The peacefulness of the Midsomer community is shattered by violent crimes, suspects are placed under suspicion, and it is up to a veteran DCI and his young sergeant to calmly and diligently eliminate the innocent and ruthlessly pursue the guilty.
This tv show contains 10 potentially triggering events.
S10 ep 1 "Dance with the Dead": an older lady has dementia and hasn't seen her brother since he left for WW2, she thinks he may still come back and prepares things for him
In 'Death in Disguise' it's briefly mentioned that a boy that lives with them who doesn't speak was found on their doorstep years ago, but we don't see it happening.
S7 Ep5 'The Maid in Splendour', a woman slaps her adult (20s) daughter and calls her stupid, although this is a singular event and they usually have a close relationship.
There are often murders of women, some more violent than others, but equally as many violent murders of men in the series. It does not feel like the violence is focused on women
S9 Ep5 "Death in Chorus": SPOILERS: A man keeps his wife drugged so she forgets something she saw and she becomes extremely sedated and confused. He keeps her from leaving the house and cuts off the telephone lines
'Blood Will Out': someone is threatened and about to be beaten by a belt, but they get away SPOILERS---- this happens between father and adult daughter, it's implied this has happened before when she was a child.
'Faithful Unto Death', cannabis. Worth mentioning Barnaby unknowingly eats some cakes spiked with cannabis, and doesn't know why he's behaving differently__________'Death in Disguise' a character has a drug addiction and we see them behaving under the influence but we don't see them injecting or ingesting it
Only mentioned, not shown or described in detail. A woman is recalling that her childhood best friend used to experiment on wild animals like rabbits and squirrels by giving them valerian to see how long they’d stay unconscious. Most of the animals died, unfortunately
Episode 'Written in Blood': a drama teacher frequently eyes up his 15 year old student, and later has sex with her - unfortunately the show frames it as the girl 'seducing' him
S5 E2 A woman is shown thrashing around, half-heartedly trying to attack another woman with her cane. The other woman grabs her by the arms when she drops her cane, but only to get her attention and stop her from being anymore violent.
'The Fisher King': a man sexually harrasses a woman after she tells him she's not interested. He puts his hand under her shirt and later tries to sexually assault her while she shouts to stop, but she gets away._________ another woman is scared because she knows her husband is planning on having sex with her that night and she doesn't want to, so she quickly leaves the party.________ a rape that happened many years ago is also discussed but not shown.
In 'The Killing at Badger's Drif' two people are stabbed to death____________'Death of a hollow man' a man slits his throat with an old fashioned razor, but we don't see blood, w hear gurgling though. Same episode a woman is slashed with a razor___________'Death in Disguise' someone found dead with a knife in them
'Bad Tidings': a character is in a river with a group of friends, they hold her head down in the water but she does not drown, and we see it from a distance
Ep. 'Dark Autumn': the victims die by being stabbed in the neck, and the police say the heads were 'nearly decapitated' however they are not actually decapitated, and all we see is blood on the neck of the dead body.
S5 Ep. 3 'Ring Out Your Dead': the other comment is describing the wrong episode. No one drowns in animal waste in S5 ep3, but someone has an asthma attack and then is pushed into the river and drowns (they die instantly on hitting the water & there is no struggle in the water)
'A Tale of Two Hamlets': no seizure, but someone has a heart attack while being electrocuted and we see it in slow motion, I don't know if this would be triggering
Although there are usually multiple murders in an episode, and we often see the dead body, there is not excessive gore and the injuries are usually things like stab wounds. If someone has been killed in a more gorey way (e.g. decapitation) we are usually not shown the injuries, and see the police's reaction to them seeing the body instead.
Not in series 1, but worth mentioning in 'Faithful Unto Death' someone is found dead after drinking heavily, however we find out this was not the cause of his death.
S8 Ep.3 "Orchis Fatalis": first scene two people are walking through a river at about knee height, but there is no danger. We also very briefly see a pond, and later a man tries to jump onto a small punting boat which is on the river
S8 Ep 1 "Things that go bump in the night": there are multiple seance scenes, and the woman doing them speaks in a voice which is supposed to be from someone dead, and appears possessed. There is also scary screaming heard around the room whilst this happens.
S5 ep3 'Ring out your Dead': the other comment is describing the wrong episode. No dogs vomit in S5 ep3, but a woman does. We see her put her head in the bushes and hear it happen
In 'The Killing at Badgers Drift' and 'Faithful Unto Death' and 'Death in Disguise' Detective Barnaby searches a house he knows he doesn't have a warrant to enter.
Ep 'Judgement Day': The detectives do an interview at a psychiatric hospital with the head doctor, talking about a previous patient who was there. It takes place in his office, and we don't see any patients being treated.
S8 Ep.3 "Orchis Fatalis": near the end of the episode a man is in a hospital bed with a cast on his broken foot. We don't see anything more of the hospital
In 'Death in Disguise' not confirmed autistic, but there's a boy who doesn't speak, and Barnaby says 'can't or won't speak?' but someone corrects him, and he is much more understanding from there on and there are no more comments like this.
S9 Ep2 'Dead Letters': two scenes where this happens, including the very first scene. Two Characters are drugged before being murdered, this causes them to hallucinate voices telling them to kill themselves or others. It also makes them very disorientated and there is shakey cam
Ep 'Judgement Day': Not an anxiety attack but resembles one: a character is poisoned and we see the room spinning very fast timestamp 1:04:08 - 1:04:42
Ep. 'Dark Autumn: not major, brief mention: SPOILERS ----A character discusses how their parent died years ago via suicide because they had an illness which caused them to loose their looks and become 'ugly', and so also lost their job as a sex worker. However none of this is shown on screen.
The first scene is extremely graphic and was very triggering to me. A man appears to kill himself by setting up a shotgun and indirectly pulling the trigger. The blast blowing open his chest is shown and it’s pretty sudden. I’d highly recommend skipping this scene because it was very disturbing and upsetting to me.
S8 Ep 1 "Things that go bump in the night": prolonged screaming at the start when a woman finds a dead body. Goes on for longer than usually happens in most midsomer episodes. There's also a scene later during a seance where scary screaming is heard around the room
This happens a lot in Midsomer Murders, and is in most episodes (e.g. a killer watching a victim, or a nosey neighbour watching next door). Some examples include: S8 ep2 "Dead in the Water" characters watched by police via a telescope, and take pictures of these suspects
Sgt Troy often uses offensive terms, particularly when talking about LGBT people. DCI Barnaby usually points it out to him quickly and tells him off.
Additionally, some outdated vocabulary is used in the early series.
'The Fisher King': relationship between a man in his 20's and an older woman. ________ also, we hear that many years ago, a female character was raped when they were 16 by their employer
S10 ep 1 "Dance with the Dead": there's a character who is a retired man who does photography, he has a room full of erotic photos of young women. There's also a scene where's at a dance taking photos of just the girls/women (unsure if under/over aged), including encouraging them to show their stockings
Ep. 'Death of a Stranger': There is a character who is homeless, he is portrayed as incoherant, and everyone (including police) refer to him as a 'tramp', and someone calls him a 'stinky tramp'
'The Fisher King': death involving water: someone is mudered by being hit over the head, and they fall in the river. There is no struggle as they were already either dead or unconscious
A man is graphically shot in the chest with a shotgun and there is a decent amount of blood. The body is repeatedly shown with excessive blood spatter. His housekeeper finds his body and goes around the town telling everyone about how much blood there was, etc.
In the beginning of the episode there is an extremely graphic killing. A man is shot through the chest with a shotgun. The aftermath is shown repeatedly and is pretty grisly.
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