Yes, in a few episodes a dog is killed. For example, there are a few dogs that kill themselves because they are owned by Paris Hilton (Stupid Spoiled Wh*** Video Playset). I also believe a dog is hit by a car in Ike's Wee Wee.
Kenny Dies: Stan unfortunately does not make it to the hospital before Kenny passes and is heartbroken to learn that his final words were him asking where he was
Not sure about any other instances, but in the episode "Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride", he has an animal sanctuary specifically for gay animals that had been abandoned by people.
In "The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers" the kids are trying to return a movie to the movie store, and Butters stalks them (a parody of Lord of the Rings)
Butters is severely abused by his parents and two episodes he starts lashing out on his classmates.
Bebe is one of them in the most recent episode and another when he had to go to Hawaii for his "Culture."
It doesn't actually happen, but Steven Stotch takes his belt off with the intention of hitting Butters with it. Could be triggering since Butters is visibly scared and Steven is yelling. (The way he does it implies that it's happened before)
Butters' parents. It's very stereotyped and is mostly shown as some kind of running gag but can still be very upsetting (he gets beaten in one episode, tho it's not shown, but you can hear it).
Same goes for Tweek's parents, it isn't shown as much as Butters but still can be seen as abuse. (a few examples : not taking their son' anxiety seriously, making him work, giving him coffee with meth, pointing a gun at him to "teach a lesson")
Yes, in "Hummels & Heroin" many people are shown to overdose. In "Quest for Ratings" the boys drink a bunch of cough syrup. In Season 22 Randy opens a weed farm. In "Towelie," "A Million Little Fibers," and "Crippled Summer" the character Towelie is shown to abuse marijuana and drugs. In "The Poor Kid" and "Lil' Crime Stoppers" meth labs are shown. In "Ike's Wee Wee" the counselor uses marijuana and possibly other drugs. In "Timmy 2000" drugs are also abused. In "My Future Self n' Me" drugs are mentioned. In "Medicinal Friend Chicken" marijuana is used. I may have missed a few episodes.
A Satanic rabbit is sacrificed by their other Satanist friends in a Christmas special. The events of the episode are revealed to be a Christmas story a character wrote, but the sacrifice is shown on screen, so yes.
The action is not shown on-screen, but the aftermath is-- in Paris Hilton's scrapbook, multiple pets are shown to have committed various acts of suicide. There is at least one cat among them. (also in a more realistic art style than usual.)
Some instances, a few of the more infamous ones being in Season 11’s “The China Problem” where Indiana Jones is raped onscreen three times as a joke. One of these scenes recreates the rape scene from Boys Don’t Cry, a biopic about the real rape and murder of a trans man.
In "Cripple Fight", the new leader of the scouts threatens the boys not to tell anyone about the child pornography he produced of them by smashing his hand (inside a puppet) repeatedly with a hammer. This leaves blood on the table.
Throats get c*t alot. One specific moment of throat mutilation is in the gay fish episode, when Kanye West and his friends tie up a comedian and assault him.
In "Scott Tenorman Must Die", Cartman gives Tenorman chili that is made up of the ground-up bodies of his parents. Tenorman doesn't find out what the chili is actually made up of until later, and is horrified when he learns the truth.
Ike is kidnapped by his kindergarten teacher for reasons that fall under a different category, however he does get returned to his parents by the end of the episode
i dont think that there are any jumpscares in the series, but i could be remembering incorrectly? if any of u guys know an episode with jumpscares pls comment which i'm genuinely curious
The four main boys are seen naked in a shower in “Lil Crime Stoppers” though it is not at all sexualised and no genitalia is shown.
