Two children are accidentally switched by their parents, and neither acknowledges that they have the wrong child. When one parent goes to take her child back, the other child ends up staying with her anyways, seemingly unwanted by his parents.
In "Alone," it's revealed by the news reporter and several pictures on Sculptham's bathroom walls that she stalked Creepler to collect information on his behavior.
Bloberta mutilates herself between her legs to gain a man's affection. The result of this mutilation is not shown specifically on screen, but it is referenced explicitly and she is shown to be in pain.
Orel is Spanked/beaten in every episode (first handled as semi-comedic way, as a running gag then played seriously and for drama in the second and last season) due doing something based on the bad advice his father (Clay) gives him, at the end of the episode his father teaches him an even worst advice, and in the end of the second season Orel gets shot in the leg by his own father and gets a permanent limp due to Clay being drunk on a hunting trip, which Clay denies responsibility for. Through the series Orel is exposed to their parents fights in their toxic marriage, and everything culminantes in the last episode of the show with Orel confessing not feeling at peace in his own home.
Clay is shown to be holding a drink and/or drinking in almost every episodes, and they show the consequences of his addiction by the way he acts and by the way he treats his family. In the last episode he (Spolier) drives almost everyone away from him due to his toxic behavior.
A dog is slapped and verbally abused by a kid, and is later put down. Orel hits and kicks a cat. Animals, including deer, rabbits and a dog, are shot and killed on a hunting trip. A kid puts a live pet fish in the oven.
(SLIGHT SPOILER) There is a scene where Clay is trying to convince Orel to shoot a rabbit in part 1 of the Nature episode, however the rabbit doesn't actually get harmed.
During the "Nature" eps at the end of S2, there are several moments where you can see a swarm of fly flying and buzzing on the screen while Clays and Orel have their conversation. Even though they're just flies the whole thing made me unconfortable, so uh, just putting it just in case.
Orel’s mother deliberately mutilates her genitals with a jackhammer. The aftermath isn’t shown onscreen, but we see cuts and bruises on her thighs. Orel gets a Prince Albert piercing; he limps and complains about the pain. A man threatens to cut off his own genitals. A woman talks about how her mother had her reproductive organs removed when she was born.
There is a policeman, but he is a highly flawed character like every other adult in the town. He’s portrayed as a coward who is only brave when he’s carrying a gun. Satirical mention of police brutality.
Orel’s father, who is a severely depressed, self-hating alcoholic, becomes violent when drunk, being irresponsible with a gun which leads to Orel being shot.
The protagonist Orel is a 12 years old kid may be implied to be on the spectrum, even remarked by his grandfather that he isn’t dumb he just learn in different ways , the show is about his dysfunctional family and there are scenes which showcase physical and emotionally abusive undertones, at the end of every episode ends with Orel getting belted by his father by not following his religion dogma
Some eating sound effects are exaggerated for the gross factor. There’s a close-up shot of a woman slurping undercooked eggs. A man smacks his lips after drinking for an awkward amount of time.
The episodes “Grounded” and “Alone” have characters having panic attacks. The reasonings are different though but both still relate to childhood trauma.
Dottie has an eating disorder, and is also extremely obsessed with her physical form. She bullies Florence over her weight, which causes Florence to be even more insecure about it. Added with Putty’s mistreatment of her, Florence’s biggest struggles in-show involve her weight. In the script “Narcissism” it’s implied she stopped eating because of her loneliness and lost a lot of weight because of it.
No, but [SPOILERS] in a flashback episode with Clay’s family, it is implied that Clay shoots himself, but is soon after to be proven to be faked. [SPOILERS END]
A woman cries and protests when a teddy bear hits her on the rear. It’s implied that she’s having a flashback to being sexually assaulted. Another woman looks in the mirror and has brief, confusing flashbacks of her younger self, during which we see a convicted rapist and can assume she was also assaulted. Orel’s mother and father both had abusive childhoods, which are reflected in the way they behave and treat Orel.
Shapey and Block often scream and cry in a high-pitched tone. A baby crying is heard in a disturbing scene where a character thinks about her abortion (there’s no real baby; the sound is only in her head).
The scene from Grounded where Orel constantly is killing himself/being revived, I'm not completely sure how to say which scene this is besides the "Do you think God can see into the future?" scene, has flashing imagery with bright color contrast.
there's only one episode where they say "figg3rs", in reference to the only family in moralton who is POC, who's last name is Figurelli
however, the actual N word is never said
While there is a total of one Jewish character that is not mocked within the show (who's also a one-off character), it does nothing to shine in the face of the massive amount of antisemitism in the show. The main Jewish-Christian convert family, the Christeins, are constantly a source of ridicule. Everything from the multiple holocaust jokes made, to their steryotypical Brooklyn Jewish accents and speech mannerisms, to the direct antisemitic remark made about them once ("lousy jew"), makes the antisemitism in the show really hard to avoid.
yes, but from mean-spirited characters. they’re not really portrayed as in the right for saying these things. possibly related if those things would upset someone: a female character’s deep voice is called ugly.
i don’t remember if anyone is directly misgendered but sometimes orel’s father looks down on him because he sees him as not manly enough, and uses feminine words for him negatively
Generally it's directed at Florence, but a notable occurrence is in S2E2 when folks are picketing outside of a diner with signs about how god hates fat people.
Another is in S3E2 when Florence steps out of a shop called "Morbidly + Sized Clothing Store" with some other things written on the signage.
Moralton is an extremely conservative town, and many characters are bigoted. God's Image revolves around this bigotry, and contains scenes involving segregation against the towns only non-white family.
[SPOILER] It isn't stated outright, but in S3E6, we learn that Nurse Bendy is Joe's real mom. Joe's father is extremely old and on his death bed at this moment, while Nurse Bendy is in her 20s. In cancelled scripts, specifically for the episode "Narcissism", it would have been revealed that she gave birth to Joe when she was 12, which is much younger than however old Dr. Secondopinionson would have been at that time.
One episode has a character talk on a radio talk show about how abortion is a sin. Nobody pays much attention to him, and one of the characters in the episode is heavily implied to have performed an abortion on herself.
The frequent violence throughout the series is sometimes bloody. The blood and gore is rarely realistic due to the show’s animation, and serves for humour or shock value. It ranges from small bruises and scratches to a large, infected wound.
Orel is shot in the leg when his father drunkenly handles a loaded gun. It’s suggested at the end of one episode that Orel has shot his father, but revealed at the beginning of the next that the bullet actually hit a bottle. Orel brings a loaded gun to school and accidentally fires it, but nobody is injured. His younger brother shoots him next to the eye with a BB gun, leaving a wound. In a flashback scene, his father pretends to commit suicide with a gun.
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