Religion is a HUGE deal to many of the cats, although I don't think any real-life religion is discussed, despite some IRL religions being the inspirational basis for the fictional religions
Yes, it only shows up 2-3 times in all the books but there are cases of both purposeful and incidental abuse (incidental in the author’s part). To my knowledge there is no physical abuse between spouses (called mates in book) but there is emotional/verbal abuse. There’s a case (that being the relationship between Squirrelflight and Bramblestar) where some fans argue that abuse hasn’t taken place. This is largely because one of the authors has stated that it wasn’t abuse.
In series 3, book 6, Sol encourages a group of stray cats to take on a pack of wild dogs and trains them to do so. When the group of cats lose, some of them being killed, Sol gaslights them by telling them he had no say in the matter and taking on the dogs was entirely the strays' idea.
Yep, probably the worst case was what brokenstar did to kittens. He forced them to fight enemies when they were barely old enough to talk, and lots of them died. A few kittens were also neglected, such as crookedkit.
Yeah, lots of animals die, sometimes they die twice. Occasionally things get a bit more intense than you would expect for a kids book, but nothing too horrible.
The cats are the only ones I can think of, but they are heavily personified, so it might not be exactly what this is asking. Better safe than sorry, though- cats get sad in this series.
A character is seemingly dead and buried, however she was just in a coma (this is never stated in the books however and in the books you think she’s dead)
Yeah, quite a few cats lose their tails, or get their ears bitten off. Occasionally a cats leg will be crippled, but not removed, it just kind of drags behind them.
Debatable. There is a lot of physical trauma in the books, but rarely explicit 'torturing', mostly battle injuries. However, sometimes non-hostile characters are also physically assaulted.
Cats get their stomachs ripped out, break their bones, kill each other, etc., but nothing TOO horrible. It just depends how sensitive you are. (Definitely be careful if you look up Warriors Cats on YouTube, some of the animations are pretty gory.)
Snowkit, a blind newborn, is carried off by a hawk, some kits are stillborn or die right after birth, and some apprentices are killed in battle or by dogs.
Spottedleaf is groomed by Thistleclaw when she is a kit and an apprentice. While I'm sure there wasn't any actual sexualization, since these are still feral cats, Thistleclaw talks about becoming mates with young Spottedpaw.
A few characters are at different points attacked/mauled and even killed by other predators, like dogs or mountain lions. But there is no indication that they are actually eaten.
There are scenes in the medicine den where they have their doctors but it is not a typical hospital with machines and the like. More a place they keep their medicine, house sick/injured cats and where the medicine cats sleep
in the first arc, a main character (bluestar) suffers from dementia and severe paranoia, she doesn't physically attack anyone, but is verbally aggressive to many. there are around other two characters who go through the same or similar in super editions and later arcs. in one of the novellas, another character (mapleshade) suffers from hallucinations and kills other characters.
Disabled and neurodivergent coded characters are often treated like shit though it’s not specific to autism since the cats have no concept of mental illness or neurodivergence
sort of, in the first arc there are multiple scenes with a main character who has severe paranoia, there's also many scenes about hallucinations and trauma in almost all arcs.
Technically yes. There is a scene where a cat named crowfeather says he has nothing to live for since feathertail (his lover) died. His friends have to hold him down to keep him from running into some dangerous machines that are destroying the forest.
In the fourth arc (Omen of the Stars), a disabled character decides that they don't deserve to eat, because they can't contribute to hunting as well as the rest of the clan. While this isn't directly pointed out as an eating disorder, and passes quickly, the motivations and some of the actions (lying about having already eaten, feeling guilty about food) might be comparable to an eating disorder for some readers.
many characters are heavily traumatized by seeing others die. in the first series, this happens to two main characters, one watches another cat die but runs away and has a happy ending, other has severe paranoia after almost being murdered by a friend and has a mostly sad ending. this happens in almost every book, usually the ending is sad and their trauma isn't handled well both by the writing/authors and by other characters.
Yes and described a little bit more than you’d expect, mentioning the kittens being in a sac, and sometimes it is bloody, but other than that the birth scenes are not that horrible. It just depends on what you’re comfortable with
I disagree with the above comment, Tallstar, Jake, Ravenpaw, and Barley are at least implied to be MLM by the authors; YMMV because it's never really depicted in the books. However, no characters comment on it, negatively or otherwise.
multiple times mentors become mates with their apprentices (which is like a teacher and their student), there's an entire book about a fully grown cat grooming a teenager cat (spottedleaf's heart), the narrative treat it as a normal and even tho the teenager is heavily traumatized, the fully grown cat doesn't suffer any consequences for it, and in the first arc (into the wild) the same teenager, now fully grown, is implied and stated by the authors to love the protagonist, which was still a child/teenager at time
TLDR; yes, multiple times. it's treated as normal by the narrative even though the cats have human feelings and these are meant to be kids books.
Never on purpose though. It is just that through all the main books being written they sometimes go back in time to flesh out the backstory of some minor characters and that can lead to inconsistency in family trees but they are never really mentioned otherwise or as bad as siblings with siblings (only once had this happened and it has been removed from canon)