Clyde is briefly seen in a shower in “Marjorine” but like with Lil Crime Stoppers it isn’t sexualised.
season 1
ep 1 (Cartman Gets an Anal Probe) 8:41 and 1:58 and 2:03 and 3:15 and 20:23 all these timestamps are when Wendy is talking to Stan (a common joke in the series)
ep 7 (Pink eye) 20:30 Wendy talks to Stan
Ep 11 (tom's rinoplasty) 2:26 and 2:36 and 4:58 and 5:36 and 6:00 and 8:15 to 8:20 and 9:46 and 3:49 and 7:44. This is surely the episode with the most v* scene. Each time it's when the professor talks to Stan and once it's Mr. Garisson who v* after his operation
Ep 13 (Cartman's mom is a durty slurt) 5:56 a drunk man v* and 9:31 another drunk man v*
season 2
Ep 2 (Cartman's Mom Is Still a Dirty Slut) 13:25 Stan v* during the operation and 20:43 (SPOILER) Mephesto announces that Liane is hermafrodite and everyone in the room v*
Ep 9 (chef's chocolate salty balls) 4:39 Stan is disgusted by a scene from "Brokeback Mountain" and 4:49 Wendy talks to Stan
Ep 17 (gnomes) 6:48 Cartman v* after drinking too much coffee and 7:14 he v* a second time
Ep 18 (prehistoric ice man) 2:28 Stan v* when trying to save Kyle from a cave
Season 3
ep 12 (korn's groovy pirate ghost mystery) 19:49 to 19:55 the dog v* the corpse of Kyle's grandmother
Ep 14 (The red badge of gayness) 4:42 a drunken man v* and 7:40 Jimbo v* and 12:03 a drunken man v*
Ep 16 (Are You There God? It's Me, Jesus) 15:00 Kenny v* blood
season 4
Ep 6 (Cartman joins nambla) 4:13 Stuart v* after Kenny kicks him in the balls and 10:58 to 11:12 Stuart v* after drinking a glass full of medicine and 12:57 to 13:11 Stuart v* after doing a ride at a funfair
Ep 7 (cherokee hair tampons) 7:18 Kyle v* when he's s*ck
Ep 12 (fourth grade) 6:37 Chief v*
Ep 13 (trapper keeper) 12:54 the s*ck child v* his lung and 20:13 the monster (which is actually Cartman) v*
Ep 15 (fat camp) 5:52 to 6:25 Kenny v* after eating a manatee kidney
season 5
Ep 1 (it hits the fan) 4:48 and 7:16 and 11:53 and 21:34. Throughout the episode, a virus develops after overusing the word
"shit" and one of the symptoms is v* of the intestines.
ep 4 (scott tenorman must die) 20:38 Scott Tenorman v*
ep 9 (Osama bin Laden Has Farty Pants) 9:43 stewart v* after smelling cartman farts
Ep 11 (the entity) 18:49 Kyle's cousin v* on the plane. Audio only.
season 6
Ep 1 (Jared has haires) 6:42 and 6:47 and 7:04 Butters tries to eat while extremely full
Ep 8 (Red Hot Catholic Love) 7:45 and 10:39 and 17:14 and 17:27 and 19:52 and 20:36 throughout the episode. The characters eat by the ass and shit by the mouth (Yes you read that right) It's not really v* but it looks like it and therefore it can trigger
Ep 14 (the death camp of tolerance) 21:08 Mr Slave v* Lemmiwinks
Season 7
Ep 3 (toilet papers) 12:30 the cashier v*
Ep 13 (butt out) 3:57 Stan v* after smoking
Season 8
Ep 3 (the passion of the jew) 4:05 Kyle v* when he watches "the passion of the christ"
Ep 6 (the jeffersons) 13:19 Harrsion Yates v* when he realizes that mr Jefferson is not black (parody of some cops who want to put innocent black people in jail just for their skin color)
Ep 12 (Stupid Spoiled Whore Video playset) 1:23 & 1:48 & 3:05 & 8:30 & 8:33 Paris Hilton v*
season 9
Ep 2 (die hippie die) 10:01 Randy (in hippie) v*
Ep 14 (bloody Mary) 3:46 Randy (drunk) v* during a alcohol test
Season 10
Ep 5 (a million little fibers) 17:17 ophra's asshole v* and ophra's vagina v* after (yes you read that right)
Ep 7 (tsst) 19:28 Cartman v* black liquid
