Three "good girl" suburban wives and mothers suddenly find themselves in desperate circumstances and decide to stop playing it safe and risk everything to take their power back.
This tv show contains 51 potentially triggering events.
It's not really abuse, but a bird is threatened in season 3. This isn't shown onscreen, but the bird is kidnapped and held hostage as leverage. No harm actually comes to the bird.
S1E4 Emma's bunny is in the van when it is stolen by the man hiding in Beth's house. The van is returned at the end of the episode, presumably with the bunny still inside.
Just started and so far no one has thrown up. One of the first scenes in the first episode shows the girl pretending to vomit into the backpack of the young boy but is joking. The sound caught me off guard as I wasn’t paying attention and thought it was real and got panicked. Fortunately it wasn’t but if you’re triggered to gagging marks mute it from 1:20-1:28. It’s just pretend but the audio is triggering.
A side character is trans, and they are in the show before they transition and early on in their transition. In season 1 they reference some bullying at school.
There is a coming out scene, and their parent is supportive. They are not deadnamed and their family is accepting and supportive
Season 2. Episode 8 i believe. Its a home birth in a Pool. It’s not really graphic and no blood or guts are shown. but there are is some questionable body excrements on Annie’s Clothes after the birthing scene when she’s on the porch with Noah.
Ben (formerly known as Sadie) is a trans boy, and is known as his deadname for the better part of two seasons. People immediately refer to him with the correct pronouns once he comes out, but Nancy accidentally slips up and calls him by his deadname once. This doesn't happen again, and she is apologetic about it.
The villain of the show is a Hispanic man who is a crime/mob boss. Initially the main characters do not know his name and guess.
*small spoiler* in later seasons, he is romanticized in a way that is a bit stereotypical
in episode 10, the older white sister refers to a bounty on their head as a “fatwa on our head”. fatwa is an islamic term which doesn’t nearly mean what they think it means and it made me uncomfortable
Blood on the more violence episodes but never gore. Scenes that show blood are very brief and only show small amounts of blood — it is only for several seconds
Several instances of characters getting shot. A violence money-launder street gang is a large part of the show.
Only one character dies from gunshots. It is offscreen, but the characters who witness the killing are very distressed. All other characters survive their gunshot wounds. Many are minor. One leaves a main character disabled.
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