basically. other than this, dislocation isnt super prevalent
S2E14 or 15 we see a child being submerged in a bathtub full of water several times. He doesn’t drown, but he struggles for air. S2E15 an FBI agent starts to foam at the mouth and collapses.
Season 1 episode 2. An arsonist sets multiple fires across a college campus, killing multiple people. One professor is seen entering a classroom, which is caught on fire by chemicals planted at the scene. He is burned alive and the team is unable to get to him on time.
Yes, very graphically. Around the 13 minute mark. Garcia can't bear to look at it and asks Rossi to say when it's over. He doesn't, but when he says "he's tender to her" it is over.
Happens twice again around 23 minutes and 38 minutes in.
Season 1 episode 8. The undercover officer is seen tied up with blood covering his mouth. A tray is shown on a table next to tools with two teeth on it.
Some of the Unsubs, mostly cannibals, cut off their victims fingers or limbs. Floyd Ferrell, a cannibal, in season 3 episode 8 and season 13 episode 5 is known for cutting of his victims fingers and either eating them or force feeding them to his victims.
There are many torture scenes, this show deals with criminals who oftentimes are sadists. If you’re sensitive to torture scenes of any kind I would highly recommend not watching this :)
It's seen to be a bad thing, but the unsub is sexually obsessed with his sister-in-law, especially the idea of her in high school, and ogles, then abducts his teenage niece when she wears her homecoming dress.
a character that is very important in the first (i think 2) season(s) dies in s10e13 but you don't see their body. they haven't really appeared in the seasons in between
They’re are no ghosts but some Unsubs see people they’ve created in their minds. Reid also has visions in some episodes of Maeve, his murdered girlfriend.
S2E14 or 15 a clothed child is submerged in a bathtub full of water several times. S2E15, nothing is seen other than the character’s face and blood running down the drain.
i did my best to catch them all, please forgive me if i’ve missed one !! s1e9 10:50 - 11:00 audio only, s2e13 6:45 audio + visual it’s sudden and jarring, s4e15 12:18 audio mostly, s4e25 , s5e7 20:30 audio, s5e9 at 4:00ish minutes a guy says “i’m gonna be sick” he doesn’t actually get sick though, s5e20 3:20 a guy Almost gets sick but he doesnt actually, s6e7 27:37, s6e17 39:30 audio semi-visual + VISUAL at 40:48, s6e23 25:18-25:50 visual & audio, s7e7 31:12 casually mentioned, s7e8 27:30 audio, s7e12 THIS EPISODE IS MISERABLE!!! be careful with the first 2 minutes it’s audio + visual and then 4:27-5:00 there’s a photo of sick in the back and they discuss it, more discussion at 7:50, s7e22 09:00-9:30 audio visu, s8e2 16:40 audio + a visual of a toilet, s8e5 visual at 2:40 + discussion of it at 6:28 + mentioned again at 7:20 and 8:20, s8e8 26:48 audio, s8e18 26:20 audio + visual, s8e23 it’s more just people coughing up blood so be careful if that bothers you, s9e1 6:00 audio & a small visual + 21:27 super sudden audio visual, s9e2 13:20 not exactly puking but it’s uncomf + a mention at 17:12, s9e14 21:42 audio & slight visual, s10e3 8:45 mention & a visual of mess + 14:30 mention, s10e6 14:30 guy acts like hes going to be sick, s11e1 25:05 audio, s11e7 2:25 a guy coughs up blood, s11e21 15:58 it’s someone spitting out chewed up food but was triggering to me + 29:26 audio, s12e18 16:04 it’s a mention, s13e1 29:30 mostly audio, s13e7 10:30 VERY VISUAL and then mentioned afterwards, s13e20 15:40 a guy coughs up blood, s14e3 12:25 only a mention, s14e5 23:05 audio.
Season 12 episode 5. The Unsub spares one of his victims, one of his school bullies, because he is found in a puddle of his own urine, after he wets himself in fear.
all main characters are fbi agents who work with the police, so yeah, but a surprising amount of episodes have a corrupt cop/security guard as the killer
Major spoiler: the unsub has D.I.D. and the alter responsible for the crimes is a woman but the unsub's body is male. I imagine this could be triggering in this category as well as the DID misrep.