ep 10 (Miss Teacher Bangs a boy) 19:20 a man v* after being sprayed with tear gas by Cartman
Season 11
Ep 6 (D-YKES !) 12:42 mrs Garisson kicks a man in the balls and he v*
ep 13 (guitar queer-o) 16:09 Stan v* after playing too much "heroin héro" (metaphor for heroin)
ep 14 (the list) 21:43 Wendy talks to Stan
season 12
Ep 3 (major boobage) 10:35 Kenny v* after getting off the trip
ep 6 (over logging) 17:42 to 18:01 Randy watches porn where girls v* in their mouths (audio only)
Ep 8 (the Chinna probrem) 5:44 Kyle saw Indiana Jones being raped (metaphor)
Ep 9 (breast cancer show ever) 9:08 Cartman v* his panties
Ep 12 (about last night...) 4:45 and 16:20 and 16:36 many person are drunk while celebrating Obama victory
Ep 14 (the ungoundable) 14:02 Butters v* in Cartman's room when he thinks back to the taste of blood (which is actually tomato juice)
Season 13
Ep 5 (fishstick) 4:14 a man laughs so much he v*
Ep 12 (the F word) 8:13 one of the motorcycle rider v* when he realizes that Cartman shit on his motorcycle
Season 14
Ep 2 (the tale of Scrootie Mcboogerballs) 4:31 to 4:50 and 5:28 to 6:39 and 9:02 to 9:08 and 9:19 to 9:44 and 11:18 and 12:26 to 12:46 and 12:57 to 13:35 and 14:55. The episode with the most v* scene: the 4 main characters have written a book so vulgar that every time someone reads it, they v*
Ep 5 (200) 2:44 Paris Hilton v*
Ep 7 (crippled summer) 4:59 towelie v* at summer camp
season 15
Ep 7 (your getting old) 9:42 to 9:58 and 17:14 to 17:21 and 18:01 to 18:09 and 21:33 throughout the episode Stan to hallucinations of people who spits shit. Not v* but it looks a lot like it
Ep 8 (ass burger) 5:36 to 5:49 Stan is drunk and v* and 2:35 the president duck spits shit (as in the previous episode) and 3:59 Stan is drunk and v*
ep 12 (1%) 7:32 Cartman v* when he sees Clyde the frog tied to the tree
Season 16
Ep 4 (jewpacabra) 18:20 two children v* blood
Ep 6 (I should never gone ziplined) 16:57 Kyle v*. This scene is much more triggering than the others because it is not in animation but in live-action. For the first time in the show, there is a scene with real actors and during this scene there is a vomiting scene so it is as triggering as a normal vomiting scene in a movie
Ep 14: (Obama wins !) 13:03 the return of the shit-spitting duck president
Season 17 and 18 are safe
season 19
ep 1 (stunning and brave) 16:48 to 16:51 Randy v* when he is hungover
ep 5 (safe space) 16:06 Butters v* as he sorts through Courtney Love's comments
Season 20
Ep 5 (douche and a Dansih) 7:06 BB v*.
Ep 7 (oh jeez) 0:39 a drunk man v* when he leaves the community center. and 7:53 Cathlyn Jenner v* member-berries juice and 6:09 to 6:15 Randy v* memeber-berries juice
season 21
ep 5 (humelle and heroine) 1:30 the mascot v* and 8:36 the policeman v* during the autopsy
Ep 10 (splatty tomatoes) 16:10 to 16:15 and 16:28 to 16:49 all the characters realize that principal PC and vice principal stroung woman are having sex and 18:49 Sharron v* on Randy when he what they saw
Season 22
Ep 5 (the scoots) 18:42 Stan v* because he ate too much candy. It's hard to know if he v* or if he spits
season 23
Ep 8 (turd burglars) 1:03 and 9:14 and 3:22 and 4:02 and 4:14 and 4:18 to 4:27. Lots of v* in this episode
The show has a lot of toilet humor, so naturally this happens sometimes. One episode even involves a sound known as the "brown note" that causes people to soil themselves, which eventually gets broadcast on live TV and causes everyone to... well, you can figure it out.
