Industrious high school senior, Vee Delmonico, has had it with living life on the sidelines. When pressured by friends to join the popular online game Nerve, Vee decides to sign up for just one dare in what seems like harmless fun. But as she finds herself caught up in the thrill of the adrenaline-fueled competition partnered with a mysterious stranger, the game begins to take a sinister turn with increasingly dangerous acts, leading her into a high stakes finale that will determine her entire future.
This movie contains 16 potentially triggering events.
sometimes? because it kind of switches between the watchers in real life and the screen that their watching it on, and sometimes you can’t tell if what your seeing is on the game or irl
In a way… in the first ten minutes or so we learn that her brother passed away, by showing her going into his room and telling her mom to pack up his things.
the entire concept of the game is based around watchers following the players and recording them doing their dares. the game knows where you are and tells you where to go, also alerting the millions of watchers to go there too.
People willingly endanger themselves nd their lives, which doesn't count as textbook self harm, I'd advise caution to any one struggling. Please be safe watching movies :)
ian is dared to hang off of the same crane that he was dared to hang off of the last time he played. last time he did that, his friend died in front of his eyes, so i am assuming it was a traumatic moment for him to relive. HOWEVER: he does not show that on the outside, he seems nervous about being so high up (obviously) but that’s it