Stay safe out there <33
many of the unsubs are mentally ill. multiple have ocd that causes them to kill people, which is deeply harmful given that many people with ocd are incredibly afraid of hurting someone (this is far from the only harmful portrayal of mental illness on this show, it’s just something i can speak to personally)
I'll update as I watch through the show
S1e1, S2e15, S2e16, S4e20, S8e14, S12
Some episodes talk about split personality, multiple personality as passing theories with no expansion. I haven't included these in the list as it's only ever one sentence long.
S1e1 mentions of using DID to plea insanity
S2e15 killer has DID and alters of his abusive father and archangel Raphael. The killings are based on messed up "Christian" beliefs
S2e16 Spencer's ongoing trauma from previous episode
S4e20 killer and r*pist has DID. Targets "alpha males"
S8e14 (haven't watched yet) "sadistic" alter
S12 (haven't watched yet) killer targets DID systems, pr*gr*ms and t*rt*res them to create new alters. The systems go on to harm others
Doctor Spencer Reid is heavily implied to be autistic. There are many, MANY occasions where he is interrupted, teased, or shot down for infodumping. While most people don’t actually mean any harm (the team is like a family, they just sometimes don’t fully understand) it can be painful for autistic people to watch. There are also jokes about his issues with social queues. I definitely don’t speak for everyone, but as an autistic person these gags don’t really bother me. They’re very lighthearted and typically really funny and relatable. That’s just my opinion though, so if you’re autistic as well and feel differently that’s 100% ok!!
woman shoots herself as the result of psychological torture at the hands of the UnSub. the gun turns out to be loaded with blanks so no harm done but could still be triggering.
An adult suspect, implied to be autistic/have learning disabilities, realises that he "could have saved" his sister's life, if he'd realised what was happening. He has a meltdown/breakdown and beats his head and cries out in anguish. He's restrained by several agents. It's a really distressing scene.
Season 13, episode 21. The Unsub and his wife can hear a low pitched humming sound. Only the Two can hear the sound and they react violently to it, attacking and killing their victims as they are not able to locate where to sound is coming from, as they cannot hear it.
Literally the first lines in this episode are comments on a child's weight. She probably does not have an eating disorder but these comments can perhaps be triggering anyway.
These are all I could find/remember: s2e11 (attempted), s3e15, s5e13, s5e20, s7e9, s8e23. Some do end up being murders made to look like suicide, but I hope this helps even a bit
Season 1 episode 7. The team is able to locate the Unsub in his newest visions basement. They have taken the families baby, who is crying and screaming quite hard.
There are no N-Words used but in the episode A thin line the Unsub targets and murders African-Americans and Immigrants, due to a home invasion by two black men that occurred when he was younger
Not “jokes” necessarily but some unsubs dress in woman’s clothing. Most of these characters are not actually queer in any way but it may feel a bit uncomfortable if you’re trans. It didn’t bother me (trans) but if it bugs you that’s totally valid.
Yes, there is misgendering in a few episodes. However, ignore what the other commenter said; there are no known trans characters in this show. One episode revolves around a cross-dressing man, but its is never said that he's trans.
One of the main characters says that the only people who don’t love other people are sexual sadists. I think it’s in season three or four, but I’m not sure which and don’t know what episode it happens in
Mental disability is misrepresented as violent and an inability to respect personal and legal boundaries.
Now, I will say this show usually handles minorities fairly well, but this is the second episode that I can immediately recall in which the unsub has brain damage and acts a certain way.
Christianity plays a big role in this one, both with a preacher telling a bereaved person to trust in God, and with a preacher not practicing what they preach
so i'm not really sure if this counts, but there are several episodes where an unsub believes in this stuff and maybe impersonates it or talks about it but its not too bad
s3e5 csa, implied s4e19, implied s6e8, s6e13 it’s throughout the whole episode but graphic csa description 10:40-11:40 and heavily at 27:00, s7e2, s7e19 brief,
Yes, but shown briefly. The unsub was on medication that made him gain a significant amount of weight. Doctors talk about the risks of him going off of medication because of the weight.
most of the time the BAU catch the person / people responsible for the crime and save the last victim- however lots of people die, sometimes specifically happy seeming people, and sometimes these episodes don’t end with someone being saved. additionally, if it’s a plot oriented episode (aka parts of an arc that spans over multiple episodes etc) it can be sad or unsatisfying. it’s a show about crime, death, and beyond - there’s a lot of tragic and dark content, but it’s still a good show. just be careful- if sad things or possible sad endings aren’t your thing, this probably isn’t the show for you. it deals with a LOT of heavy topics.