There's LOTS of fart jokes/farts. Terrance and Phillip (one of the shows inside South Park) is mainly about farts/fart jokes.
There's an entire episode about farts and queefs as well.
Cartman gets Scott tenormans parents killed (not shown on screen, if it is its really brief) and made into chili which scott ends up eating. Not much gore, only a finger is pulled out the chili.
Ms. Garrison is depicted as sexually predatory before she transitions. While not necessarily in a sexual way, every portrayal of trans people in the show has been a depiction of them as predatory. The most notable instance was that one where a trans woman (or someone pretending to be one, it's unclear) uses her status to injure a bunch of women in sports. The other instance is in The Cissy, where Cartman pretends he's trans to use the women's bathroom.
In "The New Terrance and Phillip Movie Trailer", there is a gag where Stan's older sister reportedly had just started her period and tells him and his friends that she'll let them watch a specific TV show if they bring her tampons. Butters is sent to get her tampons but forgets about bringing them to her, leading to a scene where Stan opens the door to the house and the boys are washed away with a torrent of blood.
Tweek has anxiety, and in the episode 'Le Petit Tourette' there are alot of characters with tourette's syndrome. There are also handicapped characters with mental disabilities. Kyle occasionally shows signs of OCD, and Stan is diagnosed (potentially incorrectly) with depression. Episode 'Timmy 2000' has an entire class full of students get misdiagnosed with ADHD. Cartman definitely has something going on mentally, though it's never confirmed. Can't think of any others at the moment but I'm sure there are many more.
In episode "Ass Burgers", it's stated that Asperger's Syndrome (a form of autism) isn't real. Stan was also falsely diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome in the same episode, though it was probably just depression.
In the episode "city sushi" we can see Lu Kim have multiple personality disorder , and again lu Kim, in his psychiatrist alter misdiagnoses butters causing him to get scared of himself, destroying all his "game outfits (sheriff, doctor...)"
There is an episode called "Ass Burgers" which is about anti vaxxers and mental health. As an autistic person I enjoyed it, and I love how the episode was mocking the name of Hans Asperger, who was a nazi and bad person. It was hilarious to me, and since one of the south park creators is jewish I think they have every right to mock a nazi.
s12 ep 3 Cartman says he's going to kill himself after seeing "high scool musical" (he doesn't), s7 ep 13 Stan says he's going to kill himself during the concert (he doesn't). S21 ep 2 Cartman says throughout the episode that he is going to kill himself (he doesn't), s16 ep 2 at the end Stan forces a man to kill him then he says he is going to and he makes me, s5 ep 4 Linda says she's going to kill herself (she tries but she can't). S14 ep 3 Kenny says he is going to kill himself and he does but is revived. S1 ep 6 Marvin says he's going to kill himself (he tries but he can't). S7 ep 6 the criminal says he's going to kill himself (and he does). I must have forgotten some
The following is a list of episodes in which suicide is committed:
"Cash For Gold"
"Butter's Very Own Episode" (attempted)
"Night of the Living Homeless"
Super Best Friends"
"Cartman's Mom is Still a Dirty Sl*t"
C**n vs. C**n & Friends"
"Cartman Sucks"
"Stupid Spoiled Wh*** Video Playset"
"Britney's New Look"
"Pinewood Derby"
I may have missed a few episodes, so please read up on any you plan to watch if you need to.
Not a regular thing in the show itself but the "Pandemic" episodes have lots of very shaky cam scenes, so if it's something that makes you uncomfortable I'd recommand not watching them
The show is pretty infamous for obscene language. Almost every episode features heavy swearing. One episode counts on screen how many times "shit" is used. It ends up being like 100 times in the 30 minute episode. Another episode is dedicated to the ramifications of the N-word.
Laura (Craig's Mom) is being watched by Cartman, Butters and Kenny with a drone while undressing.
(There's probably more examples of someone being watched, but this is the one that first came up in my head.)
Kenny's mom has given birth at the end of "Cartman Joins NAMBLA" and goes into labor at the end of "C**n vs C**n and Friends." A porcupine gives birth in "Woodland Christmas Critters."
One episode, “Kenny Dies,” features Cartman collecting a stash of aborted fetuses for stem cell research. “Woodland Critter Christmas” shows Stan teaching puma cubs how to perform abortions.
R****d and its variants get thrown around a lot and one episode has a disabled character defend his right to say it. Same with "cr*ppled." Though there are disabled characters who exist outside of being jokes like Jimmy and Nathan, a lot of jokes are made at their expense. Generally a lot of casual ableism that's to be expected if you know how South Park operates.
"Mr. Garrison's Fancy New V****a" portrays transitioning as an impulse or a trend. The character does realize they weren't actually a trans woman several seasons later, but is misgendered in several episodes while they are presenting as a woman. A similar situation happens in "The Cissy" where Cartman pretend to be a trans girl to use the bathroom, but again it's hard to say because Cartman isn't actually trans, but the language used to discredit him might still upset some people.
"Board Girls" has a trans woman character (or a man pretending to be a trans woman, it's never made quite clear) who is very masculine and many characters refer to her as "him" but quickly correct themselves. However, she is still essentially a caricature used to poke fun at the issue of trans women in sports.
Other episodes misgender characters who aren't trans, such as Cartman calling Kyle a girl in "Super Hard PC-ness."
Much of the humor revolves around intentional misrepresentation. In the majority of episodes with stereotypes, it could be seen as "equal opportunity offensive" (although YMMV on even that since the show is written by cis straight white men). However, I’m not going to pretend like that’s always the case, the Trans Garrison arc has very transphobic messaging as does more or less every episode about trans people. There has been misrepresentation of native South Americans, etc. There are almost certainly more instances I don't remember.
Due to the many, many people who pass in South Park and the poor representation within the series, no, the black guy doesn't go first. But several black characters are killed at certain points in the series, most notably Chef.
Religion is a very common theme and source of mockery in South Park. Jesus is a living person and has a talk show called "Jesus and Pals." He is also almost crucified again in an early episode. Satan appears as a character in several episodes, along with his lover Saddam Hussein. There is an episode about Mormons. The Imaginationland trilogy features many religious deities. The Catholic Church and its child abuse scandal are also mentioned in several episodes. Kyle being Jewish is also mentioned often and Cartman mocks him for it.
Hell is present and extremely populated compared to Heaven, at that. Many good people, some real (like Steve Irwin) are present there. There are also demons there, including Satan himself.
There's a lot, but I'm gonna talk about the instance in "Proper Condom Usage", where a teacher with extremely big boobs takes off her shirt before doing Mr. Mackey.
Sex jokes are frequent, along with nudity (especially bare bottoms). There are also some onscreen sexual acts. It should be noted that it's generally animated in a very limited/cartoonish art style, though.
In "The Tooth Fairy Tats 2000", Kyle has a running gag where he's pondering existentialism (and fades out of reality towards the end of it) after being told that both the "tooth fairy" and Santa aren't real.
No, except for in "Grounded Vindaloop", when after only 4 cards of credits, there's an extra live action scene of a child playing Butters running into the room and saying "Fellas, I'm not grounded anymore!"
Yes, this is basically the theme of the episode "Grey Dawn," mocking how old people are terrible drivers. An ongoing gag in the later seasons shows Caitlyn Jenner hitting pedestrians. A few episodes where this happens are "Where My Country Gone?" and "Sponsored Content." In "Put It Down" many people run over children with their cars, if this counts as a car crash.
A truck runs over Kenny in "Best Friends Forever. "Put It Down" has several very gory scenes of children being run over. There's more occasions across the series.
Although much of the show is animated in a very limited/cartoonish art style, violence is quite frequent (including blood/gore) and can be disturbing at times.